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Status Updates posted by Gario

  1. Haha, I noticed your message on DjP's visitor's board. Not sure if he answered it for you or not, but the short of it is that this isn't a site where you upload music. You submit the music in question and a panel of judges do a quality control evaluation of the track (which is very stringent, by the way). If the song passes the examination, then it goes on a waiting list for music to be posted on the front page.

    It's a pretty long process, but it's for the sake of quality control - hopefully it's for the best. If you want evaluation before submitting, though (saves time, as getting to the panel takes months, in itself) you can post your remix to the WIP boards where people like myself will let you know what the judges will say about it.

    For more details about submission standards, check out this link.


    Best of luck.

  2. Haha, yeah. Haven't forgot about it - it still is quite awesome, to my ear. I've been touching it up here and there, giving it a more bassy sound and working out the dub section so it sounded more... dubby. I'll submit it sometime in a month or two, I assure you.

  3. Happy birthday wishes to whom I believe is still the most interesting remixer on the site.

  4. Happy birthday, you salty do... wait, that was last year's comment. Let me try again.

    *Ahem* Happy birthday, you salty... mog. See? It works 'cause this is a video game site, so everyone should know what a mog is, so it's not totally lame.

    ... alright, well Happy birthday, anyhow.

  5. Happy birthday, you slut!

    I'd make a thread, but it'd certainly come out something like 'Hey, it's Slut's birthday!' or something, which would earn me too many strange stares and such. Saying it's 'Curly Brace's birthday' just doesn't roll of the tongue as well, I'm afraid, so that wouldn't work, either, and no one really refers to anyone by their real name so calling you 'Terri' is out of the question, too.

    Alas, such a dilemma. Ah well, happy birthday :P

  6. Happy birthday... Holy crap you signed onto the site before you were born. That's freakin' amazing.

  7. Haven't thought about it yet - in fact, I just found out a few seconds ago. It shouldn't be too bad, though; I'm familiar with both sources and with the mixers style, so I think I'll be in pretty good shape. I'm more worried about the Windman vs Sparkman matchup next round, if you catch my drift ;)

    Devastus is probably going to clean my clock, but I'll give it the good ol' college try :P

    Good luck with Heatman, by the way.

    EDIT: When I said GuitarHeroe wasn't going to be too bad, I meant it's going to be the closest battle in the compo, lol.

  8. Heh, thanks for the offer. I don't think I'll be able to contribute to that project, though, simply due to a combination of lack of time and lack of familiarity to the sources. Wish I could contribute, but no luck, this time around.

  9. Here, have a birthday.

    Keep making awesome shiznat.

  10. Hey man, happy birthday!

    Nice work on Jenova, too - it was really quite catchy :)

  11. Hey Snappleman! I haven't seen you around these parts in a while, since that ban (which, by the way, made me laugh when it happened - really, you just have a way with words, lol). How're ya doin'?

  12. Hey there, partner! :P

    I like "find your way", personally. Send me some of your ideas via PM and I'll see how I can help. :)

  13. Hey, I just saw your Braincooler mix is going to be posted. Nice work on that one!

  14. Gario

    Hey, thanks!

    Yeah, to be perfectly honest, I almost crashed twice on the way home, so I don't think my body could've handled too much more late night goodness, anyway. I hope y'all had enough fun without me :)

  15. Hmm, that's an area that I can't tell you too much more detail on. For me, it's really a 'feel' sort of thing. Personally, I like to add the decorations to accents in a melody line - peaks and valleys are great places to make variations to, for example, as well as notes that land on the beat. Everyone is different, though.

    When it comes to decoration, there's almost no wrong way to do it. You say you don't see where it could fit, but in reality decorations are, by design, able to fit anywhere - because they're 100% cosmetic and not structural, there's no way to put it 'in the wrong spot'. If you're completely unable to find a place to insert the decorations then 'drop the needle' somewhere in the third section of your track and add a decoration in a random spot, see if it works. If so, great, if not then simply undo the action and try another spot. Or try some of the suggested places that I mentioned.

  16. Hmm... That might work. Not sure yet, I need to get in touch with a few people, first. Sorry if I'm picky, but I have a flight on the 4th through the 9th... so yeah, I don't want to be stuck for a few days without.

    This is all moot if you already have a roommate, though :P

  17. Gario

    I also saw you on the frontpage roughly the same time, so I think a double congrats is in order.


    Yup, it's awesome.

  18. I do so love that song, so I'd be happy to work on it. Just not at the moment - this year is the culmination of roughly 3-4 projects, so... yeah. PM me at the beginning of next year and I see what we can do. :)

  19. I had an update a month or so ago, and I probably won't get the final done for at least another month or two, so just be weary of that. I think John knows it, too.

    A project to finish in the summer, is the way he put it, so I'll focus on a few more dire things until then.

  20. I have no idea why I'm randomly posting in here, but I saw your name and thought it would be a good idea. Welcome to OCR!

  21. I know, I know - I didn't want to use the EXACT words... I guess I sort of compramised, lol (it just makes me feel a bit... cruel).

    Let me go fix it...

    There, that should 'bout do it.

    Don't worry, I still luv you :P

  22. I might be interested in staying with you. What's the price for staying with your posse?

  23. I responded to the question in your thread here, because my response was too long for the visitor's message board :P.

    Go read it. :

  24. I see... well, post in WIP forums more often, man. It was always fun arguing with you there, lol. Besides, it's more productive than trolling the other parts of OCR, anyway :P.

  25. I sent a message to Prophet about the source this week. I'd be fine if either of us took the source.

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