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Skummel Maske

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Everything posted by Skummel Maske

  1. This seems very interesting. I'd love to give it a shot. Will there be a 4-month time frame this time too?
  2. The drivers are for Vista64, and the onboard audio does work when I activate it and plug it in.
  3. Nice. I've listened to some of your stuff earlier, good work. Downloading.
  4. I've got the newest version of the ASIO drivers, and I reinstalled them first thing after I first discovered the problem. There's no sound output at all. I'll leave the Cubase mixer open and wait for it to happen again, so I can see if it receives any input. I've got drivers for the onboard HD sound module installed, although I've disabled them. It uses the RK as standard sound device automatically. I have noticed that it takes a while for the sound to "activate" whenever I open an application as well (as in, this happens all the time, not when the sound dropout problem appears). E.g. after closing Cubase earlier, I opened an mp3 in VLC, and it took 25 seconds before the sound activated. Edit: Confirmed. There's neither input nor output when it's in that state. It also seems to make Cubase crash, but if the interface it's using suddenly disappears, I guess that's kind of natural.
  5. This seems to be a rather odd issue. I'm using the Native Instruments Rig Kontrol audio interface, and most of the time it works perfectly. However, when I let my computer idle for a while, maybe about 5 minutes or so, the sound drops out until I restart Windows. The RK itself still works when the sound is gone (there's a small lamp that glows when I'm playing), so it seems to be software-related. There's no screen saver or anything activated. After googling the issue I went over the power settings, and made sure the power plan was set to high performance and the usb hubs didn't go to "sleep" to save power. This hasn't helped. Also, I've been using the computer actively for hours without the sound dropping out, so I feel certain that it's the idling that does this. Any suggestions here?
  6. I've ranted a bit about Final Fantasy XI, and linked to some stories at Kotaku. I don't have enough coherent stuff to write about these days.
  7. The girlfriend played this game for a little while. Visually, it was great. The rest.. Well, I don't know. I never managed to grasp the *point* of the game, and that ruined its appeal to me.
  8. Just curious: What's a W+M1 strategy? Most of my time playing TF2 has been as a pyro, two or three evenings really.
  9. Agreed. I really love their humor, except for in the games where it felt like they stuck to toilet humor.
  10. The album only covers tracks from the original FFVII game. Tracks from the spin-offs might be inspired by tracks from the original game though. I have only played the original myself, so I can't say for sure.
  11. This sounds incredibly fun. I love the concept!
  12. I know I'd pay extra for a burger flipped by John Williams.
  13. I feel this is relevant: Piratbyrån/The Pirate Party is growing significantly.
  14. I'm getting very annoyed by the continued use of the "lost revenue" argument. Someone who's slightly interested, or maybe just curious about a product will not go ahead and buy it just like that. If you're very interested, you might go through the effort of going downtown to find a record store and listen to the album if they have it, but I think people do download stuff somewhat randomly because it might "sound somewhat interesting". Most of the bands I listen to are bands I was kind of curious about at first, but not curious enough to look for a store online that has their albums (because most local record shops only have pop music).
  15. I don't think this will have any effects on file-sharing. The IPRED law must lead to some sort of uprising. Consider this a martyrdom.
  16. That's a really great initiative! I've had a hard time trying to find other guitar-driven tracks to hear how they've been mixed and such.
  17. In the news: Piracy. I've written some thoughts on the subject, which I believe some of you may disagree strongly with. Feel free to comment.
  18. I write my tracks in Guitar Pro before transferring them to Cubase as midi files. A problem that has appeared at seemingly random times is that the VST instrument will keep resetting to its initial settings every time I start playing the file from the start. Is this some "hidden" setting/automation within the midi file, or possibly the track? Does anyone know how to avoid it?
  19. You've got a regular amp, right? Do you have the same problem there?
  20. I've been getting into TF2 lately, so I'll join in next time I see people online. If you're wondering, I'm the one known as Skaldred, who runs around setting people on fire. I was playing today when that certain someone started spamming the old group, and while the notification popup isn't too obtrusive, it got slightly annoying. Unbelievably childish behavior, really.
  21. I wonder if they can make the process of exiting the game any more tedious.
  22. I bought the hype for Assassin's Creed once. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, urr..
  23. I would suppose it's alright as long as it's not done in the "swearing just to be offensive" style.
  24. I don't think the composer (Tomohito Nishiura) is related to the Final Fantasy series. I thought the soundtrack was alright, but nothing more. The Juraika jungle theme was nice, but that's the only track I really remember after a couple of months.
  25. I've got to admit, I didn't see it until someone on the forums posted about it because my bookmarks point straight to the forum. :/
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