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The Pezman

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Everything posted by The Pezman

  1. Okay, now I have the VCI 300 and the new Macbook Pro to mix stuff on. There's very little I can complain about. There are still a couple of subtle bugs but I imagine those will get ironed out. I'm learning to scratch on the platters, which I think will be damn awesome. And it's the most portable device of it's kind there is, which is important for me. As someone who never grew up on vinyl, I think the one serious complaint many DJs would have about this device simply doesn't apply to me, and I look forward to using it for quite a while.
  2. Personally, I like it the other way around. I like to know where the baseline came from before I start listening to remixes. Since the remixes are usually more complex than the originals, I find myself better able to appreciate them if I'm familiar with the source.
  3. Grandia 2's not bad.
  4. Well, it's not as if I can't look into using a Windows partition. But one reason I switched to Mac is because its CoreX audio drivers have the latency issue down to allow live playback with no extra hardware. Maybe I'll look into Live after all...
  5. 3:38 - 3:44. Fantastic. I still need to have that conversation with you about educational games. And then make a couple of these myself.
  6. In the short term, Java. In the long, who knows?
  7. Yeah. "Vista, but better" is the catchphrase I heard. Glad I got off that track.
  8. So I made the switch a week ago and I'm loving it. This thing is slick, sleek, and works like a charm. A few questions: 1. Is there a simple IDE I can use for coding? Both xCode and Eclipse give me headaches as I try and navigate all the different options they have set up. I need something simple and straightforward. 2. Is uninstalling really as simple as dragging the application to the trash? How do you know (apart from searching) that an application may actually have an uninstall program? 3. Can I use a mounted Windows iso for Boot Camp? Or does it have to be on a physical disc?
  9. I has these! Of course, you ducked out of Photoshop already...
  10. I wasn't around when this was implemented: why is the decision for a YESd song available until its posting?
  11. To all who were looking to buy something from me: I apologize for being out of the loop. I lost my wallet this past weekend, which makes any new transactions impossible until I cancel the old cards and get new ones. Plus, college. Please be patient with me.
  12. Wow, and it's coming out... yesterday. I'm surprised none of us heard about it before.
  13. Well, one reason I don't want to spend money on Live right now is because I've spent about $1500 combined on two cutting-edge hardware products. One of them is a DJ hardware/software package, and the software has the ability to loop any tracks I load into it. It wouldn't work if I had to record, bounce, and load it in, would it?
  14. Okay, seriously, how the hell did I not know about this? http://www.queststudios.com/ The site of Quest Studios, a music repository for MIDIs of primarily old school Sierra games, including the Incredible Machine, Space Quest, King's quest, and more. I know someone here can do something cool with these.
  15. Not really, which is why I'm wondering what else might be possible.
  16. Let's not forget I'm not a professional musician. It's not like such a tool would be useful for years to come. This is a little stint at my college, and as I'm a senior it's likely I won't get a similar opportunity for a long while.
  17. OKay, gonna bring this back. 1) Any Mac equivalent? NOt a big deal if there isn't, but I'd prefer to not run VMWare every time I'm in class. 2) I haven't used many of the other features of OneNote besides the general idea of putting paragraphs wherever I want them. How do you draw and send whiteboard sessions back and forth? Where can I go to find out more information?
  18. Sorry, should have mentioned... no external hardware beyond what's necessary. I'm a minimalist when it comes to hardware, preferring to push my computer's capabilities to the max. Truly the Computer Scientist in me.
  19. Yeah. Helped the UPS attendant package them and everything.
  20. Well, you're in California and it's on New Year's. I'm in New Jersey and could make it, but that whole New Year's thing is something I'm still not sure about.
  21. My school's annual performance venue is coming up, and as performing runs in my veins I always do something. Now that I finally have my Macbook Pro I'd love to do something related to digital music. My roommate, a guitarist, would also love to be a part of it. He's wondering how easy it would be to play something, have it keep going in the background, and then layer stuff on top of it. I'm sure it's possible but I'm not quite sure how. I'll be able to interface his guitar to my computer by using the Apogee duet. Can anyone tell me the best and quickest way to record something and then loop it, all live?
  22. Yeah... How fortunate that I, a college student, have done all that. Just what they were looking for!
  23. Yeah, I pretty much guessed everything about the battery life. But in Windows it never flopped around this much, so either Windows was just wrong or my PC consumed less power. Either ones seems possible. I knew it would be worth it in the long run. Plus, it's very portable, and I found a deal on ebay which got me the Duet plus the "breakout" expansion for slightly less than the cost of a new one. I think I made out well.
  24. What I mean is that "showing what's left" is never consistent. One minute it's 4:30, then it's 1:57, then it's 2:08, and so on.
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