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The Pezman

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Everything posted by The Pezman

  1. http://www.neoflux-animator.com/notldr/notldr.html This is interesting... a Creative Commons licensed re-telling of the movie, with various artists redoing scenes in various media types. The trailer never stays still long enough for me to pass much judgment, but as something being released for free from the get-go you can bet your ass I'll check it out.
  2. Can someone actually tell me something about it? I can tell it's a set of new synthfonts, but what makes this unique?
  3. I went through the hyperlink runaround. The item is currently unavailable. Ebay's prices are somewhat grim. Novelty items are never worth it.
  4. See, this is why spambots can be awesome: the ridiculous nonsense they spout. That said, this video is still bitchin over a year later.
  5. I am quite happy at the news. However, this had better mean KHII FM+ is on its way as well. CoM is a fairly short game, and it'd be a damn shame if they didn't give us the whole package. KH1 Final Mix would be nice, though I'd be pissed off they waited this long.
  6. http://www.prodikeys.com/ There appear to be several versions. I'm not sure which one is better or why.
  7. Not James Earl Jones. Weakest opening line I've ever heard Vader say. Not looking good here, people...
  8. Oh man oh man oh man. This was my research this summer. When I get all my work done, I'm going to write a detailed response to all this, starting with the educational game I developed.
  9. I really should give a giant OLD here, but it's a good enough song that I won't. Personally, I like their Irish Drinking Song a bit better. However, if it's artfully-phrased smut you're after, nothing can beat Cock Mobster (ignore the bad flash movie).
  10. He's serious. Just you wait.
  11. How do people make these things? Inquiring Pezmans have asked...
  12. Fair enough. You need context. Here's an example: Of course, it could be the scenes themselves responsible for instilling that tension, excitement, etc in me. Which would mean the music does little on its own. Nevertheless, there must be characteristics about this particular music which makes it more appropriate to the scene at hand than "happy" music. Can we identify those traits?
  13. I made this thread to discuss a couple of things, as you might be able to tell by the title. The first (and more important, IMO) is how to best describe songs that make you feel a certain way. Now obviously, how music makes you feel is so ridiculously open-ended a question it's almost meaningless to ask. However, I think we can agree certain music is meant to illustrate tension, excitement, fear, etc. More visceral reactions than emotional ones. One of my favorite soundtracks is Kingdom Hearts II. This is because many of the tracks are, for lack of a better word, epic. And not epic like the Lord of the Rings theme either. They have the feeling of so many dark secrets waiting to be discovered, part of a massive world no single character could possibly hope to fully explore (flying in the face of most RPGs). sends chills down my spine because it implies this so well. does as well.I ask this question because I hate not knowing a better way to describe or create this, and I also wonder whether music theory might not reveal some light on the issue. I took music theory in high school, but had only been acquainted with the art form seriously for about three months prior. The instructor was understanding, and though I didn't do great, I learned a lot. Of course, since I didn't use it, it dropped out of memory. I don't imagine, of course, that a chord analysis will explain everything, but it may help. So can anyone help me?
  14. http://www.cycling74.com/story/2008/7/22/135037/265 Max/MSP is a fabulous program. Anyone who's got a GH controller should look into this right away. And it works on Rock Band controllers as well (except for Wii's).
  15. Can do. This should have gotten at least fourth place, just because it's so funny and ridiculous.
  16. Yeah, it's all circumstantial. Dickinson College (my school) is rising in quality every year. I feel confident saying I'm getting an education on par with that of an Ivy Student (and with none of the apathetic, research-driven professors or TAs), and in some classes I did not have to do much work at all to get a good grade. However, I'm a Computer Science major, and they work you there, even in the lowest levels. You'll pretty much have to find what works for you specifically.
  17. I have some vinyl I could sell. Really don't want it anymore.
  18. I've seen too much death lately. It sucks a million billion giant cocks.
  19. Dibs. Tenchar
  20. People don't realize (or want to realize) that their peers and fellow fans are capable of making far more kickass games than 60% of the professional games out there right now.
  21. This will be a good first step towards actual remixing. But, like everything else, it depends on me getting and learning my new Mac first.
  22. I hope you're not taking people who espouse this seriously. Any legitimate concerns against Braid will not include its price. I think back to Viewtiful Joe, which, like Braid, was 2D and rife with time-altering powers. You got more presentation there, and it was only twice the price. Nobody complained about VJ's price.
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