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1337 1

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Everything posted by 1337 1

  1. In fl, I'm mainly after the soundfont player, and the piano roll (along with the ability to use vst instruments). The sonar version is Home Studio 6, and to my knowledge, it has a sound font player of some description, but I prefer the one in fl. In the ways of synths and plugins, I'm more of a DIY person; I'm not really interested in paying extra for synths or plugins. So long as I can use soundfonts and vsts, along with the piano roll function, I'm happy.
  2. I've been planning on buying a copy of fl studio for a while now, and I've decided to do it now (as I have dire need of it for a few projects that I'm trying to do). I'm probably going to buy it through image-line, owing to the whole free upgrades with digital purchases. But which version to buy? My needs aren't all that demanding; basically all I need is to be able to use the piano roll, import/export functions, soundfonts and vsts (and maybe some other plugins; like I said, I'm not too picky on my needs, just need the basics). I have a copy of sonar as well, so that helps a bit too with cutting down on the functions I need (I can use sonar to do stuffs with my keyboard, amongst other things ). So, in your opinion, which version should I get? While I'm thinking of getting either the express or fruity editions (both of which are downloadable), I'm open to any suggestions anyone has in regards to "must haves". Just bear in mind I'd rather not get a boxed version if it means shipping: Australia+overseas shipment=d347h. Thanks
  3. I thought that was assumed in ANY part of the music industry Bands haven't got it any easier; getting signed is a pain in the ass, and there's just as much work when it comes to promoting etc. However, as zircon was saying, the amount of jobs in a specific area of music is very small. My brother in law (once removed ) has several degrees, and he has a similar job to what I'd imagine zircon does (can't say for sure though, the university degrees here in Australia would differ somewhat over in America), although in addition, he also does a lot of 3D work. He's even worked for Pixar a couple of times; he has some impressive skill. However, if you are an absolute god, it CAN be done...if your name is Nobuo Uematsu (I swear, people must beg him to do music. Not hard to see why though; he is practically a god of music) As a side note, the video game industry is very hard to get into in general.
  4. personally, I would look into doing music for media as a whole (i.e. while games specifically might not be so big, music for things like tv shows and ads, radio, dvds etc would be much broader and more feasible).
  5. Yep. Also, guitars; its hard to get a true guitar sound with computerised fonts and such. The guitar is too flexible. You can record the notes, but sucks to be you if you need actual fancy stuffs. (hell, it'd be nice though)...
  6. Damn right; this very computer cost me nothing to build. AND its actually quite good.
  7. I'm surprised that people didn't just straight up bring up the whole "piration" thing... I'm against piracy and all that, however when people get sued for downloading a couple of songs (and when the amount is several thousand), I think that's taking it a bit far. I understand the reasoning, but when you fine some random $24000 for 12 songs, that's just plain stupid. Personally, if the software is sanely priced, and is half decent, I will buy it, even if I could pirate it. For example, FL studio; downloadable version+free updates=ftw. Even though I need slightly more than those in the US (not much thanks to the aussie dollar being as strong as it is), I still think its worth it. Then there's Adobe. Lower your prices, and I might buy your stuff. In the meanwhile, I will enjoy the privileges of going to the local university (which gets a deal where certain subjects give out free copies of required software. Things like Audition, Photoshop CS3 etc are at worst discounted). Really, if you give them the incentive, they will come. You just need to give them a reason to want to support you... Yes, I am looking at you Microsoft. (anyone else miss the days when there were more legal torrents than illegal?) (also, I am aware of the impact that piracy has on creators. I'm just saying that having software costing $1000s more than previously isn't the solution) Heh, and I own a legal copy of Vista Ultimate, complete with an equally legal copy of the new, much crappier Office. woot for bluescreens.
  8. Agreed ... YOU WERE THE ONE BEHIND IT?! Very nice!
  9. While I might not be up there with the big artists, I do come from a family of musicians. I also live in Newcastle, Australia, a place known for its music scene. Even so, I've been able to teach others about music, and I've inspired others to take up music as a hobby. I've been able to get a message across. Its a cheesy and lame list, but its my cheesy and lame list Besides, is all for the fun of it. ^^
  10. Dost thou dare insult FF7?! HERESY!!! Just because it had revolutionary graphics FOR ITS TIME and it had random encounters, does not mean it was crap. Well, there's the whole thing about a certain artist POSSIBLY stealing other artists songs...but its being looked into etc etc. (basically, old news ^^) Also, I can't find the links to the torrents page...ALSO HERESY!!! (and yes, I know that right after I post this, I will find the link, and 1000 people will send the link. Meh, murphy's law FTW...) EDIT: yep, found it MYTHBUSTED!!! XD
  11. 3 I'm a non-conformist I choose them at random. In fact, I find myself LESS likely to listen to it if I know the game, and even the artist in some cases (but I rarely look at the artist anyways: too many new musicians coming out )(which is a good thing, of course).
  12. True. Plus the fact that half of my conversation is in jokes, so that probably wouldn't help
  13. ...why do I have to explain the same point as countless other have already made...
  14. My car got broken into while I was on holidays. The guys got caught the next day (amusingly enough, they were right across the road from where we were staying. They broke into about 10 cars, and got a sum total of...$12!!! So they got jailed over $12. The car we had to rent was more Yes, there are many thieves who lack intellect. Shame they all don't
  15. I was at one of the JB hifi stores one day, and this one guy came in, picked up Guitar Hero 3, and played tfaf on expert. Watching this guy, he got 99%! He did not seem to exert any effort. I swear, its like the guy was...god. Watching him made me weep
  16. Yep, that's right. Admittedly, I bought the orange box off steam, so it cost just over $50. However, a few of my friends are somewhat...unemployed. They want the orange box, but are too busy pretending to study to get a job, and so either way they can't afford it They were all too glad to pick up Portal: the First Slice. That's the name of the free one. Yes, that's right, for all of those whom came here expecting the full version free, that cake is a LIE!!! omfg!!! (I never thought anyone to actually expect to read this and get the FULL version of Portal. Although, then again, I should know better after the events of one particular thread): http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=13438&highlight=cec%2Alia For all my doubts, I got it yesterday... I guess there really is such thing as a free lunch.
  17. I'd like to know who decides to write these, and why. It seems totally random. As this one clearly attests!
  18. No, considering how many levels there are in the FULL Portal, 11 seemed to be quite a bit more than I expected. I think its good especially here in Australia because it gives us a way to play it (considering the Orange Box is $100, and everyone talks about how awesome Portal is). HOWEVER, Portal: The First Slice isn't all you get; you also get HL2 Lost Coast, HL2 Deathmatch, and Peggle Extreme (behold, the ultimate novelty time waster!) The title "Steam + nvidia = Free Portal" was used simply because "Steam giving out free games for all with nvidia video cards, including an 11 level demo of Portal" was a tad long winded. The specific details are for the main article. First rule of journalism: get their attention first Besides, its free, and you don't need to buy anything, so for steam, its actually pretty decent. I'm just happy I get free stuffs
  19. For those of you who don't hate steam and own a nvidia video card, they're offering free games for download via steam. I know a lot of you out there hate it, but considering one of the games for download is Portal: The First Slice (which seems more of a demo, but at 11 levels, that's pretty good considering its portal ). www.steamgames.com/nvidia I reckon this was a great way for me to wake up I'm curious about the HL2 Deathmatch I got with it... EDIT: Yes, I am aware of how some of the items are free if you already own XYZ. However, this thread was aimed at those who DON'T have them.
  20. Heh, I had the black screen problem...turns out it was because I was using dual core processors: http://nwn.bioware.com/support/known.html#50 Ironically, it works perfectly on vista, even though they claim it isn't supported. Dual Core too (I know about all the "CPU affinity" and all that. I never needed to touch it tho^^) Spec me; it might be the Os or hardware. Check the above link (if you haven't already), and it might help.
  21. Exactly; especially considering the fact that VOTL was released not too long ago (and it also had a remix of the very same song that the Black Mages used).
  22. Tread lightly: there are still people pissed at you for your actions in both the BT thread and the Reuben Kee thread. On topic: an Australian gaming magazine did something on this as well, and it said similar stuff. Only it was more general about gaming journalism. The summary of it was basically that people have their opinions, and they are exactly that: opinions. If you like/dislike it, too fscking bad. Deal with it.
  23. no, they've already been there: Uematsu had to remix OWA for Advent Children. For the record, it was pretty good.
  24. True, but who cares about mainstream: we have the internets (on a side note, I've heard something similar to this before, and these things are becoming more and more common, so there may yet come a time)
  25. Hell no, I'm not saying that. I'm saying the people who make many of the key gens get other peoples music (well, the illegal ones usually, but the legal ones...), instead of making their own. After all, who would honestly steal bad music I will agree, there are some awesome songs out there on these things.
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