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The Pezman

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Everything posted by The Pezman

  1. Why couldn't it be? There are several smart, talented, music-savvy people out there who just need something to really get off the ground. No one knows everything about remixing, and I think that making it a learning experience will enable remixing vets to help new people get involved. That way, everyone sees names they knows, but it's more than just the same names from project to project. And with a tracklist of even half the current size, no one will have to be turned away. Of course, this means that electric concerto and others involved have to really think about what they hope to accomplish with this project, and what priority each accomplishment has. The answer could very well determine whether I decide to get involved.
  2. No one mentions Garritan?
  3. I can come! I can come! My friend went to a chiptunes show where Virt performed and has assured me that it's nothing less than pure awesome.
  4. That is silly. Not wanting to add the cost of Hi-def cards to your system's price is one thing (though personally I think it would have been worth it), but to specifically prevent HD from ever happening? WTF?
  5. Bah... me going for more than Saturday (and I wouldn't want to pay for the whole event and only be there a day) would involve taking 2 days off from my part-time job, thus doubly stifling my cash flow by not working and spending on trains + a hotel. Insurance fraud looks damn tempting... PS: My kingdom for a summer when all the awesome OCR-meetup worthy events occur in a week-long Bonnaroo-like event.
  6. I went to NYClan today to check it out... it's really not that big a deal to go there (it's a block away from the Christopher Street station). As soon as I walked in the door one of the regulars (who obviously didn't know me) came up to me and gave me pounds. He introduced himself as Mike, and showed me around the small place. They have big screen TVs with nearly every competition game you can think of (from all eras), and you can be however hardcore about it as you want. They also serve food. It's one thing if people don't have the interest, but I just want to say that going there would not be difficult to manage.
  7. Boo on this massive, 3 day event that I cannot attend. Does this mean that all the tracks will definitely, 100% be finished by that date?
  8. What horrible thing was that? I don't see any problems with the 28th on my end.
  9. That doesn't sound particularly optimistic vis a vis Season 2.
  10. NYClan? Perhaps, if properly timed, linking up with Shael Riley and the other members of PBC Productions would be possible as well. I've wanted to meet them on their own turf ever since MAGfest.
  11. hmmmm... I'd be up for it, but my schedule's kind of tight these days... if it takes off let me know when & where and I'll see.
  12. This was in reference to a PC.
  13. Did you mean: Jeremy Posner
  14. Do you think the Wii will support HD in the future? If they can refit units with HD graphics cards?
  15. OMG CONTRADICTION IN TERMS It's pretty obvious the deck seemed stacked against the PS3 right now, but I'm not ready to count it out. White Knight, MGS4 and (eventually) Final Fantasy XIII will, I imagine, help turn the tide. I don't need a 360 because, as I mentioned in the Gears of War thread, I prefer to play games on a device which allows me to upgrade my graphics card, and there are next to no exclusives for either the 360 or its little brother. I'll probably get a Wii eventually as well... eventually. Do you think they'll start shipping units with HD graphics cards? I can't imagine it can be that expensive...
  16. One of the biggest reasons I have never even considered an Xbox or a 360 is because most of its games, including all the smash hits, are brought to the PC (where I prefer to play them) at one point or another (unlike the 360, you can bring in a new graphics card and hack the game for new content). The few games that aren't almost always wind up on a competing platform.
  17. Very nice, very nice. Seems fair & balanced to me. It is a bit harder to appreciate tunes that are orchestral in nature... the distinct and definite themes we grew up with are now complex masterpieces with 4, 5, 6 part harmonies and so much going on at a given time. But that is true of orchestral in general and it means that we, as music appreciators, just need to work a bit harder to hear (and, consequently, remix) it all. 1. Can we get linkage to some of the articles and inteviews written up in these various media? 2. Rick Baretto spoke to me while I was in line to play the Space Invaders game, and I wrote him afterwards to tell him more about OCR. I think he'd be interested in a more formal affiliation... PM me for details. 3. Give me the GoW music & SFXs & MIDIs oh please.
  18. Ever since my earliest days as an impressionable lad watching Final Fantasy and Dragonball Z, I always wanted to kick butt. Thankfully, I realized even then I couldn't fly or shoot energy from my hands, but I still thought I could move really really fast when punching and kicking people. One reason I started Chidokwan karate in college to get a sense of what the human body is actually capable of doing. The truth seems to be that in actual human sparring, there isn't a whole lot of specific instruction. It's still just "get in there and punch them as hard and as quick as you can." Although as I get better I may learn more practical self-defense techniques.
  19. Where do you get the individual vocal (and other instrumental) tracks? I made a mashup once, but it was very basic and I didn't have access to individual tracks, so knowing that would be nice.
  20. Took too long for things to really get off the ground, IMO. You're really only introduced to the majority of the Decepticons in time for the big fight in the city. There should have been more of a presence before that. Oh, and a few inconsistencies and weird things that didn't make much sense, but it's hard to discuss those without spoilers.
  21. Owing to the Tommy Tallarico hype and the fact that DJSammy put on the EWJ CD he won while driving us back to DC, I opened up Earthworm Jim as soon as I got home. And then he got injured, uttering "Ow!" in that thick southern drawl of his. And then I remembered BGC's voice. Hell yeah.
  22. Happy Birthday. I expect to see the rest of the Canterbury Tales in a few months.
  23. I don't think you quite got it. I actually performed with a friend (I was the accountant) in eighth grade as part of a Monty Python show.
  24. I don't know what to say about the charity thing. Perhaps EA, and not him, designated the charity/profit ratio. If that's true (and it's altogether likely given how much control the publisher has) I'm not surprised, since this is the kind of bullshit EA pulls on a regular basis. I've never had a problem with the guy himself. In fact, I hoped he'd be at VGL. He definitely plays the stuff himself, as is evidenced by the videos on his site. Have you looked at the sheet music he provides? It's frickin intense. What about his demo sounds sequenced, anyway?
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