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Everything posted by Torzelan

  1. Happy times! Need to relisten to all the old ones now (torrent?), can't believe it's been so long already...
  2. I'm glad the comments didn't turn me off from downloading this because I genuinely thought it was awesome in pretty much every way possible. Spreading it to a couple of friends I know will dig it. Thumbs up!
  3. Haven't looked around if something like this is out there on YouTube or anything, but I'd like to see a long-ass video or series of an entire track made, all aspects, beginning 'til end. Seems to me like the logical way to cover "everything" in order and have it make sense. Huge undertaking? I wouldn't know, but I do know there are people (Virt?) who can produce pretty much gold in like an hour, so, if planned out, perhaps a couple of hours (it'd be like a class!) shouldn't be impossible to do it in while explaining stuff on a manageable level. Wouldn't have to be the greatest masterpiece ever or a very long track at all, but just to see what and when things are done, how and why. - Particularly though, I'm interested in seeing someone actually equalize stuff. I've never found a tutorial that I really liked. Either way too complicated, way too simple, skips aspects that seem kind of important, or just typical "demo examples" that feel hard to apply to an actual real track where there's a lot of stuff that needs to be taken into consideration. Getting better and better at it by experimenting by myself but how on earth are people like Zircon working to get it that good (on a technical level, of course there's plain good hearing and judgement involved in the end)? I twist knobs and change values and stuff of things I think are relevant until things sound "better", but in all honesty I don't actually know what I'm doing and it could be so much better and more effective.
  4. I quite frankly have to do the same.
  5. At work: 1. Sweden (Norrland) 2. Can't tell, constantly and quickly ticking upwards but at ~800kbps the 6 megs are done. 3. Haven't tried much at work but as far as I know it varies a lot. At home: Same story as above except it accelerates slower so it's at ~700kbps by the time it's downloaded.
  6. Wow, this was unexpectedly awesome (I've never heard any Ran before)! If I get the opportunity I'll pick it up for sure. Thumbs up!
  7. Just popped the CD in, it's in the original.
  8. I'm really surprised that only 12% aren't just exclusively playing with people they already know. Guilds in MMO's, clans in FPS'es...
  9. NOTE: I realize this might not be considered very canon so consider this a fun post only; I just remembered an old (1991) "cassette & book"-thing I have when I read your post... Sorry for horrible phone-from-2003 quality. Rough translation from Swedish of these first two pages: Sorry for the off-topic, carry on!
  10. So far I'm happy with user-friendly FL Studio. Lots of "tutorial" videos and stuff on YouTube too, very handy. I'm still learning (wouldn't dare submit an OC ReMix yet) but made everything in this without any MIDI controllers or anything (some of the distorted guitars is a not-so-well-recorded real guitar but other than that...) so yeah, mouse-only music weee.
  11. Not that we're supposed to say anything because of the NDA and so on, but the way the ads work really does not seem in the slightest intrusive to me so far. Regardless, if you're paying attention to billboards, you're Quakeing it wrong. Been in for a while, absolutely love it (unlike regular Q3, my average 60 ms latency does not ruin my aim) and just played our first cup clanwar which we won. Yay! Such a fun teamgame.
  12. Not by itself, no. Often get different very strong emotions and feelings from music, but never actually cried as far as I can remember. I don't know, maybe it's because sad music is mostly (always?) also beautiful, which in turn kind of "fills me with hope" (lame as it sounds). Now coupled with something else on the other hand... I'll sob to any good movie / anime / game if it all (of which music plays a big part) clicks. Smallest package to achieve this: Probably that Animal Crossing YTMND...
  13. I suggest reading the song description and the reviews section.
  14. As you said, pretty much nobody would have all the plugins and sounds, but it could still be incredibly interesting to have the .flp to look at. F.e I would really like to see what's done with all the EQ's, which would be possible since you're using the default ones. Just a request which should be easy (guessing the .flp isn't very large), unless you don't want to which is obviously fair enough. But great watch, and thanks whoever recommended the "Zoom Player" that aaalmost (better than all my other ones including VLC, MPC etc anyway) played the video like it should.
  15. Sweet man! Can't wait to get home and watch this. It's so much easier for me to learn by watching than by reading (obviously both followed by trying myself). Appreciate you taking the time!! Obviously don't know what's in there but since it was asked; yeah I'd like to see what exactly it is you do to make everything sound so loud and clear. Been working hard on getting my stuff clearer and constantly making huge progress, but your stuff is just at another level... These frequencies and panning and and and, bah.
  16. Happy Birthday !!
  17. Just a matter of what perspective you want to see. I don't actually play WoW so if this wasn't actually an outdoor boss I'll blame my friend, but I guess the point comes across anyway. Could do this to all of the images...
  18. I like how it looks, but I have to say the shoops of that petition were amazing. Were it up to me, that's how I'd do it, because the game I played and loved was the original Diablo and not even Diablo II came close to that atmosphere. The first game had so much cooler locations, items, music, themes and so on and so forth. There is so much in the gameplay video that clearly comes from the WC3/WoW style (despite appreciated efforts to make it more Diablo-ish), and while there is nothing wrong with color or cartoonish proportions, I wish they kept it out of this game. I love plenty of colorful games, but I don't know how cool it would be to battle through the armies of hell itself to fight the lord of terror in one of those. I much more enjoyed battling skeletons in the dark under a church than strolling around in the desert in the middle of the day right outside a town/camp. Diablo 2 never made me feel so alone; never made the situation look so "FUBAR" if you will. Whatever though; pants were creamed upon the announcement of this game and it will be great. Hardly think a petition with 4.5k signatures gets Blizzard-with-millions-and-millions-of-WoW-players to reconsider anything. Just a bit of fun to toy with "what-ifs" though. -edit- Oh, and hating on something for being "brown", aswell as hating on something for having color, just for the sake of it is just dumb. Not a matter of how many games are what way or what's popular to hate on these days, just a matter of what fits this particular game. The way WoW looks fits WoW, and the way Diablo 1 looks fits Diablo in my opinion.
  19. Happy birthday meng!
  20. Now finish electronic.mp3. I've looped that too many times already.
  21. Yeah I got a mail from CD Baby saying the shipped it yesterday too. Man I love that mail, funniest ever. Such a shame that box always seems to get lost on its way here.
  22. I pressed play and it was awesoEND ...what? Those were the shortest 4:16 I've ever experienced in a track. Certainly a compliment to how great it is, but I just wasn't done when it ended. Like the best meal you ever had, but you were really hungry and it was only half a plate or so, you know? 4:16 isn't too short and while I know nothing about it, I assume that arrangement-wise it did have all the parts it should have. Guess, in the end, the track was just too good. Praised be the "Repeat Track" button.
  23. Ordered earlier today, almost exclusively for track 10.
  24. Yes! +1 warm recommendation. One of my absolute favs.
  25. Yeah no problems if it's a hassle. Have got mags sent to me from the US before but don't know how much (size/weight/whatever) that bunch would amount to. Would be nice to have though, as I googled and saw that it's stuff I've read (parts of) in a swedish Nintendo mag when I was a kid. If I could go back in time and undo getting rid of it all due to parental persuasion when moving that one time...
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