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The Pezman

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Everything posted by The Pezman

  1. Apparently video game/techno nerds are considered the new catch. Jill, can you please distribute the memo to the other ladies and catch them up? Christ, we'll have three or four engaged or newly married couples at MAGFest...
  2. The problem is, there doesn't appear to be any way to specify it further. All I see on it are the Verizon logo and the designation "Pocket PC." I don't know if there's any more specific way to identify this device.
  3. Christ... epic fale.
  4. So I just bought a PocketPC secondhand from a friend. Vast improvement over my old phone, and doesn't cost extra on the plan. It has Windows Mobile 5 and I want to upgrade it to 6, but I have no idea how and neither does the guy I bought it from (he never upgraded Mobile OS). How does one go about upgradinng?
  5. It sounds like the first thing you need is a dramatic organ chord.
  6. Bring the behbeh! He'll get an early introduction to his extended family. Yeah, I know. The idea creeps ME out.
  7. Believe it or not, the community of dedicated web geeks is actually fairly small.
  8. http://www.queststudios.com/ Compiled with permission of the original composers.
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a6zdhHLvT7k I totally expected a Weird Al parody of this.
  10. Then let's set up some juicy Multiplayer with X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter and Rebellion. God I loved Rebellion...
  11. Personally, I would go as far back as Persona 1. The Megami series has been long standing but only made significant inroads into the US recently, now that Atlus has gotten its act together. If you don't want to touch PS1 then go with Shin Megami Tensei III. The first two in that series are NES-era and too much of a leap backwards, but I think SMTIII (and perhaps its Digital Devil sequels) are a good splash.
  12. Would it be possible to speak to you directly?
  13. Prove it in a way we can reasonably understand.
  14. If your website is up to date it looks like there are many songs to pick from. Maybe I'll jump in after finals...
  15. Half the people I tell about OCR want to know what Overclocked even means. For that reason alone it should be there. I mean, come on people, it's in the frickin name.
  16. Go figure. Yesterday I find out about mineral oil cooled computers and today there's a company selling ridiculously overpriced versions. I'll definitely want to hear how your work on one of these goes, as it's looking more and more like something I'll want to build myself someday.
  17. Come on, people. There was a huge buzz about this for the DC one, even from people who lived closer to Newark. What's going on here?
  18. There's your first problem.
  19. Personally I'd go with an HD projector. They're more portable and give a larger experience. But I don't know whether Circuit City carries those.
  20. If you're gonna use percussion I'm in.
  21. Yeah, I've been keeping an eye on this player. I used to use Zoom Player on my PC, but ever since I switched I've been looking for a player that's quite as dynamic. And I think now it's coming into its own well enough to be the player. The program icon even changed from a cracking egg to a yellow chick. Cute.
  22. That's pretty damn awesome. But if the oil keeps it cool, why do you need a fan in there? Does this mean you'll take any old parts for even a tiny bit of dolla dolla? Because even that amount is more good than said junk is doing me right now.
  23. Unfortunately, I can't attend MAGFest for its entirety this year, as I need to be back on the third for my cousin's bat mitzvah. Others may also be attending in abbreviated fashion or not at all owing to the timing. The solution? VIDEO GAMES LIVE IN NEWARK, NJ ON DECEMBER 27TH They're actually doing two shows that day: one at 2 pm and one at 8 pm. Those of you at the DC meetup know what a good relationship we have with Tommy Tallarico and Jack Wall, and those who didn't make it will get a fantastic experience meeting them. I'll be seeing them since Newark is a stone's throw away from my house, but I'd like to get a meetup there as well. Our previous NY meetups have been sparse, but perhaps with this landmark event we can get good numbers up.
  24. I don't care who may have stolen what, but honestly that last part of the video has the right idea. The two of them should just team up and produce a super mega rockin' version of the song, effectively uniting fans from both camps.
  25. I'd completely forgotten about it til I saw this thread again, and then I went and watched it. How could I have been in the dark for so long? It's fantastic because I'm a musical actor, and when they mentioned that Sondheim seriously influenced many of the pieces it confirmed my suspicions and made me incredibly happy. Almost as happy as this.
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