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The Derrit

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Everything posted by The Derrit

  1. 18 as a necromancer and 10 as a human mage how did you get to level 33 in 4 days? that's crazy also as a note, regardless of how far you get the specialization options are there to be seen in the skills and equipment menus. they just ring hollow to me, you save up a couple points and buy them. i much preferred having to find someone who sold that skill, or gave it to you through a quest.
  2. and maybe i just haven't played enough of it to get to the meat that i'm looking for. it is just in beta after all and i didn't get *that* far. it's just my initial impression. i want it to be good though.
  3. also for the majority of people on the internet, if their mothers found out what they did and said they would be ashamed.
  4. ...they feel literally exactly the same. i played both within a month of each other there's no difference at all.
  5. that's the way it is in any community of people who don't have to back up their opinions with objective information. aka the internet. there is definitely a lot of good info on the site though from the people who actually do know what they're talking about. trying to contribute to theory threads is not worth anyone's time though.
  6. i think my issue is that it's now a full-on mmo instead of a massively online roleplaying experience. the difference being that an mmo has grinds and and limited-but-necessary partying, and a distinct feeling of *not being a unique character within the game world*. they start you off by being like 'oh hey you're that guy who did the thing you're kinda famous around here!' but then so is literally every other person wandering around that you see. you instance into a story mission and when you get instanced out you watch 5 other people run by to save the day the exact same way that you just did. in guild wars 1 the focus was on being able to quest for more skills or gold to craft what you needed, and then a long, story driven cooperative campaign that made your position in the game unique. when you instanced, you really went and your party was the group of people saving the world. it was more linear diablo in 3d land than it was world of warcraft. what guild wars 2 has become to me is a nintendo mmo, an mmo for the people who don't like mmo elements. the same way smash brothers has been made into the fighting game for people who don't like fighting games, the same way the metroid prime series were made into the shooters for people who don't like shooting games, the way several (but certainly not all) nintendo games have turned into games for people who don't like games, often taking out vital elements of a game experience to keep it from being too frustrating for the casual or uninformed. i think their aim was great but sadly the end result is an mmo that feels shallow. pvp will be fun i'm sure they've got some really cool ideas lined up but the actual game itself doesn't seem to have enough mechanical meat to it to hold up long term.
  7. so i might be the only one who feels this way but this game honestly doesn't excite me as much as the inital idea did. i really liked guild wars one because of the co op campaign feel it had. and then even despite that, you could still go out solo exploring and feel a sense of freedom, like diablo crossed with metroid a little bit. it had all the trappings to be as much of an mmo as you wanted it to be, but it also let you go it on your own if you wanted to. and having quests the way they were, gaining skills and building a proper set felt really good. i had a hexes necromancer that slowed and degened everyone in the area, and even though it was a niche thing it was satisfying to be able to specialize in it so heavily. with guild wars 2 a lot of that's gone. it feels like a traditional mmo with looser party mechanics, and all of the classes i've played have felt sadly similar. the idea of having everyone be able to do everything is cool until you realize it means no one has any standout differences. i haven't touched on engineer yet and i'm sure other classes i haven't played do neat things too but if everyone can do the same kind of stuff and the level cap is low, where will the competitive balance go? also while there are still story instances they make a point to blend them in with everything else so it doesn't feel like you're instanced. it's a lot less '3d dungeon crawler' and a lot more mmo-style 'do quests and grind gear,' which really isn't as fun. someone throw in a counterpoint that i can sink my teeth into i really want to like this game
  8. yes i speak japanese
  9. i feel like this should be important but i can't remember that last time kaz hirai's name was brought up in the gaming industry other than for mockery maybe it was just awhile ago.
  10. i mean that's great but they also were given out for free i'm sure they'll have people paying at least 5-8 dollars for them so it's not like the ambassadors are getting a bad deal here
  11. so what's the deal with ambassador games? if they have gba games that can be downloaded why don't they put them in the eshop by now?
  12. i mean why would i play brawl when i can go back to one of the fastest most entertaining fighting games ever made i liked it because i loved ivysaur's kit (and pokemon trainer's by extension) but because everyone became so limited there was literally no way to make a usable play style against intelligent metaknights did really well against snake though
  13. also as a note i have read the majority of that thread i used to spend a lot of time on smashboards. the idea is well founded but i don't like it. and whether or not you like it the initial founding of it was a veil for all sorts of ignorance regarding competitive smash brothers, and mass amounts of scrubdom within the community. it may have matured into something interesting since then but at the inception of brawl it demolished whatever chances brawl had of being accepted by the larger fighting community. though admittedly brawl then did that on its own later down the line by being really unbalanced/tripping/etc.
  14. if you missed the link Jack Keiser heads up the 'free item alliance' or whatever he calls it that insists tournaments are better with items and even puts on one or two every year or so but yeah i think namco will at least try to axe the randomness factor that brawl had planted in it, other than that i'm excited to see what they'll do differently.
  15. you missed one. MAKE IT TWO POSTS CHIEF
  16. so this came out last weekend in japan should i get it or wait for the american version? i feel like i would be so sad when my bulbasaur's name is fushigidane
  17. yeah i really have no interest in starting a flame war there either my *read everyone*'s opinion is out there and there's no need to discuss it further. i'm interested to see what namco changes. i'm sure it's going to follow the regular formula, but for instance in the switch from melee to brawl who saw reverse ledgegrabs coming? or multiple airdodges? small mechanics like that change the game so it'll be cool to see what quirks come in and out of the formula
  18. which games? Monster Hunter 3G Kingdom Hearts Metal Gear Solid Kid Icarus Resident Evil that wraps up a large portion of the aaa titles that have come out recently or are coming up soon. i wouldn't particularly care about it if it weren't for the fact that a lot of the best games being made for the system are being made with it in mind. it doesn't kill me that it doesn't have it because i'm not getting one but it's just really silly that they make it an option and then either a) kill off the peripheral with a new system or make people buy a second peripheral that will work with their new system.
  19. let me just say LOL. edit: let me just say that it makes total sense that you of all people would be the person heading up the 'competitive item coalition' or whatever it was called not even going to bother clicking on the link again to see what it's called. when was the last time any tournament that anyone cared about had items in it? the answer is never. yes you can play with items and yes you can have tournaments with items but it's not 'competitive play' because it's dumb and breaks any semblance of balance that brawl had (which it honestly didn't even have to begin with) so yeah.
  20. it's not the obsession with needing another pad it's that a good portion of the aaa games on the system support/play infinitely better on the 2 circle pad peripheral yet they can't be bothered to make that the default control scheme despite so many nintendo games pretty much saying 'well if you want to play this and have controls not suck you'd better have this peripheral'
  22. Nintendo Direct confirmed this is coming out in america
  23. air ride is hardly a 'classic game' it's from gamecube they're not selling every kirby game for 30 dollars here also i can't speak from heavy experience but i remember as a child playing part of kirby 64 at a friends house and thinking it was pretty clunky.
  24. i don't think it falls short at all i just played a game where i played full support and by endgame through kage's pick-> morello's i had high cdr, and then right before we won i finished a chalice. my w was on a 3.6 second cooldown. what this means is that the cooldown of my bomb was effectively two seconds, i could infinitely slow someone while also speeding someone else, and use my ult every 45 seconds or so. that is DEVASTATING. anyone who gets caught can't get away, i constantly do damage, and keep my team moving faster than theirs. if someone gets low, i can ult them pretty much all the time. i single handedly give our team a crushing advantage just by being near the fight. getting there? sure not the easiest thing. but a full cdr zilean can win a game for a losing team
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