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The Derrit

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Everything posted by The Derrit

  1. for as long as you've been here, i'm surprised you're going so troll on this. i have a wii and i've got 15 games (plus a few i'm still looking to buy) and all 15 of them were awesome. i'm hard pressed to find a way that you can turn that into an unsuccessful system. if you need to have 20-30+ games per system for it to be 'worth it' then you are by far an outlier, and really shouldn't be catered to in the first place. i guess most of the people here are pretty stupid by the way, seeing that 36 out of the 50 top most remixed games were published on a nintendo system, the majority of them exclusively. what sheep we all are. also, to your comment on nsmU vs nsmwii... mario 3 looks like super mario world. halo 2 looks like halo 3. final fantasy 3 looks like final fantasy 4. ocarina of time looks like majora's mask. too bad all of them are regularly referenced as some of the best games of all time. here is everyone else's thoughts on your thoughts, in order. don't care
  2. i'll look into it. what i'm worried about is that people don't really frequent the southern half of japan, so where i've seen so far that's been reported isn't even accurate. one was real but didn't have the right machines reported there at all. i'll look into the twittering. time to fire that old pony up
  3. This may end up with no responses but on the off chance someone knows the answer to this I may as well put it out there. I've been living in Kurume near Fukuoka for the past 6 months or so, and while it's been nice I've been unable to find any honest-to-goodness arcades in my area. There are a few that have like, king of fighters '97, but I would love to find some street fighter machines, or king of fighters 13, or tekken tag 2. really anything that i can grind and get better at, i miss competitive gaming and LoL is not cutting it. Do any internationals know of a good resource I can use to find what I'm looking for?
  4. please do it so i don't have to. several of the terms from melee have become more broadly used terms in fighting games (wavedash, etc.) so they're worth having regardless
  5. that's what we all said about porting okami to wii, and look how *that* turned out. it was nigh unplayable.
  6. wait so what was the issue with 358/2? i liked that game
  7. those things are literally the best thing except for the part where they dispense soda
  8. it's funny because when you swap the order it sounds like they're agreeing with each other. which they should be.
  9. i will be posting this picture every time someone reopens this thread by saying 'MCRIB IS BACK' also for the record...
  10. hobbies don't usually take up a quarter-plus of your day at a time. but to each their own you're free to do as you like. anyways watching people play this machine has actually made me more interested in it. watching the interface in action is a lot different than watching it off of a stream, and it makes it at least look much more engaging.
  11. i hate to say this here of all places but you really should find something better to do with at least *some* of your time
  12. yeah you're gonna have to get over your nostalgia. not having seen the original i think it looks great. if you don't like new things then go watch the old series again, i'm not against you having your opinion but don't act like there's no way anybody could enjoy the new cyborg 009 movie because it doesn't look the way you want it to think for a second what the old art style would look like in that cg anime style
  13. well seeing as literally all of the comments in the past 8 hours have the word anamanaguchi in them i think it's safe to say everyone is aware you're welcome bleck
  14. i'm going to watch this when i have time, but what games got announced? i see a couple but was there much gameplay/first party announcements in terms of software?
  15. it's late so i'm going to bed before seeing nearly any of it but all i saw was the tvWii. and i have to say that's really not going to sell me.
  16. this looks pretty neat if not a whole lot to digest from start to end
  17. dude jovian you must have forgotten to use your ears because other than the airbender thing which is completely feasible, it's pretty much all explained throughout the show. the airbending showing up of course is a mystery but even the part at the end put out a suitable explanation of why she was able to bring back people's bending, especially highlighted by the end of the original series. also, think about where this puts the next chapter at. korra, despite considerable power, has failed continuously. i'm sure that will be explored and make for some good angles. though as other people have mentioned it would have been neat to have them struggle without bending for a couple episodes and then give it back.
  18. half the reason i still come to this website is to see if gt puts out new music
  19. your point is fair but meteo put out a succinct explanation that i agree with. so i'm just gonna leave that on him. and the wizorb main website has a big 'xbox indie games' logo on it, though it may be that their company just worked with xbox indie games in the past. i don't really know i didn't look too closely. also, crowbar. note that, once again, i didn't say anything near what you imagined i said. i did NOT say wizorb's developer shouldn't release it on ouya if ouya ever comes out. what i DID say is that making a system and trying to hype it up by being like 'LOOK AT THIS HIGH PROFILE RELEASE WE'RE GETTING IN WIZORB! MOVIN ON UP' when it's already being released in like 4 other places isn't a great idea. i love how you rebut all my points with generalizations and then for the last one you just say 'well that's an individual's choice, who are you to decide for them.' if you want to say 'i like playing games better on a console than pc' please do so. but saying it's better and then thinly veiling your opinions on why by using the words 'some people' isn't constructive.
  20. it was never an intelligent discussion to begin with. when your best point was 'well if i plug in all these imaginary numbers for money that i just made up a few minutes ago, i think the ouya sounds like a pretty good deal,' you're not quite there. your problem here was you, like the republican party, tried to make your opinion-based ideas on ouya and mouse and keyboard and other various things sound fact based. but they weren't. and we told you so. getting mad about it now isn't very constructive. IF you had just said 'i want ouya to succeed, i think it will be good for developers,' THAT'S FINE. nobody's going to try and dress you down for that. but if you say 'ouya will succeed, and these (made up) statistics and opinions of [some people] are why,' then why should neblix or i not tell you what's up? 2) why is playing on a tv such a hot-button issue? i play my console games on my computer monitor anyways. tvs and computer monitors are kiiind of the same thing when you get down to potential usage. 3) consoles are indeed easier to turn on and play than computer games. but unless you're very computer illiterate it's not hard to figure out. 4) drm sucks for reals. 5) i disagree. if you don't have a computer to begin with, and you're only buying one for gaming, then yes it's probably less expensive to buy a console. that also means you're living in 2012 and not owning a computer. if that's the case, you have more important things to worry about than how you're going to get your video game fix. 6) i prefer mouse and keyboard, i suppose i should complain about having to play my console games on a controller? my point here is not that i should actually complain about that, but just like you say below... SOME PEOPLE don't share your opinion that games need to be on controllers all the time. 7) okay really? SOME PEOPLE have no interest in portable gaming. SOME PEOPLE have no interest in iOS/Android gaming. SOME PEOPLE have no interest in the indie scene, at all. i mean shit, SOME PEOPLE don't even like ice cream! long story short there is always a group of SOME PEOPLE that don't like a certain thing. SOME PEOPLE don't think ouya is a very good idea. also, that wizorb game you posted is to me, the perfect example of why ouya's not a good idea. i looked at it, and it looks like a shitload of fun. but would i spend 100 dollars to buy an ouya to play it? FUCK NO. if i buy that game it would be through digital distribution on my computer, or off of xbox indie games. why does there need to be another place for me to buy this game if there's already convenient places for me to buy and play it without an upfront cost to buy a new console? what if somebody ate kirby? what would kirby meat taste like????
  21. apparently, seeing as they're not. racing games, fighting games, and all cross-platform games (which is more or less every aaa title ever) perform well on pc sales wise. in fact the only real difference i can think of is that on a pc, your publisher won't force you to make a multiplayer mode for a game that distinctly does not mesh well with multiplayer. computers played the first video games, and computers still play the latest titles on xbox and ps3. other than 'keyboard and mouse? ewww icky' there's no difference. edit: i love this post. for real.
  22. while there is ingrained issues in the system as it is now, there is a reason that game development is a meritocracy. and it SHOULD be a meritocracy. making games costs money, even small games. nobody (including developers themselves) wants to make a game that nobody likes, because it's a waste of the developers' time and money. if you can't produce a quality game it probably means you should keep educating yourself until you can. not that someone needs to make you a cheap, easy-to-develop-for system to put it on. edit: gollgagh nice one. mentally imagining wii fit and a keyboard made me giggle. and kind of reminded me of track and field for nes
  23. i would have agreed with you 5 or 10 years ago but seeing as my out of the box laptop from 4 years ago can still play current games without a hitch (given at low settings) clearly the hardware gap is not so volatile that it's a limiting factor, outside of crysis. given an average laptop's lifetime is around 4 years i really don't see why anyone would make a distinction. everything about what they do is the same, and the only point that really makes a difference in everything you put down was the 'special monitor' but really since there has been hdmi input, there has been the ability to hook your computer into a tv. the only computer that doesn't come with hdmi input is certain types of apple laptops and people buying those certain types of apple laptops aren't really thinking about anything but how cool apple is. if you had to do something distinctly different to play games on a computer you might have a point. but you really don't at all. function is exactly the same. yes every so often you have to update your computer, but in general people replace laptops in 5 years, and desktops in 6 or 7 anyways. though overall out of all the points this one is probably the least important, given the only reason it got brought up in the first place is that indie developers 'deserve to develop for a console' as if putting out games on pc isn't good enough. which is a silly notion.
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