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The Pezman

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Everything posted by The Pezman

  1. If we keep our focus to specific bosses, that's inherently limiting. Rather than saying, "Oh, I like this boss character. I wonder how many times we fight him and what the music is when we do," we should say, "These are some kickass boss themes. We should totally remix them." Many of the boss themes I linked were "regular" boss themes and not associated with any particular boss. And also, it means that lesser-seen games which have awesome themes have the chance to be remixed, rather than the already famous boss themes and characters everyone knows. That would open the project up a lot, and I think that's what the Joker wants.
  2. Works for me! I guess the only thing I'd say there then is that we keep it focused on boss themes rather than the themes of certain bosses (if that makes sense).
  3. This makes me a sad panda, especially because said coding practices fly in the face of encapsulation and everything else we've learned about good code.
  4. I didn't hear it, but during one of the NYC meetups we went to the Nintendo store, and Bahamut and PP pointed out DS's Ancient Hero being played.
  5. I love the idea of a boss theme project, but I don't like the way you're approaching it. 90% of all video games have a boss of some kind or another. It's pretty much a staple of all games in popular genres today. To me, this seems like a great opportunity to remix boss themes from games which haven't seen daylight here at OCR, and to focus on different themes rather than boss characters, especially those from very popular games which have likely been remixed several times already. If I were you, I'd expand the project to something ten times this size and start pulling in from all over the .
  6. And the platforming genre.
  7. How many steps down is RPGMaker from actually coding a game? I've some experience with XNA. One of these days, I WILL code a game...
  8. I've held out on a DS til now. This might be the time to jump in. Are those cameras going to have any real purpose?
  9. Ah man, wish this were happening a few months later. I won't have time for any o' this shit til college is done and dead.
  10. This helped a lot more than I thought it would. Number 7 in long term goals is kind of personal, but otherwise this is more or less everything I want to accomplish. Tonight: 1) Finish graduation speech to audition tonight 2) Be comfortable enough singing "Ripple" for music auditions 3) Take notes for lighting ideas for play, submit them to Jim 4) Revise resume, apply for Application Developer job 5) Complete Networks programming 6) Complete Latin Sentences 7) Read ALife papers, APSC/ASC agenda Catch up on fucking sleep This week: 1) Write article for Dickinsonian, Square 2) Study for Networks Exam Thurs 3) Review & submit proposal for OLPC program 4) Do work on Senior project 5) Write/Give speech for Speech contest 6) Define ALife project 7) Pick up ticket for Girl Talk Investigate possibility of lab show Before May: 1) Ensure I'm on track to graduate 2) Figure out how best to balance work and socializing 3) Don't worry so much 4) Have a great rest of college Long term: 1) Get a decent job that doesn't make me want to kill myself every night (Reapply to Teach for America?) 2) Actually sell all the crap I've been meaning/trying to sell (see sale/want) 3) Delve into digital art and programming (team with Harvestworks?): -Photoshop -Animation: Maya, Flash, Toon Boom, etc. -Final Cut/After Effects -Music Software: Reason, Logic, Ableton, etc. -Open-ended software: Max/MSP, ChucK, Pure Data, etc. -Web Design: HTML, CSS, JS/AJAX, PHP, MYSQL, Semantic Web, etc. -Application/Game Development: Mac, iPhone, Flash, XNA -Teach at idTech Camp(?) 4) Learn Music: -Improve with drums -Piano/keyboards -Others in this vein: Xylophone, organ, accordion(?) -Singing -DJing/VJing -Submit works to OCR -Create/Lead Album Project (?) 5) Do more writing, acting(?) 6) Improve Social Skills: -Learn how to meet people in working world -Learn how to not piss them off -Maintain contact with old friends -Gain girlfriend, learn to be in decent relationship, have sex Physical activity and health: -Visit Advanced Biostructural Correction doctor Dominick Fazzari - see if it works -Work out, exercise, eat better -Improve flexibility -Improve with karate, get at least 2nd degree black belt -Try hand at other activities: Yoga, Swimming, Fencing, Biking, etc. 9) Further Education: -Do research into what kind of work makes me happy -Apply to grad school in 2-4 years, hopefully when many above objectives have been accomplished -Will hopefully be a different person then and much better able to handle workload than I can now -Decide on Masters, PhD 10) Media Consumption: See more movies, read more books, play more games
  11. For quite some time, I was an editor on the Chrono Trigger Novel Project. Recently, we put the work together and sent it to Square Enix of Japan. They liked the idea of a novel and the quality of our writing, but told us they didn't currently have the resources to oversee publishing a book in a foreign language. So keep that in mind. Fan/Industry interaction is getting stronger, but it's got a ways to go.
  12. You and I need to sit down and have a chat about all this sometime...
  13. Shaggy - Hotshot. Of course, my rooommates tell me Shaggy hasn't been cool since 1998, but I still really enjoy the album. The single Dance & Shout is great, but so is everything else. Muse - Absolution. This is one of my favorite albums of all time, because no one song really overpowers the rest. Not even sure which ones from here were the singles, but this album is great. Tool - Every album. It takes a certain type to really appreciate these guys (you have to have the patience for math metal), but it is so worth it.
  14. You are the first person who I've seen do this effectively. You outclassed Virt. VIRT!
  15. My name is The Pezman, and I've been gaming on steroids for the past six years. I mean, in this world I need every edge I can get. And I can quit whenever I want. I just have to blast through the tourney next week... and then the one in May... then July... THEN I'll stop.
  16. This. Most video game music (and film music, for that matter) is crafted for a different purpose than other music. It's meant to support some main action or story and add to it. It is meant for the associations and memories we hold so dear. As such, I'd argue that most VGM readily evokes a specific emotion: tension (for a battle), relaxing (for a town), beauty (for an emotional/love scene), etc. This could be true with regular music as well (especially since every other song has a music video to pretty much explain it), but the song itself is the centerpiece. So while it's not a genre in the way metal or rock is a genre, VGM has defining characteristics nonetheless.
  17. Why is it important to embed on OCR's site itself? Why not provide a link to Last.fm or wherever and let the users follow it? It'll still be faster than downloading the mix.
  18. Ridley's Theme FTW.
  19. I'm just waiting til they find the big W.
  20. I'm going to have to second this. I don't have the patience for comics, but the Ultimate Spiderman videogame is great. And the Spectacular Spiderman TV show (which seems to be based largely on the Ultimate continuity) is good. Does Parker deal with teenage angst? Yes, he's a teenager. But what's really good is that they take the time to originate all the villains (unlike Spiderman the Animated series... god, what crap that was) and give them somewhat intelligible reasons to be pissed off (usually because they were wronged in some way). So yeah. I'd recommend that show.
  21. In before joke about Man on Fire vs. Man on Wire. Which I totally would have made if I'd thought of one.
  22. Oh, of course. That's why this is still a beta. None of the stuff Apple's implemented is guaranteed to see the light of day, though personally I think it has a very good shot. However, it's not there yet and that's why it's still a beta.
  23. Someone needs to remix happy birthday. Maybe these two.
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