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The Derrit

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Everything posted by The Derrit

  1. none of these are actual final fantasy games and XIV im pretty sure hasn't come out yet/isn't coming out in the same year as XIII given that whole chronology thing
  2. also, metacritic puts down reviews from "haterboisephy69" and all sorts of rediculous small blogs that absolutely LOVE to hate on established series and give games like mario galaxy 1 out of 5s so given that metacritic probably isn't even as high as it should be
  3. this this and more this its like you've never been to ocr before or something
  4. says who i'd like to see that
  5. i'm actually really excited for SS/HG, its the only generation i never played plus all the cool trade-between-older-games thing is awesome and now i wanna catch em all again like i did in red one of my crowning achievements in life so far i might add
  6. thaanks :D you're the best. keep making all my fav mixes!

  7. did anyone go and get the pikachu-colored pichu at gamestop i thought about it but didnt end up doing it
  8. P90X gets results. Don't let the fact that it's a dvd infomercial fool you, it will take you a long way if you follow it well. As a collegiate rower, I use the yoga, abs and plyo sections and all of them still do a lot for me, the workouts are no joke.
  9. i remember this song from the wip boards like, 3 years ago! but it still sounds great from the first part i've heard. listening to it now, glad its official!
  10. For those of you who don't have it, Advance Wars: Days of Ruin is on sale at gamestop.com for 10 bucks. I've been told its worth it.
  11. that soon? yyyeeeeeesssshhhhh /AWESOME
  12. you act as if this isn't A NEW THING.
  13. has anyone else noticed that the running animation in the preview isn't even good? he looks like he's supposed to be walking, and in the preview they didn't even take the time to make a stopping animation for him. i can't tell if they're trying to get something out quick or just cutting corners because they think people won't notice
  14. fitting of a gun named after me hell yeah
  15. super sweet i love things like these
  16. hey i know you love your pokemon, and i've been thinking about getting into the game more than just beating it and leaving it be. do you have any advice for a starter like me?

  17. i don't think this is true purely on the fact that if they released a DSi only game like they've been saying they can it wouldn't get near the reception they would want for it.
  18. arek i <3 u if there's anything i can do to help (which there probably isn't) let me know and i'll be there
  19. halc wins for posting the most songs in the last 3 months or so, he's been getting one down relatively often and i'm okay with that
  20. yo GT you were totally right, poppiholla RAPES. <3
  21. very well put together trailer, I love it.
  22. YUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSs. I am listening to UnMod Session 002 but this will soon change. TO PUBLIC ADDRESS 007 WOO edit: any new photography on your site you'd reccommend for artwork?
  23. ... a used version of Chrono Trigger DS for 18 bucks. With the poster STILL IN IT. YESSSSSSS. Have you bought anything music/gaming/awesome-related recently that you're happy about? Post here.
  24. i've had that happen before, girls think im another guy who was a major douche to one of their friends and get all pissy with me and i'm like "do i know you?"

    rediculous. other than that though it can do wonders, its gotten me out of sticky situations before.

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