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Everything posted by Bahamut

  1. Ah, I always look forward to hearing Joshua Morse songs . It has funk and a grand welcome back home atmosphere to it. The guitar sits a bit strangely for me is probably the only thing that bothers me a bit - it sounds like it gets a bit drowned. A great piece by Josh though, enjoyable as always!
  2. This mix is pretty conservative, sticking to the main source melodies throughout. With that said, it does a nice job with maintaining the original feel of the sources while melding together these sources.
  3. A nice quaint mix of the Lost Woods music. The performance pretty much speaks for itself here, showing its delicate nature & a touch of emotive expression throughout.
  4. This song is pretty damn sweet - my first reaction was "Jimmy does chiptunes?" The song melds the chiptunes in well for an interesting combination of relaxation but the upbeat pace that the Song of Storms melody brings. It's hard for me to explain why it works well...what a great approach Jimmy and Jeff brought to this song.
  5. Listening to this again, I have to agree - I think replacing it completely with something else utilized differently to fill in the sound would be the best option. It takes away from the trance feel of the song greatly to me.
  6. Alright, time for me to do my reviews/voting for round 3! Hylian Lemon - Sting Operation This is a pretty interesting arrangement that I dig. I like it quite a lot, and it is different than you might expect from Mega Man sources. The ending is pretty weak. Something rubs me the wrong way with the production in the track, particularly the synths that are supposed to emulate a flute & trumpet (I believe the trumpet-like one is a synth at least - if not, then it needed some work, especially on fixing the abrupt stops that sound unnatural for the instrument). At 2:02 something sounds off with the re-entering of the trumpet/synth. WillRock - Air Man in a G String I don't like the initial start to the guitar at the beginning of the song for some reason - I wish it was more smooth. I do wish the rhythms & bass were mixed in farther up front, they sound too faint. The arrangement itself doesn't do much to excite me though. prophetik - unto dust Now this is another example of a kickass arrangement - I wish it were longer, as I think this could be something ridiculously crazy should Brad ever choose to expand upon this and fix it up. The background instrumentation should be a bit more up front, as it gets drowned by the leads. The guitars sound a bit mechanical as they are & could use some adjustments. The second half of the song isn't as strong as the first half & could use a bit of tweaking, but otherwise this track is pretty good. Nekofrog - Running With Scissors Around 0:30 & 0:51 there's a bit of a quirk with the lead guitar, not sure what it is. The transition between the two sections is pretty rough. The transition towards the slower end section around 2:53 is pretty weak too. The song feels like a bunch of awesome ideas pasted together without much direction. Xarnax42 - Power Outage The first thing I notice is that the song overall sounds very quiet. The singing is pretty good. The song could use a bit more instrumentation to fill in a lot of areas where it sounds pretty empty. Too much silence at the end. The arrangement could have used some work as well, it's too thin & short for what it is. Jewbei - Tripping Through I automatically think trance when I see Jewbei's name - you need to branch out some more ! Some of that buildup in the beginning can be cut out - it isn't needed, and the song would be stronger without it. The song also sounds pretty thin arrangement-wise - it needed more of the meat of the melodies. Flexstyle - Topsy Turvy Oh hey Top Man. That beginning is irresistible it seems. This song is pretty active throughout, I don't really feel like it has any fat to it, which bodes well for the mix. The ending is pretty weak though. C7 - Riding the Avalanche An orchestral mix, that's surprising! This mix intrigues me quite a bit though. It's short, yet full of substance that I can forgive the length - it feels complete. It's hectic and befitting its namesake. ectogemia - Electric Sleep What a long song! There's a bit of repetition at times I feel could be cut out and the song would be stronger for it - at the least, somewhere around the 2 to 3 minute mark. I have a hard time being interested in the song for so long, it needs more variation going on in other ways such as the pacing. Rozovian - Solidity Aw crap another long song. This does a better job of sustaining interest with its upbeat nature, and some fitting use of stops. I still think it could use some more variation in the arrangement to keep things interesting. Man, tough vote this time. Had 4 off the top of my head that I really liked. Good job everyone this round!
  7. Out of boredom, I took a look at the list - a bit saturated by a few games when there's a lot of other awesome NES music out there. For example, this song (by David Wise!) got overlooked: . Wizards & Warriors had some nice stuff too.How could they omit Kirby also? , , , , And a severe lack of anything from Super Mario Bros. 3 (who doesn't love Athletic from SMB 3? ). I'm sure that's only scratching the surface.I was happy to see that Gremlins 2 song though - pretty awesome song. I wonder what do people think about trying to compile a similar list here? I posit we have people who listen to a broader spectrum of music here and could come up with a broader list of songs. (I would like to listen to other NES songs I may have never heard before that I'm sure is missing from a list like this)
  8. Bumping this up! Don't forget to send me your addresses, even if I had them from last year - I try not to keep addresses given for this purpose (and don't worry, I don't dump them off to spammers either ), so rest assured! Several more days left before I close this up so join up if you haven't already!
  9. OCR would gladly take a good FF6 album if someone wanted to do one and sub it I have to believe. I have wanted to do an FF6 album for a long time - perhaps I might still do something in the future, although that's still up in the air because big albums are sure draining and I have a lot of other things to worry about. Everyone and their mother wants to do an FF6 album it seems. I'd be willing to help people though, assuming there is good organization & decision making going on.
  10. I've been thinking about that since I started it late - depends on how fast people sign up I think, but I'd like to make it this upcoming Monday so people have time to think up/send gifts.
  11. Gifts don't have to be monetary or expensive at all!
  12. Basically someone gets a list of people who want to participate, and then they match each person up randomly with someone else (who doesn't know you have them), and then sends them a gift.
  13. It's that time again! Thanks to Amy for reminding me this past weekend, as I have forgotten in this whirlwind of a year. If you're interested in participating, PM/message me your name/address & I'll add you to the list here. Remember, gifts do not have to be expensive, or cost anything at all! The gifts are all up to each person, and I personally would recommend choosing something that means something over something that's expensive. Secret Santa participants Abadoss Arrow Ashamee & Nekofrog Bahamut BardicKnowledge Brushfire Capa Langley Cash and Change Cyril the Wolf DaMonz Darklink42 diotrans Doulifée D-Lux GravitySuitCollector Kanthos kitty Koriantor linkspast MaxFrost MechaFone NeoForte Nonamer ProjectSpam prophetik pu_freak Rexy Sixto Theory of Nonexistence theshaggyfreak wildfire
  14. Totally disappointed at YouTube for their action here - shame on Google! Whatever caused this, I hope they find a way to address this and improve it so it doesn't affect legitimate accounts.
  15. Oh, what I said doesn't mean I'm taking it for granted - I emailed my senators/representative about it as soon as I heard about this surprise hearing. But the history of these types of bills (which Congress has been trying to push through for at least 5 years) is that the activist groups spread the message to shut it down and everyone does so because we know such a power grab would be immensely harmful to the internet. This is the type of law that would codify the type of legal problem that shut down an entrepreneurial organization that I was a part of about almost a decade ago (that was 100% legal but we didn't have enough financial backing to fight the RIAA). I feel strongly about this issue more than most people since I know firsthand how such a law can restrict innovation/entrepreneurship & the RIAA's bully tactics. I even pointed out how often this seems to get pushed in Congress. That doesn't change that I believe that when push comes to shove, enough people will fight any such law because of how draconian it is. I don't think anyone who loves the internet would take such matter lightly.
  16. Highly doubt this will pass with the pressure a lot of us has been putting but you never know...these politicians from both political parties have been pushing for this repressive type of bill for a while.
  17. If he did that, he'd have the shadow of hanging over his shoulder.
  18. Damn you OA, had the words stolen right out of my mouth (and then some). What he said .
  19. All this smacktalk makes me think this upcoming round is going to be the best so far .
  20. Nah, he didn't go with a heavy rock or electronic path, although it is stellar regardless. I am curious if someone is able to accomplish what the OP wants though.
  21. Can't you two just unite under the Wild ARMS banner?
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