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Everything posted by Zephyr

  1. The live playing method is a bit more difficult, I'm not entirely certain on that one, but as for in a project it's quite easy and it has nothing to do with the midi keyboard so don't worry about that. What you want to do is go into the wrapper for Omnisphere (the gear symbol thing if you're using FL 9) under the settings tab, set the Midi input port, you can set it to whatever you want really. Now make a new midi out and set the port in there to the same thing. For each channel of midi you want to control in omnisphere (each instrument inside the one plugin) all you do is make another midi out with the same port and set the channel to match up with the instrument in Omnisphere. This may sound a bit complicated at first, but just try to work through it slowly.
  2. Midi data is controller data, not audio, so no it doesn't send it through a mixer insert. When in ReWire client mode FL sends midi to the other host through a port, you can define it in the midi settings, but it defaults to port 10. To send midi through port ten set the midi out channel to send to port ten and it should enter Reason on that port. It's all in the FL Manual under the ReWire section, take a look over there if you have more questions. I'm a little confused as to what you'd like to do though, you want to send midi from FL over to Reason, have Reason send the Audio to FL for FX processing, then send it back to reason? That sounds a bit complicated, you *Might* be able to manage that if it's possible to use a DAW in both host and client mode at the same time, but I haven't done much with ReWire so I'm not sure.
  3. FL Studio tends to change incoming signals onto channel 1, so I'd recommend setting it up differently. Are you planning this for live playing or just to make a project? Also, are you familiar with the use of Midi Out generators?
  4. Easiest way I think would be to have a set of patterns for tempo changes, just make a bunch of patterns and name them what tempo you want them to be, then at each point in the song, insert the pattern for the tempo you want that part to be. Here's how you set up those patterns to change the tempo, it's quite easy actually. Set the tempo to what you want the tempo of this pattern to be. Right click on the tempo and choose "Copy Value". Right click on it again and this time choose "Edit Events" Now go to the drop down menu in the top right and choose Edit>Insert Controller value, or just press Ctrl + I. After that, then just insert each pattern at the beginning of it's section on the playlist and it should work fine. Hope that helps you out a bit, good luck.
  5. What Hylian Lemon said works, but only if you never plan to use those patterns together in the playlist. I'm not entirely sure what you're trying to do, do you want each pattern to have a different tempo? Do you want to automate tempo throughout the song?
  6. I've got an eye on Tallon Overworld theme 2, I love it. What's the timeline looking like? If I have enough time to get something good done then I'll be signing up.
  7. When it comes to game sheet music, it's best to go on a case by case basis, some places are very specific about the sort of music they host. There's several good places to get Final Fantasy music (ffshrine, or Ichigo's), and Nintendo music (http://www.ninsheetm.us/ < has a few non nintendo games as well.) Gamemusicthemes.com has a bunch of good oldschool sheets, and pianothemes.com has a lot of good old stuff. As for Breath of Fire, your best friend is google I'd say, if you can't find it there I'm afraid I can't help you.
  8. People new to this sort of thing often just want to know what's the best so they can go buy it, if it was that easy, then the best software would monopolize the market and everything else would either be way cheaper or out of business. People also like to take out a feature checklist and go down the list, then they count up the checks and use it as a basis to decide how "good" the software is. It's like a car, it may look great and have all the options, but if you don't take it for a drive you won't realize that you actually hate how it handles. Try them out, find which one you like, and learn how to use it. They might not all have all the options, but you definitely won't need all the options to start anyways.
  9. When recording from the mic inputs use your computers hardware soundcard interface, the input isn't connected to the digital ASIO so it can't use it. That's the way it is with mine anyways, Try switching the settings to your hardware soundcard then choosing an input like "mic in" from the insert drop down. Good luck!
  10. Thanks, I figured you'd have the answer. I'm surprised it was such an abstract method, but it worked fine. Problem solved.
  11. I just got my Kontakt 4 a few days ago and I'm having a bit of trouble configuring the multiple outputs in FL Studio. I can create new channels in Kontakt, route the instruments to them (say I route an instrument to st.2) then I go and define the output of that track in the kontakt mixer (set it's to output to undefined 1 and undefined 2), When I go ahead and set those kontakt 4 outputs to mixer tracks I end up with the mono signal from each being projected into both channels at once, doubling the output and essentially killing any stereo. If anyone has had any success in routing kontakt outputs let me know how you managed it. For some reason, going through the aux channels works fine, but there's only 4, so it wouldn't work for a lot of instruments. Thanks.
  12. Have a great wedding! Congrats!
  13. Try out the demo, I use the demo sometimes for fooling around, it's got really good sound and quite a few articulations. Another nice thing is the expansion packs, but also the built in midi loop center, it comes with a bunch of loops built in.
  14. I agree with a lot of this, but things are seeing changes now. I'm thinking specifically of graphics editing, Flash is becoming a valid option for larger programs. Check out pixlr.com, it's a decent photoshop clone that runs in browser via flash.
  15. Google just announced some more information about their revolutionary web-based OS. If this takes off, computers will never be the same. I can't do without my desktop programs yet, but it's exciting to see more things moving to the cloud. I'm pumped to be able to log in to my computer from anybody's hardware too, although I suppose I'll need to call it something else now, my personal cloud I guess. Check out the videos. Did I mention it's open source? http://www.engadget.com/2009/11/19/googles-chrome-os-revealed/
  16. Soundgoodizer is just a set of presets from Maximus, which is a maximizer. It uses Multiband compression and limiting among other things to make your song sound its best.
  17. Make sure you installed it and have a dll file, also yes, you have to put it in your VST folder and do a quick scan.
  18. Thanks! If it wasn't for OCR I would be missing out on so many deals and free stuff...
  19. Please don't repost the same thing in multiple places, it's just annoying... http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?p=614301&posted=1#post614301
  20. First of all, try the FL Studio Forum secondly, FL Studio uses some floating point voodoo magic, so no matter what, it will be louder in FL than the exported copy, however it shouldn't drastically change sound quality. What you're experiencing is probably clipping. This occurs when the audio signal goes above 0 db. For a quick fix, throw a Fruity Limiter plugin on the master channel, this may cause some weird volume changing issues however if your song is mixed too loud. You can either re-mix your song properly (preferred method), or take the quick and dirty method and try throwing a SoundGoodizer on the master (I know this makes a lot of people cringe). SoundGoodizer is no substitute for learning how to actually mix and master your tracks, so you should still try to learn sometime though. Good luck, I hope some of this helps.
  21. I need Windows 7, time to upgrade, XP is finally getting left behind.
  22. I agree, Live is great for that (I'd hope so considering the name) I don't use it, but I know you can set your song up into scenes and then play those scenes and turn on loops and things on the fly, FL Studio also has a live mode with the ability to loop patterns on and off and loop parts of the playlist. But I'm not sure I'd recommend FL for playing live, I haven't tried it out much. As for performing live, a DJ set-up would be great if you can use it, but it's cool to have a keyboard to and set up some loops to solo over. Mess with some effects too as the song goes on.
  23. I'm not sure why it would be starting and stopping your FL, but if you want it to not record pitch bend events and stuff, right click on the record button on the FL Transport bar and uncheck "Automation".
  24. I think it would be more entertaining and look better than a mixer for live performances.
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