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Everything posted by Chernabogue

  1. This is probably my favorite track from VV3. Can't say how much I love this track, which represents everything VV is to me.
  2. This thread is redundant with your other one, you don't need a second thread to recruit people.
  3. Let's see... - "Treasured Memories" - "Friends in my Heart" - "It Began with a Letter" Let me know if you need other examples/ideas
  4. That would make an interesting mash-up, yo.
  5. Thanks for the offer, but I prefer to work alone when it comes to project managment.
  6. LOL I went out for the week-end and never checked the compo back! Glad to have tied at the first place, and congrats to everyone else!
  7. Why not just call the album "Heart of a Gamer"? No need for more explanation.
  8. I'm happy to see Cloud in, but his moveset doesn't look original at all...
  9. I contacted Larry and the two Disney tracks are okay to be remixed on the album. Of course, they won't be posted on the website. So claim away now! Thanks Eino, fxsnowy, and Brandon for the claims!
  10. Why does everyone want to claim Dearly Beloved lol I only kept "Under the Sea" and "This is Halloween". I removed all the other Disney songs, but those two seem important to the album/soundtrack (IMO). Two tracks aren't a big deal, even more if remixers stick to the game's version.
  11. I already cut out half of the OST lol, but I'll give it another pass. Could be cool to have it under 40 tracks. As for copyrighted music / music not made specifically for the game, maybe it could fit the album. Most of them (at least UtS and TiH) are very important to the album's flow IMO.
  12. OCR usually don't, actually. But having a full set of artwork allows fans to print it themselves.
  13. I do remember. Maybe we could, maybe we could do something different, maybe someone else can give it a shot -- the sky's the limit!
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