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Everything posted by Bahamut

  1. I loved seeing this mix develop from its initial baby WIP form, and man this ended up grand. Not only does it sound jampacked due to the full fledged band, but it manages to keep all of those instruments well mixed (although a tad on the bassy side as mentioned earlier in the thread) & well satisfied by keeping it varied. The song itself is bouncy and fun as hell as Kirby songs should be in general. Great introductory mix, and I hope the Plaid Muffins returns from their hiatus sometime soon!
  2. This is a well done mix - the two Sunset Riders mixes really make me want to play the game, they're pretty sweet. The synth usage to start the song is great, helping relax the feel some. The electric guitar afterwards then sets the tone. The introduction of the acoustic after an interlude by the synth adds a very nice touch overall though. The blend of instruments really shines in this departure into the sunset!
  3. No, you may not have this Swords Dance so don't even think about it! I get the image of a relatively lighthearted scene with a slow dance. The mix starts off a bit strangely, but when the sax hits, the song rolls like butter. There is a bit of chippiness used in the background for a nice touch as well. The song gets a little strange in the second half as well. All in all, solid stuff from Blake, and even the strange bits add a nice touch to the song.
  4. Jewbei has been cranking out some solid trance mixes as of late, and this mix similarly does its job. It's a darker mix yet it gets you to space out all the same. I find it hard not to like what Jewbei does and this mix is no exception .
  5. Would afternoon tea with SnappleMan's mom be this gentle? I would imagine it to be a ruff and tuff affair. The mix is a nice dainty take on a similarly natured source. It's pretty conservative, but it accomplishes its job solidly. Now if we can only convince more people to mix Terranigma...
  6. A Lufia 2 mix! I'm personally not a fan of the extended start & how synth-centric it is while not containing any source, the mix goes into the classic boss melody. Similarly, I don't like when that synth reenters as the lead. It just bothers me for some reason . Otherwise, the song is alright - I wish there were more Lufia 2 mixes so it's always nice to see some coverage.
  7. This is a fun song for a fun source, although a bit harder than you might expect from Cranky with that electric guitar and whatnot. Overall, it's a pretty simple song & while there's a few mixing issues at times, it's generally solid.
  8. This is a relaxing & rolling piano song. There's a nice touch on the playing, which seems to bounce along as the song goes through the fun source of Powell. It's a bit short, but sweet in what it does, and doesn't really make itself out to be anything else, which is always a plus. I hope to hear more in the future .
  9. I don't recall ever hearing this mix for some reason. I only noticed it because it's listed as a Sixto mix . This is a pretty nifty mix, and Sixto's influence really shines through here. It's hard for me to pick out what Dustin did and what Juan did, but in particular I love the guitar combined with the drumming, especially when the snare drums go into their hard hitting rhythmic pattern with the guitar soloing on top. The arrangement gets a little repetitive towards the end of the song, which is unfortunate, but the song is built strong enough to keep your attention at the least.
  10. Ah wow, I forgot all about this mix - I need to listen to Threshold more, I've got nothing but good memories of the album, and this song certainly is a nice one on the album. It is a dark brooding mix that carries the atmosphere pretty well, and is fairly unusual in that it remains interesting throughout for such a long and serious piece. Good job on this one, it's certainly a standout as far as piano mixes go on the site!
  11. Of course! There's quite a few gifts I've seen sent so far that have cost very little, which is nice - it's the spirit of the holidays after all!
  12. I've just been going in reverse chronological order mostly, although there were a few mixes I reviewed that I never reviewed before (also I'm not as familiar with a lot of the newer mixes because of my 7 month hiatus).
  13. Belted out 18 reviews today so far - join the party people!
  14. Robbie's vocals are <3 . So damn good, and he builds his music for them in a great fashion. This upbeat rendition does a good job with the source and gets it moving while keeping it fun .
  15. Man, this album is full of class, and this song is no exception. This is more reminiscent of older hip hop to me with some of the minimalism found here, and the smoothness. I like how this song uses just the right amount of rapping with how it's built. Very nice!
  16. Actually, it's not really about avoiding carbs - it's just cutting down on portions in general. Avoiding candy & soda and the ilk is of course good. If you exercise regularly though, you need the carbs, or your body then starts to become more taxed as it tries to break down fat & as a result you do less and get less from workouts. Contrary to popular belief, unused carbs don't convert to fat, but glycogen for ready conversion back into sugar for the body to use. It is very important to replenish glycogen after workouts so you can get the max out of your next workout! Otherwise I agree though .
  17. Well this is a surprise, a nice jazzy uptempo song by Jose. It has a mystique to it that the synths lends, as well as the keys. I like this feel that is kept throughout the song by various devices and kept fresh. The flow is accomplished almost effortlessly, giving a smooth glide through the song. Solid & unexpectedly good stuff from Jose!
  18. Damn, this is a pretty serious mix! The blend of Brad's sax with Stevo's guitars is done pretty well here, really showing a battle off between the two when it kicks off. I think this mix gives a little tease that something more could have been done with the battle when it escalates near the end, but what's here is good stuff, showcasing an unusual combination in a smooth fashion. Love what you guys all did here in building a song around two instruments that often tend to be dominant and getting it to mesh together in an entertaining fashion!
  19. I'm surprised this mix doesn't have more reviews - it's easily one of the best mixes to have come out this year so far (although Wild ARMS comes out in 5 days so perhaps there might be some serious competition there). I absolutely love operatic vocals, and they're used to good effect in this neoclassical blend of electronic & more traditional orchestration. The arrangement is done in a tasteful fashion that really shows off Josh's classical flair & understanding. This is an absolutely gorgeous song and easily a crowning moment for the community! I don't think there is anything done by the community that is anything like this in scope & grandness so far.
  20. Lotta Blake this year it seems. This is a pretty happy & upbeat song that should bring a smile upon listening (unless you have no soul). I don't have much to say other than this, it accomplishes what it sets out to do & utilizes various effects to add some spice to the song.
  21. Aw man, that's too bad :( . If you ever end up in the NoVA area, you should chill with us! Also, you should go to MAGFest if you can!

  22. I really love this mix, and it's decidedly different from the chippy stuff Ben loves to make. It has an organic sound to it, and a vastness. It really is one of the defining tracks for the Threshold album, and a great listen in general. I'm surprised this doesn't have more comments/love .
  23. A chill mix that's different than the usual array of WillRock. It has a happy sound to it that the keys and synth lends to it, as well as the flute. So does this mean the Slowpoke dance to this song?
  24. What a chill take on Ken's theme! It's an enjoyable trek through the past and does a great job in setting the short but sweet mood. Good job .
  25. Protodome in a mix that's over 2:30 long? Stop the presses ! This is a pretty classy take on the Marble Zone classic. I feel the mixing is off on the mix with the beat way too far in the front compared to the rest of the mix, and the mix needing to be louder. The mix doesn't do much fancy, but it isn't meant to as far as I can tell. It is more of a mood setter than anything else, so I can forgive that here . It does its job pretty well, I just wish the mixing were better .
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