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Everything posted by Chernabogue

  1. Pretty sure I can write something so wrong it'll summon Satan if I do this.
  2. @djp: The one-page template works fine for me, we'll just need another section with DL links for VV1 and VV2. Let me know to whom I should send everything for eval once it's done, so we don't lose time.
  3. 1. The logo is (almost) ready -- see the OP. I may just change a little the colors based on Andrew Warwick's art. As for the general art, Andrew will provide everything he has in the coming weeks (he said he would have at least the front/back covers ready for the final deadline, with a few more sketches for the website/promo as well). I'll provide everything when it's done. 2. As you wish. Jorito and Timaeus proposed their help, if you ever feel too busy. 3. I like that. I'll dig a little into this code, if it's not too complex for me lol (I guess updating some info isn't THAT hard ) 4. I'm getting all that stuff along with finished tracks. I should have all of them by the final deadline, or a few days after that. 5. I think a simple section with "Get VV1/VV2 as well" would be enough, except if you want a whole new website for each album. On the other hand, we can also move the VV2 website hosted @ KNGI. I wish. They say it's quite touristic now, but seeing Drac's castle may be worth the trip. More seriously, I got accepted for a 2-month internship in Paris (500 kms from where I currently live) and I still don't have all the info I need about that (still don't know if I'll have a good access on the Internet -- I mean, not on my phone).
  4. That's really not bad for a beginning. Go ahead if you want to give it a shot. Feel free to shoot me a PM if you want more info.
  5. Ideally, I'll need someone to do both the design and the coding. I'm looking to get something that both ressembles the current OCR album websites design and the VV2 website.
  6. I'll need someone to give me a hand with the VV3 website. If interested, please contact me.
  7. I hope it comes on PC as well later, as they said FIRST on PS4.
  8. Your avatar matches so well this post. XD
  9. I'd be happy to join, as I love Metroid Fusion and as I do orchestra stuff, but your project's timeline is too short for me.
  10. I edited my post with your last suggestions.
  11. It already is the middle of the month, and most of the project is taking shape. But I may have been a little too optimistic about the July 1 final deadline, as some tracks need a lot of work, and I'll be focusing on my internships of this summer (starting today lol). I don't know if I'll have an internet access during the first half of July (I don't even know if I have a place to sleep lol), so the sooner I get the tracks, the better.
  12. FINAL VERSION Eevee "Its genetic code is irregular. It may mutate if it is exposed to radiation from element Stones." -- Pokédex Entry (Red Version) ==Bio== In the Pokémon World, Evolution is the process by which one creature changes into a different, usually stronger, form. While most Pokémon only transform into another once or twice in their lifetime, Eevee can morph into one of eight possible creatures. Moreover, all of Eevee's transformations require different preconditions: elemental stones, location, and the time of day are but a few of the factors a Pokémon trainer has to take into account to make Eevee evolve. The group of resultant Pokémon in this unique Evolution tree have been given their own name: Eeveelution. Being a Normal type Pokémon, Eevee has few weaknesses but also few exceptional strengths. A Pokémon trainer may prefer to raise its evolved forms instead, as they all possess different abilities and types, representing Eevee's greatest strengths. Among Eevee's specialized forms are the Electric type Jolteon and the Attack-oriented Flareon. Regardless of which form Eevee may change into, it is said that only a few Eevees are still alive, and people may not encounter such a creature in the wild. Nonetheless, a trainer fortunate enough to obtain one can make Eevee the trump card of a powerful Pokémon team. ==References== Official Pokédex Website Bulbapedia Article: Eevee Bulbapedia Article: Eeveelution
  13. Option 1 seems to be the most general and easy way to tell that. Nice idea, djp!
  14. Not a big fan, but the production sounds very clean -- something expected from halc and Jewbei. The chorus works better than the verses IMO. Guess the genre isn't my cup of tea, but still nice work -- I appreciate the other works of both artists.
  15. As I said in the PM, my short free time is being devoured by projects and IRL stuff that's coming (leaving my place for 2 months for professional reasons). I'll try to have something up today if I can.
  16. I just got the confirmation I'll be leaving my current location for 2 months by the end of June. I still don't know if I'll have access to the Internet in Paris (I'll have access on my phone, but it's not good to do project stuff), so the sooner is the better for finished tracks and WiPs.
  17. Next week is my birthday, so... More seriously, the final deadline is coming, and my free time may be reduced as I'm currently applying for an internship for this summer, so get cracking!
  18. So yeah, I'm for hire if you need (backing) vocals.
  19. VV3 Final Deadline: July 1st -- let's do it!!

  20. Interesting. No problem about sorting them, it'd be nice to have them (well at least the OST, I don't really care about the SFX). Thanks. That remastering project sounds awesome too, the GBA's quality didn't do justice to the soundtrack. Good luck!
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