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Everything posted by Chernabogue

  1. Everyone here should read DarkeSword's post about OCR albums. It's great. Can't provide a link from my phone though.
  2. Eino and his awesome team (Jorito, Tuberz McGee, and XPRTNovice) are done! Brandon is finishing up his own remix in the coming days. If I could upload the album before mid-August, that'd be ultra rad.
  3. Pretty sure all Castlevania metalheads around here worship goat.
  4. Already worked on my remix, but I'll see if I can get a good Internet connexion before uploading it. Also, if a brass ensemble wants to feature in (at least one trumpetist), please contact me.
  5. Between a Nicolas Cage black metal track, an orchestra dubstep arrangement, and Eino's crazy rock remix, this album will be the weirdest OCR will ever release.
  6. So I got a longer wip from Slimy, which is good, and Brandon updated me on his track, which will be good. So it's good
  7. Yeah, you guys are speedrunning Eino's remix lol I'm more worried about Slimy and Brandon, but I'm sure we'll get neat tracks from them.
  8. New WiPs from Eino and Slimy. I truly hope to get the album ready and up by the beginning of August. We can do it
  9. The forums will die once this gets released.
  10. I guess I could start with "Vs. Nightmare", or maybe "Sector 2", and see how it goes. I need to listen to the soundtrack again.
  11. Spoiler alert!! And Eino was added as well lol
  12. I'll try to finish the trailer this evening and hopefully upload it this week-end. Still need the final tracks from the last remixers!
  13. Best trailer I worked on since I started doing OCR trailers. So epic.
  14. I'm trying new stuff with my Kirby remix. If I like it, I'll do the same for this track.
  15. New Symphony X? I will give it a listen.
  16. If it's okay with you, I could give "Vegies of Geasal" a try.
  17. Sign me up for Kirby's Adventure (NES). I'll try to make it a semi-medley, the soundtrack has too much good tracks.
  18. I got the final piece of art from Andrew, and it looks great. I contacted djp for the website and art, plus VV1/VV2. I PM'd a few remixers for their consent/notes. And I got a 12-sec WIP from Brandon. It's nice to get a good Internet connexion LOL
  19. The trailer is the last of my problems right now, I'll eventually do it in the next weeks. Can't guarantee it will have that particular sentence though. I will send the art in to djp this week-end so he can begin to work on the website.
  20. I can offer remixer help and claim a track, but this timeline won't allow me to offer video editing help. Still need to check for a track to remix.
  21. Double post, sorry. I'm trying to get everything done for the eval before August starts. So the sooner, the better. Slimy, Eino, Brandon -- Let's do it!
  22. Good news everyone! I worked on the front and back covers for the album, and they are almost ready. I also worked on new art for the first and second albums, which was needed. My track is almost done. BMC finished his remix. Brandon watches Nick Cage movies to find a good one for Simon's Theme.
  23. Haha, you guys I almost completed my Boss 2 remix. It's 90% ready, just a few tweaks and ear candy to add. BMC is working on his track's mastering, and fighting overcompression ans saturation. I will go bother Brandon so he does his. And I'm working on the art too (Andrew's art is awesome). We're almost done!
  24. Too much Sonic for OCR right now, IMO. It would be more interesting to tackle other franchises, which are less remixed.
  25. Feel free to collab if needed. News: I edited a little Audio Sprite's track and it's now finished. BMC found his project file back and is mixing a final version. Slimy's WIP is very cool. Eino sent me a new update, and his arrangement is super creative. We're making good progress towards the end of the project.
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