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Everything posted by Chernabogue

  1. I'd be very interested to have them, especially to learn more about composition. Please PM me, or post them here. And the project, while apparently "dead", is still on! Brandon is focusing on other ones (FF2, FF3) before coming back to full speed on this one.
  2. It's already the afternoon in France, damn those time zones!
  3. Finished Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 at 110% on PC. God, it was hard.
  4. I wrote a quick theme for the protagonist of Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night, Miriam. I tried to keep in mind Michiru Yamane's style, as she is composing the music of Bloodstained. Please enjoy and share -- let's have Michiru Yamane listen to it. https://soundcloud.com/chernabogue/bloodstained-glass-petals-theme-of-miriam-fan-made
  5. Everything can be metal. If you're brave enough.
  6. Got WiPs from PirateCrab and Existence Zero. Both should have finished tracks soon. Think it's time to (re)spam other people lol
  7. Nice theme! Hope PuD will enter with a new swing metal remix. Also, congrats, Ivan
  8. Go for it, Eino. Let me know if you need help with something.
  9. DEADLINE DAY IS UPON US! One month until final cut-off date!!
  10. Yeah, as long as I have the final wav in June, it'll be fine.
  11. I got 2 new finished tracks from goat and Slimy! Plus other WiPs during the week. Keep 'em comin', ye Olde Drac' wants 'em!
  12. DEADLINE IS TOMORROW!! Get those WiPs in, especially if you're still red/orange (and if possible finished tracks)!
  13. I still need to find a free evening to go watch that movie.
  14. I'd love to join, but it tkes place at 3AM in France, and my hours of sleep are much needed. ^^
  15. And answered with a nice concept idea! But go study, it's important! Thank you.
  16. Man, everyone wants VK LOL (BMC, from another forum, asked if it was still open - he can provide killer guitar work)
  17. AngelCityOutlaw has to drop "Vampire Killer", so it's open to claims until next deadline. If no one claims it before June 1st, I'll remix it myself.
  18. I'm quite busy with VV3 and real life atm, so feel free to send a PM once you want me to take your feedback into account and write another version.
  19. BMC_WarMachine opens the WiP season, and blends metal + orchestra for something that sounds epic! ---- Frendly reminder that the next deadline is in ONE WEEK! And that the final one is in FIVE WEEKS! Check the spreadsheet: http://tinyurl.com/VV3OCR RED: Tuberz, Sixto, and Brandon (and Nick Cage) -- need to turn a WiP and/or finished track asap (@Tuberz: you claimed the track recently, so you can have a lil' extension). ORANGE: Eino, Dj Mokram, and AngelCityOutlaw -- a substantial update is needed asap (contact me if you need help with arrangement/production) GREEN: Rexy, BMC, Existence Zero, and aensland -- an update by the deadline should do it ; try to get me a finished track by mid-June if possible PURPLE: Jorito, Sbeast, Timaeus, Slimy -- a finished track by next deadline or mid-June is needed ; it's time to finish your tracks, isn't it? Everyone (including people who are done): I will contact you by next deadline to get your artist bio, track notes, and other stuff OCR and the website needs.
  20. I tried a few soundfonts recently, and after listening to Sonic 2's soundtrack, I wanted to create a little test. It'd fit a cool action sequence I think. Anyway, it's short and loops, but enjoy another thingy I did out of boredom (instead of doing important stuff). LINK (for realz lol)
  21. Found the favorite food of 2 Miis on the first try in Tomodachi Life. Quite surprising!
  22. Well, I was thinking about it, and the answer is Sonic 2's "Mystic Cave Zone".
  23. Don't know if this fits here, but eh, you'll recognize it.
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