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Everything posted by JCvgluvr

  1. Think of it as a physical interpretation of mind control. Because that's basically what it is.
  2. I think that's a good way of thinking about it. After all, Heaven will be better than anyone could possibly imagine.
  3. Me three. I did not expect what I got. An interesting novelty at best, a head-ache inducer at worst!
  4. I couldn't agree more. I don't know which is more popular to bash between Halo, Modern Warfare/2, or Sonic.
  5. I had a feeling only Sonic would remain at the end of the countdown. But who's to say we won't see Tails and Knuckles DLC somewhere down the line, ala Proto Man in Mega Man 9? (Perhaps even more...) My hopes for a good Sonic game haven't been this high since Sonic Unleashed. C'mon Sonic Team, joo can dew eet!
  6. Sorry, not interested in a beat 'em up, especially one that oozes porn and features Sarah Palin as the main star.
  7. Put me in the "pessimistic" category when it comes to this recent development. You guys think we're getting away from the emo Peter of SM3? Did you guys forget that they're going back to Peter's highschool days? I definitely can't wait for generalized stereotypes of teen angst to be stuffed down my throat. And by can't wait, I mean it might be a deal breaker for me, unless the movie gets stellar reviews. Who knows, maybe Shia Lebouff (sp) or Zach Efron can be the new Peter...*groan*
  8. My story began when I first got Metroid Prime Trilogy. I was having a blast with it, yadda yadda. The problems began when I started turning my Wii on. It would go straight to a black screen with no text, and no sound. I'd turn the Wii off, then back on, same problem. Finally, after trying about 10 times or so, the Wii started working normally. That is, until Samus got her arm glitched into her beam cannon, mid-weapon-switch. I had read about these kind of hardware problems before, and decided that it was probably time to send my Wii to Nintendo (it is a launch Wii, after all). Besides, everyone says they've got great customer service and will send the system back really fast, so I figured, why not? Got a box, contacted Nintendo, printed off the mailing label, sent them my corrupted system, and finally got my system back a little over a week later...or so I thought. I checked the piece of paper that came with the box, and the technicians indicated that this wasn't actually my original system. They decided to exchange my old system with a new one, and never bothered to tell me until afterwards! Okay, not a bad deal, right? $250.00 saved, yeah? Sure, that's all great...until I fired up "my" system. Every bit of save data from every one of my games...was completely gone. Super Smash Bros. Brawl? Gone. Mariokart Wii? Gone. Twilight Princess? Gone. All the dozens of games I ever rented from Gamefly? Gone. These are all games that I'd completed 100%. But that wasn't all! Miis? Gone. All Virtual Console and Wiiware games? Gone. RAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So, naturally, I call them and politely inquire: "WTF IS GOING ON?!?!" After a lengthy, repetitive, hour-long conversation with both the tech rep and his supervisor, all they came up with was basically: "Sorry, sometimes it happens, we should have told you before we replaced your system, our bad, but you're out of luck." I even asked them, "Why didn't you guys bother to at least try and transfer some data with an SD card?" (And before you mention it, yes, I know that not all game's data can transer, like SSBB, for instance.) But they point is, they could've at least TRIED to transfer something! But no, I was left with a blank slate, and 3 years of Wii gaming sent down the crapper.So, I was forced to go thru Sub-space Emissary a third time, which felt more painful than sticking a toothpick under my fingernail. Then I had to race through a couple of MKWii's grand prixs, getting pelted with cpu's blue shells in every single race. However, at least I was allowed to re-download every game from the Wii's store without any extra charge. Of course, all of each game's data stayed erased, but whatever.
  9. Can't stand the heat, get outta the kitchen.
  10. Your mom's a fanboy. No, I don't mean fangirl.
  11. Good thing he gave the Most Obstinate Refusal to Die Award to Michael Atkinson instead of Mario. No sense in having our favorite plumber die, as long as he keeps providing excellent games like Super Mario Galaxy, Mario & Luigi, Bowser's Inside Story, and New Super Mario Bros. Wii. Not to mention how hilariously he slammed that sour Australian, and how much that guy deserves it. I was surprised that GOTY went to Batman, instead of the usual candidates (Uncharted 2, Modern Warfare 2).
  12. I swear, if Nintendo tries to cram the DS2 with unnecessary multimedia bull****, I'll...I'LL..... *Reads The Damned's rant* ...do THAT!
  13. When will the Wii Motion plus support be announced?
  14. Oddly enough, it was still on the official site? I thought a cease-and-desist means that you have to REMOVE the content in question...did I miss something? While the production values for a project of this scope were admirable, the acting was mediocre at best. The plot changes, meanwhile, had me raging worse than a Star Wars fanboy playing The Force Unleashed. I wouldn't have minded all the changes so much, if they didn't seem so unnecessary, or just plain stupid. My friend is convinced that this was intended to be some sort of fan fiction on film. I on the other hand, can see how it was obviously supposed to be Ocarina of Time, just with some liberties taken. Stupid liberties that I despise.
  15. Aw, I missed it? Any other way I can catch this? Did somebody upload it to youtube or something?
  16. I did. I was pointing out that I seem to be an exception to it. While I did notice the obvious religious overtones in the Matrix, I was not offended by some of the cliches and stereotypes in Avatar. (And I'm sure I'm not the only one.) Again, just saying.
  17. Um...the Matrix DID have religious undertones. Especially when viewed in light of Christianity. Just saying...
  18. *politely applauds Coop's timely adaptation
  19. I might as well throw in my own Merry Christmas wishes to you all. I'm feeling pretty merry so far, because I started the day out right: I played Sonic 3, one of my top 10 games ever made.
  20. Toadofsky, I completely agree with you. Except for the "hardcore gamer" thing. I'm a firm believer that hardcore gamers and casual gamers exist. Coop, Halo-bashing hasn't stopped, in case you were trying to insinuate otherwise. Not saying you were, but yeah.
  21. Aw, gee thanks, Yahtzee! You got me a rick-roll for Xmas! You shouldn't have.
  22. I saw this tonight in 3-D. I'd like to point out the real star of this movie. It's not Sam Worthington. It's not Michelle Rodriguez. It's not even Sigourny Weaver. The star of this movie is Pandora itself. I can't remember the last time I was this convinced that something fake seemed so very real.* That alien planet puts the "awe" in awesome. From the lush scenery, the dreamy night scenes, the fully-realized creatures, and the completely believable Na'vi, this place has it all. Breathtaking, amazing, beautiful, etc, etc. Escapism at it's finest. If you're reading this, and you haven't seen the movie yet, seriously...Go watch it. Just do it. Don't uphold some fool-hardy quest to resist the Hype Machine (it doesn't do anyone any good). Don't cling to your cynical skepticism. Don't be scared by the inevitable rise in furry support. Don't do it because I'm telling you to. Go see it because you will be happy and satisfied with your purchase. It's as simple as that. Don't even wait for DVD. This is one of those movies you have to see in theaters. The sights and sounds will blow you away, but only if you allow them to. Just go see it, ASAP. Preferably in 3-D. *Oh wait, I just remembered: Bioshock is really good with escapism. But still, Avatar freaking rocks!
  23. It took me a while to get to the Mario/L4D2 review. And for a reason I can't discern, that review angered me more than it should have. Why do I feel so ripped off and frustrated with it? It's almost embarrassing! Am I the only one who feels like he didn't give NSMBWii a chance? Sure, trashing games is his schtick, but I feel like he took it way, way too far. I can't remember him saying one good thing about the entire game.
  24. Well, I was going off of the game's tagline which read: "Arkham has moved." But I suppose you could be right.
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