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Everything posted by JCvgluvr

  1. *da-na-na-NAAAAA!!!!* You found the Credit Card! Set it to one of the C buttons and use it to get yourself into debt! Try it, it's fun!
  2. I'm gonna tell all of you right now: Forget everything you know about the game, as I have a bad feeling that 90% this movie will be completely different from it. Justin Marks is gonna transform the IP to fit his needs and desires, and won't even bother appealing to the fans nor being true to the source materiel. I can't back up my suspicions with evidence, but you know that past experience proves that I'm right... There'll be little to no reference to: Lizard killing, fruit consumption, the bond between a man and his his trusty steed, sprawling, empty environments, or horned babies. This really isn't the game that should be made into a movie. Seriously.
  3. Wow, I couldn't read this entire thing. All of the baseless pessimism was making me ill...
  4. You see, here's the problem. A lot of people, gamers especially, don't even want to make a distinction between hardcore and casual. They'll go so far as to deny the existence of both factions. But the truth is, there is such a thing as a Hardcore Gamer and a Casual Gamer. Almost everybody knows what a movie aficionado is, right? You know, the guy who knows all that useless trivia about [insert movie here]? He watches at least 2-3 movies a week, and has probably seen dozens, if not hundreds of movies during the course of his life. He's probably watched the Lord of the Rings movies all in a row or something... Or what about car fanatics? Those macho guys who talk about mufflers and transmissions while they swig a beer. Is a Hardcore Gamer any different than they? Of course not. Its all about the level of interest and devotion to said subject.
  5. This. (10 char)
  6. What?! Fawkes: Now you went and GOT ME MAD!!!!
  7. So is today's Wii upgrade a confirmation of the stuff posted earlier in this topic?
  8. I guess our poor state of existence doesn't make to someone like you. He's right guys! We should just bring 2 different systems with us whenever we go on a trip. Hey, we could also encourage Nintendo's increasing slant towards pleasing the casual market while simultaneously neglecting the hardcore market that's supported them for years. Kill 2 birds with one stone!
  9. The DSi is a textbook example of a ripoff. I'm not blowing my cash on a barely upgraded system that tacks on a useless camera and takes away my GBA slot. I could get really ticked off about it if I obsess too much...
  10. Dude, read my post.
  11. Usually once a year, we go to see my extended family down in Chicago. Next to the Woodfield mall they have a Gameworks, which is filled to bursting with arcade games. They've got a ton of stuff. Off the top of my head, I can remember a Metal Slug 5, MvC2, tons of assorted light gun games, F-Zero AX, classics like DK, Dig-Dug, and Pac-man, as well as 4 Mario Kart Arcade machines that were only made available in Japan! They let you use credits on a gameworks card instead of the usual quarters, so its all about swiping instead of inserting. Yeah, that place is pretty great...
  12. Woah, woah, woah! Isn't that considered an actual sin or something?! You need to fix this yesterday!!!
  13. -I've used an Action Replay on the gamecube plenty of times, but I'm having a hard time recalling if I used it mainly for harmless fun or to beat a game. Honestly, I probably did use it to beat a game. -I played The World Ends With You twice, then promptly sold it. I'm not a big RPG gamer anyway, so when I saw typical Japanese angst, stupid clothes, and bad J-Pop, I was outta there! I really have no clue why it wins game awards. Also, I didn't finish Kid Icarus and Blaster Master. -I've never played a single Final Fantasy, and probably never will. -I used a guide to beat Wind Waker the first time. It's probably okay, in hindsight. After all, those triforce pieces were ridiculous! -I tend to bash the PS3 and its lack of games, yet I wouldn't object to receiving one as a gift.
  14. Oops! I fixed it. That's what I meant to say.
  15. I actually enjoyed that, as a person that typically stays away from rap and other such music. I'll give their other songs a listen as well. *Nerd Man appears* But Rush, Proto Man, and Roll didn't even appear until Mega Man 3, and he should've used Time Stopper to kill Quick Man instead of Crash Bombs... *Mega Man defeats Nerd Man with Bawwww Missiles*
  16. It's always a pleasure to watch your videos seph. Not only are they intelligent and relevant, but they're not-so-strangely compelling and interesting as well. Once again, good job (James too).
  17. You know...I think there may be something called, "too violent." Seeing the review for this on gametrailers, I just don't know if I'd feel comfortable dealing with that much blood and gore. I'll admit, I enjoyed No More Heroes and Fallout 3 a lot, but sometimes, too much is too much, you know? In any case, my friend got this game, so we'll see if I end up borrowing it from him at some point...
  18. Don't tell me people are actually taking IGN's review scores seriously? I would hope we're all smarter than that!
  19. I'd much rather Wayforward make Contra 5. Contra 4 was sweet, sweet bliss, and I can almost guarantee that it'd be better than this Boy/Blob game. However, I never played the original, so my opinion is somewhat lacking.
  20. Oh..oooooh...That was worth a lot of lols. Thank you so much!
  21. Only the first 3 Sonic Shorts were lol worthy. The others only give the occasional chuckle.
  22. Oh man, that series is sweeter than chocolate covered sugar cubes. Episode 6 is especially amazing. Yet episode gets special mention for the best 8-bit fighting scene ever created. People who check that out ought to give this a view as well: http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/342356 Not only does it have a contribution from the creator of Super Mario Bros Z., but it's just an enjoyable/thrilling flash in general.
  23. I feel the exact same way. Give us a Sonic 3 & Knuckles type game with new stages, equally well done level design (stay away from hidden spikes and bottomless pits), a new type of special stage for emerald collecting, and one or two more types of power-ups. It'd make millions, and help Sonic recover from his sullied image.
  24. For me, Lost is simply the best show that television has ever produced. Yeah sure, some shows do comedy better (Futurama), some have better sci-fi representation (Battlestar Galactica), etc, etc. But for all the types of genres Lost covers (mystery, sci-fi/time-travel, tidbits of comedy, drama), it does a masterful job of juggling them all. No doubt, it's my most favorite tv show of all time, and it'll take a miracle to remove it from that spot. But on the critical side of things, I think the show has almost gotten a little more ridiculous than I can stand. If I was an outsider, instead of a die-hard fan, I know I would be like, "This show is just too weird, and it's too out there, They have to GO BACK to the island?! You've got to be kidding! *Loud groaning*" But, I am a die-hard fan, so I don't actually feel that way!
  25. Edge, I don't think you gave me a fair shake in the Sonic's Ultimate Collection thread. I definitely wasn't trying to cause fights. I had a point, and I wasn't willing to back down until I was sure that nobody would agree to what I had to say. Honestly, it feels a little demeaning to be told that I'm trolling, when it certainly wasn't the case. It's almost like I'm a child again, and my dad is threatening to tan my hide, or something. While I don't deny your ability to exercise discipline, I don't think it was necessary to threaten its use in that particular thread. On the other hand, if you're positive that I was out of line, I'm not going to bother to convince you otherwise. I now know firsthand how stubborn posters on this forum can be. Anywho, I'll drop the subject if you don't want to discuss it. However, I'd like to hear your point of view on the subject I was disputing, if you have one. Also, if you have a change of heart, I'd like hear about it as well (not that I expect it).

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