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Everything posted by Bahamut

  1. This is a short peaceful mix that captures a picture of resting on the beach with the waves swaying back and forth. It doesn't pretend to do anything other than set a peaceful mood that drifts on, which makes this a perfect mix for the shortness. A nice addition to the collection, I hope to hear more of a similarly peaceful nature! (or surprise everyone )
  2. Where are you situated? djpretzel, Disco Dan, diotrans, Kiyzr, and Palpable are also situated in NoVA!

  3. I couldn't help but djp to the song as soon as it started - good job setting the base of the mix down here. The usage of the piano to start off with the melody is done well, as that buildup to begin the mix can make it difficult to progress from there. I feel the mix ends too soon though for all that time spent building it up in the beginning. It wanders around and then goes to the end - not a fan of that. There's good stuff here, I just think it can be taken to another level though .
  4. Fishy without guitar? Say it aint so! This mix sits in an interesting place. Not only does it lack the guitars, but it goes in a direction not heard by most here from Cain. It's a peaceful mix, but it has a serious feel of moving towards something. The keyboard synths really add a quirky feel to the song. I'm not sure how I feel overall about it, but it is certainly an intriguing listen.
  5. Good stuff, I'll take any good metal mix any day . I think the rhythms would benefit from a heavier sound to them for this song, it'd give them more oomph. Otherwise, I like the rock & rolling feel this song has. I have to agree with djp & the judges on the ending - what a copout to a generally solid mix! Continue with some soloing before an end or something! I'd love to hear more though!
  6. Theophany has been quickly getting on my radar for his work in general, but especially in some of his album project mixes which you all will get to hear soon with Wild ARMS and DKC 3. This mix is no exception either though with how it blends electronic & orchestral elements in a solemn and sad mix full of solitude. The irregular (in terms of how it fits on a superficial level) beat later on serves to highlight it in a way, building a bit of a feel of panic into the song. Theo's crafting of this mix is incredible, and his work is fast becoming notable on a high level to me - keep it up!
  7. This mix really starts off nicely - I like what is going on in the background, and of course I absolutely love string instruments so hearing one in the forefront is always nice in my book . Sometime after a minute in everything sounds on the quiet side though for a minute or two. I know some of it is by design, but it seems a little too quiet to me. The build of this mix is great overall though, nice use of orchestration to bring the song into greater suspense of a lurking/brooding kind. The electronic element is subtle which is a nice and somewhat rare thing to see. Great job overall!
  8. This is a pretty chill mix, I like it! It's a little on the short side though. The atmosphere is nailed pretty solidly, more delicate & with a sad tinge than any music you hear throughout Metroid Prime. The concept is also done pretty well, but that's tied in with the atmosphere. It's a good listen when all is said and done, but I can't help but be left wanting more .
  9. Both Rexy and you are good to go with the people who have you for SS.
  10. You mean zyko. Also, Mega Man Xtreme 1 & 2 are just chiptune versions of the music from X1 - 3.
  11. Why is it the chocobo theme that always leaks? Also, this track makes me just laugh .
  12. Kroze gave the camera back - we've been recording all the panels, but I just wish they'd get posted sometime.
  13. Up to 60 reviews - been in a pretty good mood today for reviewing tracks. Let's go defeat the evil OA people!
  14. This is certainly one of the more organic tracks Shariq has done. This piece goes a more mellow route, although the drums still see some action throughout. It still manages to keep some pace despite its mellowness, which I've always seen as a trademark of some of Shariq's tracks. It might be a tad on the repetitive side for some, although I'm fine with it here. It's a nice enjoyable piece for listen every now and then in the background to me, which is what it aspires to be as far as I can tell.
  15. A classical duet! I absolutely love it when a violin is played, and so this mix makes me pretty happy in itself. It is incredible that they pulled off a nice 10+ minute track out of Metroid music. You can definitely see the skill exuded in this mix, as any mistake in these two instruments stick out like a sore thumb and that these are the only two instruments highlighted. Great job by Gabe and Sam here!
  16. This mix is pretty badass - it's definitely one that you headbang to. I can't help but laugh at the vocal clips inserted here though. The song is nice, although I can't help but wish it was longer. I feel like there's room for more crazyiness like incorporating the theme song. It's still a good solid listen to be enjoyed though .
  17. Oh Will, you just had to insert your name into the title didn't you? This mix is pretty chill and is yet another highlight of Will's synth style. It's slower than a lot of other songs by him, which is a change of pace, but hey, every artist has to have some variety. I don't really have much to say here, as Will has gotten pretty solid at catching my attention with his synthwork to deliver some goodness every time.
  18. I find myself djping & tapping my foot to this song. It's a grittier song when comparing it to some of Morse's other songs, which is alright by me. That guitar & grungy synth really adds a contrast to the rest of the song. How the song winds down towards the end seems a bit sudden to me though - I'm left expecting more and then it's all over . Regardless it's still enjoyable like any Morse track .
  19. Man, this mix sure got neglected. It's a nice chill mix that you can zone out to. The guitar is a nice touch to the song, as well as the chiptunes that Drew so loves to add. The song somehow just feels so short, but part of that might be how well the atmosphere is nailed here. I do think I would like to see a little more though.
  20. This has an interesting style to it - I haven't listened to a lot of jazz fusion so I'm not quite familiar with the genre, but this piece goes in some entertaining directions for anyone who enjoys progressive music. It accomplishes moving the listener through a journey, which is a must for a genre like this and I'd say that Tony does a good job in that department. It may not be something that catches on everyone's ear, but I recommend people give it a fair shake of several listens! It certainly is one of the more serious pieces that you'll find on OCR.
  21. This mix starts on a formulaic note, but branches out around 2 minutes in. I don't know how I feel about this to best honest - the sound of that mid high synth sort of bugs me a bit. The shift to the sampled guitar sounds completely apart from the earlier portion and I feel should be split into two different songs IMO. Production could use some refinement too, everything sounds a bit on the plain side and the song feels empty - maybe an addition of an instrument or two might help. There are some good ideas in the song - I do like some of the mechanical elements, they make you want to get up and do some random dance. I feel some snazz would bring it out a lot more, and/or utilizing more mechanical sounding effects/sounds.
  22. I know what you're talking about - I got stuck there in my first play of the game and quit for a while before starting over and eventually figuring it out. You should go back and play it though, the game is a sweet play, and has one of the saddest game endings there is, if not the saddest.
  23. I got to hear this mix awhile back, and it's a nice relaxing listen throughout. It really exudes some country vibes to me and in a way I can approve. Great mix from Stevo, definitely a highlight in his repertoire!
  24. Blake sure likes his mixes short and sweet. It lends itself to looping in the background pretty well. Also that title is so wrong but so Proto-Dome
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