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Everything posted by Chernabogue

  1. Short sources flood (sources are less than 1 min long) Games with no OCR track flood (remixes from games with 0 remixes on the site) Automn mood flood (tranquil, cool, nostalgic remixes) Dubstep flood (so you lose 1/4 of your Facebook fans in a day lol) French remixers flood (wait, what)
  2. Thanks for the answer. I'll apply as soon as I get a decent internet connexion on my laptop.
  3. Just a few questions before applying: - Are you still looking for a video editor? I could apply for both music and video. - What kind of examples are you exactly looking for? (genre, length, etc.) - Are you okay with music hosted on Mediafire? I have tons of music hosted there, but it's not as good as YouTube or soundcloud. Thanks if you can answer my questions. The project looks very nice, I'd be very happy to be a part of it!
  4. Just a few questions before applying: - Are you still looking for a video editor? I could apply for both music and video. - What kind of examples are you exactly looking for? (genre, length, etc.) - Are you okay with music hosted on Mediafire? I have tons of music hosted there, but it's not as good as YouTube or soundcloud. Thanks if you can answer my questions. The project looks very nice, I'd be very happy to be a part of it!
  5. Got a final update from Slimy, and he should be done once I give his track a listen during my lunch break. Now I just need Brandon's final track, which should arrive soon, and a few track names and notes. It's almost ready!!
  6. If you're looking for several remixers, keep me a spot
  7. So yeah, Slimy's track is almost done, and it's great. Fits perfectly the source and the album. Brandon also told me he would finish his track for this week-end. Yay!
  8. Hey, you're stealing my line and role! I'll only be able to listen to his track during my lunch break.
  9. Halloween is still my goal, so let's hope the staff will eval and pass it quickly.
  10. Good news, everyone! The album should be finished this week-end! If you haven't sent your notes or consent or track name, please do so asap.
  11. Ah! Sorry for being impatient, haha. #TooMuchEnthousiasmForProjects
  12. Pieter seems quite. Maybe I could get the feedback as well and get in touch quickly with the artists? (I'm assistant director)
  13. Pieter seems quite. Maybe I could get the feedback as well and get in touch quickly with the artists? (I'm assistant director)
  14. I'm not saying it's a bad idea, I like it, but two weeks sounded a little short to me. Good luck with the project as well
  15. Woah, that concept is really awesome. Kinda like doing the soundtrack to an adventure movie Very nice project, a pleasure to read. My only concern is the ultra short deadlines. If you have no tentative release date so far, try to space them more, two weeks is ultra short. I may join once my own projects get released later this year.
  16. Next album is NeutralAss: Neutral Characters Themes. GoodAss was too obvious.
  17. PM'd my first 2-min WiP for Kirby, Latino style! If someone here plays the trumpet or knows someone who does, please contact me, I'll have some work for you. Maybe some acoustic guitar as well (Tuberz!!! XD).
  18. Thanks for the update, Dave! @Pieter: Let me know if I can help when you get the staff's feedback. :
  19. My Pokémon remix passed the panel, so that's one more mix in favor of the release. Hope we'll get some news soon-ish.
  20. Poor Nick Cage. Hope you can finally find a good movie for him in VV3
  21. As a law student, this made me laugh a lot.
  22. It doesn't matter if the album has been in production for several years. If something is still missing for its release, it won't come out until that issue is solved. That's why other projects, despite being newer but having everything done, may get released before. Out of curiosity, what albums did the slide show?
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