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Everything posted by Lunahorum

  1. look at those red grippers in snappleman's pic!
  2. And for non native synths, right click a line or draw in a shape in the pitch event editor.
  3. cool song. sounds good
  4. damn I can run a mile in 6:30 but my 5k time lags around 24:00. Or is that usual? Right around 16:00 into the thing, in between the first and second mile, I start to really kick ass, but I end up slowing down by the end. I usually can finish with an awesome sprint though so maybe I just need to toughen up and use that energy during the race. edit: Anyone got any tips or anything? Also my knee hurts when I jog but not when I sprint. Is there anything I can do to alleviate this? Also how do I avoid erections when on the inner/outer thigh machine. Sure the "up and under" trick works, but I'd rather not get an erection in the first place. One time I had a huge erection, and some guy looked at it then looked down and pretended not to see anything. The only reason for the weird workout (thighs lol) is that I want to improve my leg strength and flexibility for taekwondo kicking.
  5. cool song I like it edit: Is that bass a synth? I found myself listening to the bass part the whole song. I like it.
  6. I tried Linux today. What a pile of nerdy shit. All the major proponents on a linux message board were like, "You are just used to windows. Linux is better." Well that may be true to some extent, but then I remembered the time I tried my friend's apple computer. Sure, maybe Linux is better for servers, but it's a fucking joke as a desktop. I will give it credit though, Linux is good for old computers. I have no experience with servers, but I have heard it is good for that too. It's also free with lots of cool goodies and downloads.
  7. Does anyone know how efficient this technology (energy is lost in the transmission or something like that) is or what the implications are (magnetic fields destroying electronics, etc) ? I don't know a lot about this sort of thing.
  8. yes he is immature and intolerant to criticism
  9. Do you know about head voice, chest voice, and falsetto? Falsetto is the raspy kind of voice you get by raising your larynx (sp?) in your throat to hit high notes. Chest voice is the normal sort of voice that you talk in or at least most people do. Head voice is also used for higher notes, but it uses a lower larynx than falsetto. If you hear it, it is much easier to mimic than trying to read about. It's like trying to learn a foreign language accent by reading about how to make the phonemes instead of just listening and mimicking. If you can't find anything on youtube or something, pm me and I could make you a quick chest/head/falsetto demo. Also see if youtube has anything on the singing drill known as "bubbles" or "lip rolls". That will help you connect across your bridges. I don't know about your symptoms, and I don't want to go spreading misconceptions by guessing what it is causing is. I have never had it happen. I would guess that it is because you are pulling up your chest and/or using falsetto to get higher notes. You can actually go a hell of a lot higher by using your head voice.
  10. If you have Sonar, why are you using FL studio? I always was under the impression that Sonar was better. On topic, are your notes in the piano roll different colors? (different channel midi notes) What is midi yoke for? Symphonic choirs word builder?
  11. since when did youtube have these user textboxes on the videos?
  12. Mazedude makes good music, and not getting a song accepted isn't a big deal. edit: You will get a remix accepted eventually at the rate you are improving.
  13. I like all the studio effects stuff they do. That thing herman wears on his finger is really cool, and new guitar is killer with that gold hardware and purple body.
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-DXwYbaFHeU lol but this new game does look cool with the scales and things.
  15. Dave Moulton's website is full of valuable (not practical for amateurs but interesting none the less), no marketing bullshit insight. It's all text though - no audio. Although he does have some courses non-free like golden ears, total recording, playback platinum, and other stuff. http://www.moultonlabs.com/page/cat/Product/
  16. Dragonforce's new album is out. I haven't listened to any of the new songs but this one so far. Sounding sick as usual. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mbfo7fpGYvo
  17. You could try anvil studio. It's not for remixing, but it's great for composing midi songs.
  18. You need to take criticism instead of thinking you are a good director and all the problems are everyone else's fault. One example -- The combat scene For this, you need to plagiarize other people's fight scene ideas. I am not saying to do the whole fight verbatim, but I am saying you need to look at other fight scenes from movies, zero in on what they are doing and why it works, and copy it. I don't know the first thing about movies, but I did notice that your fight scene was all one camera shot. I just watched a quick Jackie Chan flick on youtube and their fights are made up of short 3 second shots seamed together to make the illusion of a real fight. Maybe you should try to get into a theater class and learn general skills of the trade?? Nice attempt for a no-budget project, but I just can't see it working. Also, you definitely need some fake, wicked-sharp teeth on sweet tooth.
  19. In reality, the product isn't done, and we jerks are just scapegoats. edit: Oops my bad. I just remembered that he won two awards.
  20. edit: ah it's already over
  21. My ass eagerly awaits getting laughed off when you release the final product. Please don't let it down.
  22. I know. lol I fell in my chair laughing. I don't want to be mean, but this is hilarious. I also again laughed when you used the batman theme music on top of your trailer which also was a cheap imitation of the Joker's character from Dark Knight, and then claimed to have finished 2 months before Dark Knight came out. I do want to see the finished product,,, but not because of the trailer.
  23. wow excellent work I am listening to it now. IT IS JUST LIKE PLAYING THE GAME. Awesomeness.
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