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The Pezman

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Everything posted by The Pezman

  1. Hmmmm... tough one. I have to say it would be the amount of zaniness. There's just something about the FFVI chars hopping around the screen that the later fantasies haven't captured...
  2. This makes me recall the analog/digital debate, and the last time I participated in that I was several years younger and knew far far less than I do now. At first I thought the argument was purely scientific: You get a continuous signal, no breakup. But, of course, the bit resolution is set high enough that our ears will never know the difference. Then it was a "sound coloring" issue. Analog had a "warmer" feel. Having never grown up on analog I really can't comment, but I wish I knew what the hell they actually meant by that. Then someone stepped in and said that digital was most likely to get you the sound as it sounded. Given that, I knew the debate was over right then, because now you're free to color it however you like. Which is why I can't imagine tape would be worth all this. Just use one of many plugins to emulate the analog, if you so choose. At least, that's how I understand it.
  3. If you made it over the summer maybe I could come. But it doesn't look like many people would want to do that.
  4. Did you, over many years, completely overwrite your impulse to end words with the letter 'g'?
  5. I'm curious about the "inhale" part. Be we trippin' on de Bubble Bobble, mon?
  6. That sounds like a totally fucking fantabulous weekend, and like Mr. theXjesse I am quite sadified that I cannot attend. Yes, I make up words when I'm tired. Shut up.
  7. In Sonic Unleashed, demo plays you! No, seriously, I felt like I was meant to have almost no control through the majority of that level. He's just supposed to swing from rails, duck through narrow openings, and basically be one fluid motion to the next. Didn't feel like I was supposed to input much at all.
  8. I don't know the first thing about guitar. Could you explain a little more about that part please?
  9. I never got past the first ten minutes of this game.
  10. I think you misunderstood. I'm very happy to see this product, and I'm excited by the idea of pushing boundaries in general. Like I mentioned, I'm wrestling with the ideas of what I can do with it. However, with this controller trying to forge such new ground, I feel the burden of proof ought to be on them in order to allow us to see for ourselves what we can do with it. In other words, let us try before we buy. Fair enough, but what I guess I'm saying here is that I'd like to understand what drove the designers to arrange the notes the way they did. For example, a regular 1-3-5 chord can be played with a finger, but a scale is less intuitive. From a theory perspective, what drove them to put the notes where they did? And as you said, unlike a guitar or piccolo, there were no physical limitations about what went where, so they were free to arrange the notes in what I imagine was the way that (theoretically) would allow for optimum music composition and performance.
  11. Hot professor at some college has a ten-part(!) video series on her modifying the Axis to fit a different kind of scale. I guess I would like to see some statements about whether that particular layout is the best way to arrange the notes. Or something. I don't know nearly enough theory to make a judgment, but I don't like that C-Thru music has just thrown up a website with this totally strange animal and expects someone to buy it. Also, check this .
  12. Seems fairly positive over here.
  13. Your name is Brandon, so how well do you fare?
  14. Ps2 or Wii version?
  15. "We're not bad people. We've just had bad luck with major holidays... and automobiles... and federal statues."
  16. Can anyone speak to the utility of the musicpole or Axis-64? They look pretty damn awesome, but there's no way I'd drop for either of them without trying them out first.
  17. When I was in South Carolina, I heard some nasty stories about women drivers on the freeway. Funny story, though: My cafeteria has a conveyer belt that we put all our trays on. Sometimes they don't turn it on for a while so the trays get backed up. One night, I was really tired and in a hurry, and someone was going to put their tray down in the last open spot but I got there first. Someone looked at me and went, "Are you from New Jersey?"
  18. Why do all these projects come while I'm still in school? It's just not fair...
  19. I'm taking Artificial Life right now, and my teacher mentioned a number of applications to music and art. I looked through the Artificial Life Open Dictionary and found a couple things of interest. If I do something like this for my senior project, it might be possible for me to "evolve" an OCRemix out of the source.
  20. That reminds me: You can't go south. You can't go south. You can't go south. You can't go south. You can't go south. You can't go south. You can't go south. You can't go south. Okay, you can go south.
  21. Well, it's at friggin UC Berkley, so I imagine more places than you might initially think.
  22. http://www.tumeroks.com/starcraft-course-opened-for-college-earn-credits/
  23. "You don't want to know. It will jack up the rating of this game even further." "I can't let you do that. No one gets in the way of Reno and the Turks." "Behind every great hero there is always a wisecracking, obnoxious nincompoop!" "Who am I going to look after if I don't have you? Do it, Naminé! Erase my memories, break my heart... I'll still have my promise. I'll still protect you!" "Don't you know anything, kid?! You NEVER interrupt a psychotic diatribe!" - Bonus points if you get this one And who could forget: "Oooooh, soft!"
  24. Hmmm... what games would you suggest for that? REZ comes to mind... sort of.
  25. This is the only boss I know of that you are more than fifty feet away from at any given time.
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