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Everything posted by Rozovian

  1. +1. Again. It's as if ppl are actually working on their tracks and the project actually moving forward.
  2. One of those tracks that we've been seeing in the TBP list for a long time. Finally out. Now how about that '08 remix? Not my thing tho, at least not yet. Too slow for the roughness, too rough for the slowness. And I may have heard a remix of this source before. Gonna be interesting to see if I can enjoy this rough slow thing more after more listens with my home speakers and along with other recently posted mixes, I guess the bass is a bit difficult to appreciate on laptop speakers. I don't like it. Yet.
  3. Looking forward to hearing EVERYTHING. Also, thread stays like this until I'm bored with it. Being so short, it kind'a stands out in a different way. Any suggestions on a shorter title wouild be appreciated tho.
  4. My first direct post, and I'm already missing the decision thread. Thanks ppl, glad you like it, especially crem if things suck for you and this track made things a little better. Somehow, BGC's specific mention of the snare also means a lot to me. Dunno why, probably that he found something specific he liked. I have no idea how I found time and inspiration to do this, but it turned out all right. Gonna move my wips of this to my remixes dir so ppl can hear the progress and my initial, conservative concept/rip. It's in the "asap" dir. For those interested, I have a logic project file there too, for those of you who want to see how it looks like from the inside (and have logic ). It took me about six days from the first test render to the upload of the completed wav, apparently. Pretty good imo.
  5. Edited it to make more sense. Basically, the names are wrong on youtube and in some spc's, that's why we have our own on the first post in the thread. +1 wip for a new track.
  6. Done. How abouts you update this, birthday boy? Here's some correction so the tracks have the same names as in the spc and rsn: Strange Medicine Secret of Mana A few other tracks are mislabeled in the zophar spc and on youtube, but ignore them, these two links are the only available tracks with name issues. The rest is in the first post.
  7. audio fidelity completed his. How about you yours? He made it really fun to listen to, and presumably had fun making it. What are you making yours? Awesome? Fun? Dark? Desperate? Intense? Lovely? uh... vague?
  8. +1! Cue Darke with cake in... three posts, maybe?
  9. Still claiming you're a first time poster? Isn't this the third time you're posting this remix? Gonna look silly when a mod merges your threads
  10. Do what sounds good. Figure out what sounds good and why. That's music theory in a nutshell. If you want it out of the nutshell... Gaaaarioo!! One moment.
  11. Hi newb, welcome to ocr. You can't have favorite threads here tho, sorry. They tend to just become flame wars. More info here. (you should have seen the thread. lurk moar.)
  12. Same folder as always. Just find any of mine, and take out the filename from the url.
  13. Screw this, I quit! Also, uploaded wavs to the usual location.
  14. Semi-taken, as in interest expressed by a prolific remixer. Just got a wav from him, but he's gotta show me some progress on his second track before I let him fully claim his third, which is 103. So it might disappear from the list shortly. I left it on the list just in case he'd be slow and someone else would snatch it a complete a remix of it sooner than he would. That doesn't seem to be the case, tho. 221 has a cool remix already, but it takes the source in a different direction. I don't care if my remark leads to a second 221 remix or a remix that uses the bassline with another source as long as I get that bassline in the spotlight somehow. I like that bassline, 'nuf said. Are you a remixer, you wanna join the project?
  15. Yep, enter notes, make music. Dunno if you've written music yourself before, but everyone works a little diffferent. Some people will write the song in their heads or on a real instrument, then write the midi, others will record, some ppl will just start writing in midi, some ppl will start by creating cool sounds and see where that takes them... I mean, whatever works for you. With ocr, you're making new arrangements for the music, so I advise against just loading up a vgm midi and screwing with that, but some ppl work like that, I've done it myself occasionally, and while it easily makes things too conservative, it's an easy way to get started with the program and seeing how stuff looks. Good luck.
  16. Most of the usual ocr congratulation phrases have already been used so you're only getting regular best wishes from me.
  17. +1. Or +2. We'll see on sunday when i have time to listen close. Progress.
  18. While the rest of the track is "only" great, the 0:20-31 is nothing short of stellar. Was haunting me for weeks, when I was at work, when I was outdoors, when I was in town; it just started playing in my head. If that's not a sign of success, I don't know what is.
  19. Man, this is awesome. Again, very much a spy/secret agent/commando feel to it. The track overall is cool, the triplet rhythm, the brass stuff, the dynamics, the mix of instruments complementing each other so well, but it really comes alive when the voice comes in.
  20. Has that BGC feel that I like. Has that cinematic feel that I like. Long review short: I like. So if a remix like this gets you on the composer team, maybe we should all remix recent american/european games from now on?
  21. So is this a cool summer mix or a cool winter mix? I don't care. I just like it. This definitely goes on my summer playlist. The prominent percussion thing gets repetitive, would have been nice to have that one thing more varied, but nothing else detracts. Really cool track.
  22. I like this one. The lead took a while t get used to, it's too simple for the rest of the instrumentation, and yet it now fits just fine. Gives the track its own style. The track overall is varied, even its repeated parts just flow on nicely, really hard hitting, danceable, listenable... One of my favorites among the 2010 mixes so far. There's a few compression things that bother me with this mix, how some parts just seem squashed and crowded, and then there's that some of the instrumentation sometimes seem to disappear in the mud (tho imo never the lead). Doesn't detract enough for me to not like the track. Nice work.
  23. Some eq or filter edits to bring out the ostinato and bass a little more would be good, they're a bit buried under the more clear instrumentation... which is ok when you have a more clear sound in the foreground, but sounds poorly mixed when you don't. Slow, atmospheric, and retro synths. I don't think it's empty, a bit minimal in the arrangement but I don't mind, it's a cool style. Would make a nice addition to ocr, but it's a bit repetitive and doesn't do much, doesn't go anywhere. imo anyway. Dunno how the source is used, so can't say about that. Cool style, cool sound, good luck mixing.
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