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Everything posted by Bahamut

  1. I'm no lawyer, but from what I remember, it can be argued that using any commercial music for educational purposes falls under fair use, so using something like an OC ReMix should fall under it as well.
  2. So Saturday night I did a little PT - 21 thrusters with 45 lb weight (squats + shoulder press), 21 pull ups, 15 thrusters, 15 pull ups, 9 thrusters, and 9 pull ups. It destroyed me, I needed assistance with the pull ups.
  3. There has been a complete redesign of OCR in the works for a while - the new version looks pretty hot.
  4. Time for my Round 3 comments! Hylian Lemon - Hornet of Legend The overall design reminds me of Tales of Phantasia's soundtrack. The song appears to be built pretty well, although that background instrument gets a bit in the repetitive side with how long it plays throughout, but thankfully it is placed in a good place. Pretty solid effort I feel. Nutritious - Blast Counter I'll be honest - this song didn't really pique my interest too much. The build seems solid for the most part, but it feels a bit on the disjoint side with the different angles the song goes at. Gario - Dr. Wiwwy, Polarized Interesting mix, relies heavily on an interpretive take on Magnet Man. It kept energetic, although in a bit more of a snazzy way. Solid overall as far as I can tell. Geoffio - Proud Warrior of a Forgotten Kingdom This song seems unfinished . The piano performance is a bit mechanical sounding at times. Obtuse - Bring the Heat The song sounds on the thin side - it needs more instrumentation. Xarnax42 - Tower Power Boogie The mic placement needs some improvement here - the recording sounds quite cheap, although it is reminiscent of old western flicks. Neblix feat. AMT - Shining Groove Looks like Neblix went and gave it a lot of effort. AkumajoBelmont - The Fall Akumajo sure loves those vocals - they have a certain charm to them. Something about the arrangement doesn't feel that great to me here - perhaps it's incomplete? Amphibious feat. C7 - Robot Lounge Chill mix - did someone say Robot Museum? That lead synth to start sounds a little on the dry side. TheGuitahHeroe - Wily's Bubble Bath The mix is hard for me to get a gauge on - it didn't hold my interest that strongly. The balance with the instruments could have been worked on some I feel. Phonetic Hero - Planes, Trains, and Auto 'n' Beat Weak ending . Jakesnke17 - Combustive Implosion Thanks everyone for your mixes! Sorry for the lame comments...I'm kinda too tired to really focus enough atm.
  5. And here we go, take that OA! 12/01 http://ocremix.org/forums/showpost.php?p=824733&postcount=18 http://ocremix.org/forums/showpost.php?p=824736&postcount=12 http://ocremix.org/forums/showpost.php?p=824739&postcount=17 http://ocremix.org/forums/showpost.php?p=824742&postcount=11 12/02 http://ocremix.org/forums/showpost.php?p=824747&postcount=15 http://ocremix.org/forums/showpost.php?p=824753&postcount=12 http://ocremix.org/forums/showpost.php?p=824760&postcount=9 http://ocremix.org/forums/showpost.php?p=824768&postcount=17 http://ocremix.org/forums/showpost.php?p=824771&postcount=17 http://ocremix.org/forums/showpost.php?p=824774&postcount=19 http://ocremix.org/forums/showpost.php?p=824779&postcount=6 http://ocremix.org/forums/showpost.php?p=824785&postcount=16 http://ocremix.org/forums/showpost.php?p=824792&postcount=9 http://ocremix.org/forums/showpost.php?p=824796&postcount=34 http://ocremix.org/forums/showpost.php?p=824798&postcount=26 12/05 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http://ocremix.org/forums/showpost.php?p=828199&postcount=5 12/16 http://ocremix.org/forums/showpost.php?p=828244&postcount=39 http://ocremix.org/forums/showpost.php?p=828351&postcount=18 http://ocremix.org/forums/showpost.php?p=828354&postcount=13 http://ocremix.org/forums/showpost.php?p=828358&postcount=35 http://ocremix.org/forums/showpost.php?p=828361&postcount=26 http://ocremix.org/forums/showpost.php?p=828365&postcount=18 http://ocremix.org/forums/showpost.php?p=828369&postcount=12 http://ocremix.org/forums/showpost.php?p=828374&postcount=11 http://ocremix.org/forums/showpost.php?p=828383&postcount=52 http://ocremix.org/forums/showpost.php?p=828391&postcount=25 http://ocremix.org/forums/showpost.php?p=828406&postcount=12 http://ocremix.org/forums/showpost.php?p=828468&postcount=70 Total Review Count: 91
  6. This is pretty unique as far as piano pieces go on OCR. I really like the recording quality a lot compared to a lot of others I hear for the piano. The arrangement also stands out for remaining in the higher octaves for the most part. It has a sense of mystery to it that I like. The performance isn't without flaws, but this is a pretty good job.
  7. Ha, this mix brought controversy unexpectedly. I feel like the execution in this mix is lacking in the production arena. The wubs are not nice and fat with the low end, and the synths are lacking. The song fares better later on, but those issues being fixed really could help the enjoyability of the mix I feel. The arrangement is pretty good here, it's just a bunch of production issues that sort of drag it down some for me.
  8. Ahh Mazedude, what crazy things have you concocted for this mix? This mix exhibits an interesting take on the original for sure. While the original is more ominous & lacks a melodic pattern that you'd notice, this one has more of a groove to it and a defined melody to get hooked on provided courtesy of the synth. Something feels like it's missing here though - maybe the bass needed to be more prominent? The arrangement certainly is there, especially if you compare it to the original, and once you do that it's not too hard to appreciate.
  9. Solid mix here, this song goes places and can't really be accused of remaining in one place which is always nice to hear . It has direction and moves with a purpose. The song rests a little on the quiet side overall for me. Other than that, this is a nice orchestral take that does its job pretty well, and I don't have too much to say about it. I guess the song could use a little more instrumentation and maybe more string usage, but the results are pretty good here.
  10. I can see the Muse influence somewhat - I think to really hit that here, that synth needed to have more presence in the first half. As it is, it sits sounding too thin throughout the whole song. Interesting arrangement for the most part though.
  11. I didn't comment on this mix already? This is a sweet mix by Sir J, and he has been impressing as of late with this and his MM9 album mix. And Gitaroo Man at that! That break at around 4:30 is done very well - it really catches me and endears me to the song more. If there's anything I have to say could be tweaked, it would have to be the slightly overcompressed sound the mix has. The song could use some more clarity to bring out each instrument better. Great job with a great source!
  12. Just like Andy, I completely missed the meteoric rise of dubstep until I got out of my 5 month trek through boot camp. I've been rarely disappointed by Andy's music, and this mix is no exception. It doesn't use the wubs as a crux for the whole song, and does some more intricate things here. My only real letdown here is how the song ends - it's lame!
  13. While the production quality on this mix tops the original, I think the vocal usage in this track is weaker - the use of more vocal tracks would be nice, especially in sections like the orly/yarly. It just doesn't have the same effect with Shael saying it in one breath. The mix also sounds a little overcompressed and the guitars suffer for it. Give me the classic OLR version!
  14. Jeez, has it been a while since the Pokemon album was posted? This here is a late bloomer. This is a nice happy & relaxing chip hybrid track, or what halc lovingly calls 9bit. It doesn't overstay its welcome, but I do wish there was some more to it somehow. Hard to really hate this mix though, the Pokemon sound effects have to make you smile!
  15. DarkSim lays down some smooth untz here for our own good. I think the throaty mid-lows could have had the bass boosted some for good effect in the first half of the mix. Actually, a few areas in the song could have used some more bass to add more of an effect and help fill out the spectrum nicely. The arrangement is solid here, I dig it quite a bit. With some production tweaks, this would be a great mix.
  16. This mix instantly comes to mind.
  17. A nice calm mix here. The guitar sounds a bit strange to me where it's at in the mix - perhaps it's the recording that sounds weird to me here. I think an acoustic guitar would sound better for this mix, the electric clashes too much with the atmosphere for me. Otherwise, the feel of the song is good overall. The song sort of cruises along. I don't know how I feel about the static used in the ending. These are minor details though.
  18. Congrats to JH for his first mixpost! Connor is steadily improving with the vocals, although I do wish the breathy quality would go away . A little before 2:00, it reminds me a little of . Perhaps the song could have went a little longer with that last part to enhance the feel of finality.Good job with this though, a fairly good execution here with this mix.
  19. Yay, a WillRock song with a synth lead again! ...And chiptunes? Surprising. The song sounds thin for some reason to me - maybe it could've used a little more in the mid areas at times? Something bothers me about the thinness, but overall the song sits in a good place & goes places you don't really see with Mega Man music.
  20. Oh hey Justin goes through a deployment and gets back to a mixpost. The first thing that pops up is that the song sounds loud, and a tad overcompressed. Other than that, the song has a solid flow to it and as Justin said, wrote itself. There is a dark/depressing feel cast throughout the song which is nailed well - definitely reminds me of some death metal out there. This is a good full listen for the most part!
  21. For some reason that lead synth just catches in my head. Sweet mix, if a bit on the simple side arrangement-wise. There are some areas where I think it sounds a bit dry, like that one part where a wub comes up - it has a strange sound to me and it could use some tweaking there. Otherwise, good job! This is a pretty creative take on what is pretty much a traditional Castlevania melody.
  22. Would do it if I had money to throw . Maybe after I finally get paid what I am owed...
  23. For what it's worth (& to clarify on my earlier post), I get it, but I also think it backfires - I've seen those fake university shirts and the first thought that comes to mind when I see someone with one is "trash" due to the nonsensical branding of [insert topic/brand/etc.] as a university for the sake of parody, especially for someone familiar with many universities. I know I'm not the only one with that viewpoint, as I've asked my brother for his thoughts and he thought it was bad because it wasn't a sports or university related shirt. He wouldn't wear a shirt with logos anyway, but the university approach adds another negative as far as fashion goes. The trend is one of those polarizing fashion trends, and I definitely know a lot of people with a strong distaste for those shirts. As is evidenced, I posit that there's no good reason to print such a shirt as official merchandise at all. I'd much rather have a black or navy blue polo shirt with a small OCR logo or Larry's suggestion of possibly replacing the SNES controller with an NES or Genesis or some other console controller, or something intricate like a concert-like shirt.
  24. In total agreement - I think the "OverClocked University" thing is bad fashion sense .
  25. Well that's good to hear - I saw his posting in his own entry on FB and was curious what happened.
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