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Everything posted by ambinate

  1. i kinda wanted to see this just out of self-destructive intrigue but maybe i'll skip it now (i will probably see this movie)
  2. This is fucking great. I really dig the sound choices that were made and I like that it doesn't stray too far from them. It makes for a really clean, tight sound throughout the whole remix. And the back-and-forth between regular and double time sounds awesome. Really great work!
  3. i'm waiting for the announcement about removing the need for hm's outside of battle forever and then i'll be really excited
  4. I think, technically, a prerequisite for a program to be considered a DAW is the ability to record and edit audio. Programs that support MIDI but not audio don't usually count. Reason doesn't have audio capabilities, so it's not actually a DAW (I'm not counting Record since it's a separate program, I think?). I don't know if this is actually a relevant distinction anymore, but that's the way I learned it a while ago.
  5. i mean, that still makes him kind of a terrible father
  6. i'm still holding out hope for the third one. i think a while ago kojima mentioned the possibility of him producing a third game and i'm going to pretend that it's still a relevant piece of information.
  7. man i hope that rumor is bullshit, i am tired of friend codes
  8. examples of great gaming on the iphone were already given. sure, a ton of it is shovelware, but so is a ton of the DS' library. that's going to be the case with any popular gaming platform, especially a portable one. for a lot of people, though, the big difference is that something like zenonia costs less than 10 dollars, whereas new 3ds titles will probably cost at least 40. i'm not saying the iphone is going to render the 3ds irrelevant, or that it's a shitty system or anything. obviously it's going to be wildly popular. but in order for nintendo to convince new people to buy it, they're going to have to consider apple a serious competitor and make sure they deliver when it comes to stuff like online gaming, browsing, and other media.
  9. anyone who doesn't think the iphone/ipod touch is a legitimate competitor for nintendo's handheld business is living ten years ago.
  10. this is exactly the thought process he's talking about, yes. i know you meant for it to sound completely ridiculous, but it really isn't, especially for the older demographic that nintendo is apparently targeting (games like mgs and the zelda and star fox remakes point to this). the iphone's initial investment (with an upgrade) is about the same as a 3ds, which doesn't include monthly payments, but it's a fucking phone. monthly payments are standard here. nintendo is placing the 3ds directly in competition with stuff like the ipod touch and iphone by including music and movie support and a (hopefully) more robust online component, and they are aware of this. it's not a coincidence. the question is whether or not people that are between the ages of, maybe, 16 and 25 (or whatever) will want to spend 200 or 300 bucks on a gaming system with extra stuff, or a phone with extra stuff that also happens to have gaming on it. sure, you won't be playing star fox 3d on your iphone, but you also won't be paying 40 dollars for each new game you buy, and you'll be making phone calls and texting with it. for someone who doesn't have tons of disposable income, it makes a lot of sense to compare the 3ds and the iphone.
  11. zone of the enders was so fucking cool
  12. not to be a dick, but are you really comparing two systems whose releases are 6 years apart? i'm all for the 3ds, but that's just a little silly.
  13. you'll be sucked!
  14. i saw it at midnight. it was a lot better than i expected (the first one is one of my favorite movies but i hated the second one). i think the ending overdoes it a little, they could've trimmed a few minutes off it, but overall i really liked it. not as good as the original but it's really enjoyable. 3d was kinda useless though also i don't think i'd say it's quite as good as their best movies (imo wall-e, monsters inc, nemo, original toy story but i already said that so wtf)
  15. jesus this is so uncomfortable, i can't stop watching
  16. look the title of this game is hilarious, i mean really it looks like a lot of fun but come on
  17. wow, holy shit. that looks really cool. i never finished mgs4 (i am awful at stealth games, beating 2 and 3 almost killed me) but this has given me some motivation. i sort of assumed this was going to be a bullshit spin off that didn't really offer anything unique, but this looks badass. i thought it was official that it was raiden - someone told me that he appeared in mgs4 with the same look? that might be a lie, though.
  18. man, i couldn't disagree more with all of that stuff about orchestral music in games. both galaxy games, i think, are some of the best examples of music in video games, orchestral or not. most of the music is centered on really distinct melodies, so i find it a little weird to hear someone say that the games are lacking in that department. i can sort of see where you're coming from if you were talking about games like the elder scrolls series, but even still i'd disagree with you. as for zelda, i'm kinda skeptical right now. it has a nice visual style and looks like it'll be a solid game, but i really wasn't blown away by anything i saw in the trailer or demo. it seems like they added more thorough motion control to the twilight princess formula and that's about it, which is a little disappointing, at least for me. i was sort of hoping they'd figure out a way to create a more dramatic revision of the 3d zelda formula, the way they did with the galaxy series. i love the zelda series, but we've essentially been playing variations on the same game since 1998, while other nintendo franchises have seen much more substantial overhauls in the same timeframe.
  19. yeahhhh this is fucking awesome
  20. david wise has written a lot of awesome music for a lot of games, but banjo kazooie: nuts and bolts is not one of them. grant kirkhope, robin beanland, and dave clynick wrote the music for that.
  21. if i can fart at my screen in fable 3 and have the bowerstone people react accordingly, i will be a firm believer in the power of kinect
  22. i'm not going to argue that bungie or infinity ward have innovated more than nintendo with their sequels, but i will say that you make your argument look slightly ridiculous when your comparisons involve games that were released over 20 years apart and in different visual dimensions. i dont even think "visual dimensions" is a real term, that's how silly this is
  23. You guys are awesome, thanks so much for the feedback. So far it's really helping me get some of the sounds I was aiming for. I still have a lot to learn and experiment with but this is real nice. The Vagrance mentioned using pitch envelopes to add to the attack - I just have a quick question for anyone who's used Logic's ES2. I don't think it has a dedicated pitch envelope by default, so would I be able to achieve the same thing just by, for example, having the Router direct Envelope 2 to affect pitch1 (or pitch2 or 3 or whatever)?
  24. why is there not a dedicated forum for kinectimals, it's easily the cutest game since viva pinata
  25. 4/4 is great and all but it's only natural to westerners because we're used to hearing it so much. other cultures have histories of using (to our ears) much more irregular time signatures all the time, because they feel them as "natural." but i mean where else do you get that pumpin 4 on the floor, i mean come on
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