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Everything posted by Chernabogue

  1. New review: I'm a bit biased here, since I co-directed Legacy ^^ The blend of chiptune, clean guitars, and fuzzy additions (percussions, synths) really work here. The overall mix is maybe a little too much high-pitched (the bass is a little too buried under fuzzier instruments), but it is far from being a problem. There's an industrial feeling I get when I listen to this one -- fits the caped crusader.
  2. I can hear the old 60's Batman references in here. A very energic remix (some surf rock and ska influences), yet well mixed -- nothing muddy, even with lots of instruments. Nice brass later on, and overall nice performances/playing. I could see that as the opening of an old TV show!
  3. Well, now that's something nice in terms of sound design/atmosphere. I love the soft percussion during the first part, and the synths you used too. The drum kit is a nice addition. The piano's mixing is a little hot, but I guess it was intentional. Really nice transition to something more filled in the end.
  4. Some Castlevania Judgment in it as well? Oh boy, how could I miss that one? Love the overall ambiance of this one -- very funky/groovy. An interesting take on Vampire Killer, which has been remixed to death. The violin is a little piercing at some points, but the production value is very good. Can't wait to hear more from you guys.
  5. New review: the production value is insane here -- I can feel how BONKERS improved over the years. The beginning sounds more like a direct cover of the original Saturn version, but quickly evolves into something new and shreddingly good (+ bonus points for crazy nice synths). I love the small cameos to other CV tracks (I can hear a little CV2 here and there). Keep 'em coming, bro! \m/
  6. I'm keeping an Excel sheet to track my reviews, I plan to review newer remixes as I often overlook a lot of them. I'll try to at least do everything that's in the latest torrent!
  7. Once again, a very nice arrangement -- crazy how minimalist and yet powerful it sounds at the same time. The production on this album is perfect (love the videos BTW) -- the amount of reverb/effects is perfect, as it keeps a very natural atmosphere. I don't know if this is intentional or not, but the fact we can hear Sebastian breathing (especially at the beginning) while he plays fits perfectly the "Sky" theme. I hope to hear more remixes like this in the future.
  8. Beautiful arrangement. The Water theme is well represented here, with the different variations of notes. It has a very particular and quiet atmosphere, but yet it feels energic. It's quite incredible what you can do with only one instrument. I must confess I overlooked a little the album when it came out, but I'll definitively burn a few copies for my family this Christmas.
  9. Re-reviewing this one: Sir J's vocals and range are quite impressive. The lyrics remind me a little of Bowie's "Space Oddity". Great mixing, you can hear, and even feel, the amount of production on this one. The samples and live instruments are all good (the bass and brass are awesome). Great funky track, on a really interesting source.
  10. Just watched the first 4 episodes. It doesn't feel really "MCU" to me (Daredevil felt more it was part of the MCU to me), but I like the overall atmosphere so far. Will see how it goes...
  11. Aladdin getting no love? 16 hours remaining. I'll enter tonight.
  12. A really interesting theme/concept. Nice job to Flex and team! Now time to listen in detail to it.
  13. Instant fav here. Love the electro swing style. Great work to both of you guys!
  14. I think I forgot to tell my t-shirt size is M.
  15. Thanks for answering my call. Brandon already claimed "Dearly Beloved" so I can only invite you to check the rest of the soundtrack.
  16. Sent a few PMs to generate more interest and hopefully get more people on board. Not a lot of answers so far, but we'll see how it goes.
  17. Okay, thanks for the clarification. This should go to Recruit & Collaborate.
  18. I live a few kilometers from Germany, and have been able to enjoy the first McRib of my life a few weeks ago. Not bad!
  19. It seems the Project forum isn't protected as it was before.
  20. Is it out yet? I need to catch this up, I'm a big Digimon fan (well, I only saw the first 3 seasons in France, so... ^^)
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