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Everything posted by Chernabogue

  1. I'm uploading my track from my freaking phone during my lunch break. This alone deserves a front page post.
  2. VV3 news from Paris, France, during my lunch break! Slimy sent a Wip in for Chandeliers. I still need to listen to it, but based on his previous tracks, we can expect something great. I'll finish my Boss remix asap too. Brandon said he would do his remix soon too. BMC needs to send me his track for mixing and mastering but he has trouble with his project file. I still wait on an update from Audio Sprite.
  3. Okay, sixto's track can be claimed because I have a strong feeling I won't get an update on this one. I'm making progress on the Boss Theme, it's tricky as hell. I also got a nice update from Eino, and a finished track from Rexy. I'll try to download Andrew's art today, if I can.
  4. Yup, this one is hardcore. Having à hard time remixing it.
  5. Offering collab help: orchestra and drums programming, mixing and mastering. Dont know the soundtrack, plus I'm busy, so I prefer to assist someone instead of claiming à track. Good luck!
  6. So, unfortunately, the project isnt done yet. I anticipated it, so you guys have a small extension until I get my connexion back in 2 weeks or so. Dj Mokram has to drop his claim for personal reason, so if anyone who works fast as hell wants to give it a try, feel free to do so. Im working on a WIP as well, but I have less free time now.
  7. My track is ready but I still cannot upload it. Will keep you updated.
  8. Only 5 tracks left, woohoo! I got confirmations from BMC, Brandon, and Eino I should get updates soon-ish. Still need to reach Mokram and to get sixto's track as well.
  9. Final deadline is today!! But I still miss some tracks. I'm being realistic and artists will get a small extension if needed. Now go tell sixto I need his track! (seriously) Got à few other finished pieces and some art from Andrew. I need à decent connexion to Keep working on the project, it may take à few days.
  10. Maybe GrayLighting likes the OCR Facebook page. You could reach him there with a public message.
  11. Lots of new finished tracks. Keep them coming We're almost here!
  12. Once my new work schedule is up, I'll give it a try. Any tracklist or list of claims in the words?
  13. I'm on my new location, and my phone allows a limited access to the Internet. So if Tuberz sends me the solo, I can try to mix and upload the track asap.
  14. I'm leaving on Saturday (and my Friday is already quite packed). I may find an Internet connexion where I go, but I cannot guarantee it to be soon (won't be two months though, I'll try to find a real connexion whenever I can).
  15. I won't be able to provide an update anytime soon, as I'm leaving for 2 months soon. Maybe if Tuberz sends me the final solo, I'll mix it and try to upload it whenever I get a real Internet connexion.
  16. I'm heading to Paris on Saturday morning (which is Friday night for the American folks), so from now please send updates to my e-mail address (and if possible, attached to the mail). We'll see how it goes there, but for the time being, let's do it that way.
  17. Very nice project, Sam! Even if I cannot back it as of now, I'll share it around. Good luck! (Also, I'd back the hell out of a Castlevania Cinematica )
  18. I woke up and it was the first thing I saw in my news feed. Fuck, just after Christopher Lee, 2015 is trying to say something. Will be listening to The Land Before Time this morning. RIP good sir.
  19. You're welcome. I'm glad it's done. When I get more free time (and find a fitting mascot), I'll try to help put once more.
  20. IIRC the Japanese actor who voice Xehanort (and who was the father of the VA of Terra in the Japanese version) also passed away after BBS. That role, man.
  21. Alright, I'm leaving next week-end, and there will be a few days of transition during my installation. I'll need all the finished tracks/almost finished WiPs in next week, so I can send you feedback before I leave.
  22. Someone theorized the game would be released in December 2016: the calendar shown in the trailer behing Young Eraqus corresponds to that month. So much stuff hidden in that cutscene (the chess pieces would represent the 7 Lights and 13 Darkness).
  23. Guess I couldn't summon Satan in 16 sec. LOL
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