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Everything posted by Torzelan

  1. MIDI as a timesaver (that unfortunately comes back to bite me in the ass sometimes) for covers; otherwise ear (also used to thoroughly check and usually correct said MIDIs anyway). Nothing wrong with MIDIs, but "personal development" aside I honestly think it's plain more fun to figure stuff out alone a lot of the time. Not super motivated to be the billionth person to figure f.e. the MM2 Wily 1 lead out though.
  2. Perhaps it just ends like that to be loopable? -edit- Because it definitely is.
  3. - Played and done alright in a lot of PC FPS games (some old videos, as Nutritious mentioned) - Am still a generally nice person and "retro gamer" despite having dabbled with the dark arts above - Been playing quite a bit of NEStalgia this year and me and my guild have earned a little respect for doing relatively difficult PvE stuff (beating hard bosses often with small and/or unusual party compositions etc., more videos), also won a PvP tournament for the first time this weekend yay
  4. Friggin' loved what I saw, awesome job. The wait just got harder again though.
  5. I love short tracks too (hey, I listen to old videogame music!). No joke, >4 minutes is often a bit of a warning sign to me (depending on context, of course, and I'll always have a listen to the content anyway). Also do feel that sometimes short tracks get annoying "criticism" just because of being short. Maybe it could've been "expanded" or whatever, but maybe longer tracks could've been trimmed? Maybe maybe maybe? Who cares, the artist/s/ did what he/she/they wanted to do and you either like it or not, but "you should have expanded on it" is not good or objective criticism IMO unless the criticism itself is also very expanded upon. Else that's just, like, your opinion, maaan.
  6. Happy birthday!
  7. If the question is where music is the most enjoyable, that's an easy point for studio. Annihilator is the only band I thought sounded better live than on their CD's. Does anyone go to live shows for the music? Atmosphere, party, snobby "mjehehe can the musicians pull it off perfectly live" (I don't give a rats ass, personally) and so on sure, but I can't see how there'd ever be anything magically better with the actual music live than on the albums where the band spent time to perfect their vision. Perhaps if the band is known to not play the same live as on recordings (slight rearrangements, different solos...), but that'd be another thing.
  8. As long as we get to see the "repetitive tasks" etc. at least once (and when you do anything differently).
  9. (déjà vu-thread, unless the "remix" bit was meant to be more emphasized than it seemed in relation to "from start to finish") Well, everything, heh. If you're actually going to make a full remix while recording, just do that - show EVERYTHING, no off camera cheating or fast forwarding - (explaining why you do whatever you're currently doing, of course) and it'll be bestest ever. Achieving clarity and no mud in the mix while getting any kind of volume is still my worst enemy, while I think I know most tips people give and gradually improve (I think?) it's still annoyingly far away (especially considering how much I usually want to cram in there) and I'm such a "learn by seeing" guy, can't wait for whatever this ends up being. Thanks in advance.
  10. According to my googlings, it should be out already though I've yet to get my hands on it.
  11. Thanks! /emoticons/default_smile.png" alt=":)" srcset="/emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20">

  12. Absolutely! T'was in the year of 2003 that we travelled by means of bus for 24 hours from northern Sweden. (Also, it's a towel hahaha)
  13. Best day ever, love you all -edit- lol'd at "The No Vote"
  14. I guess I would agree with Zircon; problem is... Video tutorials have massive problems too. -> Most people can't/won't do them ---> Most people who do them honestly aren't very good at it -----> The few people who are good at it don't have a lot of time -------> Because of Murphy's Law, the time they do have will not be spent covering the parts you're most interested in (EQ'ING MIXING "MASTERING"!) I still want to see a video of a mix being made from the beginning until it's exported. EVERYTHING. But who, of people such as Zircon himself who are production quality geniuses, has time or will to do something like that? ... Record yourself making a Grand Robot Master Remix Battle round please.
  15. Thanks, yeah I was kind of forced to do it since my cat thinks chewing on guitar strings and using the rest as a scratch board is the best things ever. Looks better than having a giant empty wall too.
  16. [13:19:51] <@Torzelan> the "i only have one room to do everything in" room
  17. Thank you so much for this, Nutritious. Being able to dissect and look at what I want, when I want, is by far the best way of learning for me. 42 internets to you! Of course, FL Prod. Ed. couldn't include the full version of the Soundfont Player and SFZ doesn't feel like working... booo
  18. X8 29. VS Lumine ~ The First Form
  19. Great, Sixto goes emo and Zircon steps down. :'(
  20. "Bla bla PACE Anti-Piracy bla bla". Why, oh why, for something free.
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