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Everything posted by JCvgluvr

  1. ...and almost nobody cares. *Expects rage from all 3 gamers with PS3s*
  2. But that's my point! The fact that they're searching for profits, thus giving them the idea that they don't need to present a quality product is simply maddening! But do you know what's worse? People like you think it's okay! You support their laziness with your own money! And people wonder why most of Sega's games are pitiful nowadays... I guess I wasn't clear here. I knew I had no objective basis here, and I thought you could see that in the context. Oh well, know you know. I understand that part of my post was nothing but opinion, so I don't expect you or anyone else to share it. No problem here. I have past evidence. Every other developer who ever went to the trouble to put Sonic 3 & Knuckles in [insert name of past collection here] surely didn't have more that 2 years to do it? Am I right? Now, along comes Backbone. They get 2 years for the current collection, just like everyone else. What makes their case so special? Because they included a few more shovelware crap titles in this collection? Big fricking deal. So, yes, I tend to observe years of past experience over a simple blog created by one guy. Call me crazy... That's a real talent you got there. I'm in awe! Alright, I'm done. I've made my point. You've all continued to stay ignorant. Good luck with that, and go fatten up Sega's lazy rump some more! *thumbs up*
  3. But does that solve the problem that I'm talking about right now? No. My point still stands. I would think it's more likely that they'll release Sonic 3 and Sonic & Knuckles as separate releases, as it's more likely that people played them that way. So I don't think your expectation is likely. But I won't say anymore than that. And every other company had more time than they did? You've got to be joking! I really, really do doubt that this reason they spit out is actually true. It's simply a statement of appeasement, and nothing more. Oh, but I do. I already explained that. Pay attention, or don't talk to me, it's that simple... Now go ahead guys, make some other remark or something against me. You only do it because you can't prove me wrong. Or, you could admit I'm right, and stop supporting Sega like blind idiots. Wouldn't that be great?
  4. Has everybody's intellectual integrity dropped several points during the last few years? Nobody understands why I was arguing? Nobody?! The honest truth is, I don't care nearly as much as you people assume I do. I went on eBay over a week ago and purchased Sonic Mega Collection Plus for the Xbox. I'll be running thru Mushroom Hill Zone soon after I type this. IT'S THE FRICKING PRINCIPLE OF THE THING!!! Let me outline it for you guys, since everybody seems to have forgotten how arguments work. I make a point. John Doe (and his supporters) make a counter point. In this case, I settled the matter, and neither he nor anybody else could provide a proper rebuttal. So you know what comes next? "Hey JC, I guess you're right. Maybe they should have included S3&K after all. I suppose I was wrong." But none of you possess a personality humble enough to say that, do you? It's all about e-peen size with everyone...I can say, quite honestly, that I would admit being wrong, had I been wrong about the matter. (Trust me, I have in the past, on this very forum). But not only has everyone failed to disprove me, but they've utilized circular reasoning in the process, which is a pitiful example of failure! And so the best thing you can come up with, is namecalling and "brilliant" solutions like "dont bi teh gamez"?! Bottom line, S3&K should have been on this collection, and nobody has a good reason for why it isn't, especially Sega/Backbone/who-fricking-ever. Don't get all huffy at me because I proved you wrong. It's horribly immature. joe_cam, I hope you're reading this...maybe you'll actually learn something...>_>
  5. I can't believe you're defending something that so clearly doesn't deserve it, and are providing such a poor counter. Could you sound any more fanboyish at this point? Hmm, I guess you could. Did you even bother to get past the first few sentences of mine and others' posts? Okay, fine. Let's say I go out of my way to acquire this now-ancient system with its equally ancient software. Let's say it all works (which, in and of itself, is quite a large gamble nowadays). Does it let me play S3&K in widescreen? Does it let me get achievements, thus giving me a new way to play? NO! Yet I can do that with your precious other 49 games. Why not my favorite game? The answer: Sega wants to cash in on the casual market, putting forth as little effort as possible in the process. And people like you and me have to pay for their half-heartedness (either with cash, which would be a waste for me and any S3&K fan, or with disappointment and abstinence). What about the Sonic & Knuckles release on the PC? What about Sonic Jam? If those separate developers can both achieve success in this area, why can't Backbone? Are they less capable? Do they lack the technology (that's been available for over 10 years now)? Perhaps they simply don't possess the know-how, and are incapable of attaining it from past companies? Maybe the developers who gave us Sonic Jam, S&KPC, The Sega Genesis Collection, and Sonic Mega Collection (and the Plus versions) all had more time than Backbone did? You're going to great lengths to make your argument work. Too bad any intelligent person would see that those lengths stray too far into the "ignorantly fanatical" territory. Must you use exaggeration to make your point? It's quite unnecessary, and doesn't make your case any more believable.
  6. Very clever. I found the humor darkly creative, and liked hearing those old songs in a new arrangement. Also enjoyed Meta Knight's appearence. "COME!"
  7. Already knew about this, but thanks for assuming I didn't. We all like to feel superior sometimes, don't we? Lover of Sonic games, I may be, but I still recognize Sega's bullcrap when I see it. Sonic Mega Collection Plus was released in 1Q 2007. You actually believe that, in 2 years, they didn't have the time to once again implement the lock-on technology they'd already previously emulated into 2 separate, older games?! Surely you aren't so niave? So trusting?
  8. Highly unlikely. There's just no way Sega would do something like that. If they were going to include the full version of one of the best games they ever created, they would have done it right from the get-go. Unfortunately, they foolishly, lazily, and needlessly passed up that chance this time around.
  9. This is very impressive. Maybe the acting isn't, but the action and visuals are killer! I can't believe how cool the tower looked! Can't wait for the next parts.
  10. Is there anything at all in Flower that actually makes it, you know, a game? Every "gameplay" video I've seen looks like a fricking screensaver, with no goal or serious interaction included...I understand the whole "games can be art" thing, but this experiment is too far into left field, IMO.
  11. False advertising. A game can't call itself "ultimate" if it doesn't have one of the best platformers of all time. Yeah, I'm talking about Sonic 3 & Knuckles. And you know what? Sega has no fricking excuse. They already released plenty of other collections that had S3&K in them. Why not here? BTW, don't give me any of that "go buy a different collection" crap! That's a terrible defense. I was hoping to earn achievements for S3&K in widescreen, 720p resolution. I can't get that from any other collection, period, and it's a fricking waste!
  12. As long as the control scheme is as good, or better than the original, I'll buy MP1 for Wii, even if there is no new content. It's that good!
  13. I'd go along with it as the difficulty was dialed down to something more human.
  14. Not just you.
  15. IMO, It seems like a game tailored specifically for the 7-11 year old boys demographic.
  16. As described by the creator: "I made this one-level arcade interpretation of Zelda for no reason but being a big damn nerd...It's pretty challenging, not tested a whole lot and the gamepad support might be strange on some joypads, I haven't tried it on any but mine.At least now I'm burnt-out on making arcadey action games for a while. Download it HERE. It is a kind of love letter to Zelda, my personal favorite game series, both from nostalgia and its often great design. The Legend of Zelda-franchise is obviously a NINTENDO-copyrighted franchise, and this game, while admittedly trying to be like a bootleg Zelda, should not be sold etc., but that goes without saying." I highly recommend this. Great fun.
  17. I really appreciate you pointing these out. They're simply wonderful!
  18. I'm picking up that dlc fo' sho'. It sounds just like Horde on Gears 2. That sound pack vid produced some lols from me.
  19. Nah, we care too much about those people to let them waste their time and money.
  20. You forgot the option where I just never play this game. :-x:-x
  21. I've never emulated before, and I have a certain apprehension towards the idea of trying it out...*sheepish grin*
  22. Okay, I don't like pokemon. That said, I still think this is a great idea! What do you call New Super Mario Bros.? People like you make me rage. It's in the elite section of videogame masterpieces, and neither you nor anyone else can say otherwise (opinions be damned to hell).
  23. This game makes me wish I had the software necessary to run it...
  24. Before I make my choice...Nobody...touches...Sonic. /discussion You know, I actually like the idea of a re-done Joust.
  25. Yeah, I was watching those last night. It seems kind of funny, and worth a rental (maybe).
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