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Everything posted by relyanCe

  1. Future Gohan as in... the 30-second clip of one-armed gohan getting owned by the androids? He's a whole character in Budokai?
  2. this made me laugh because i have a whole group of friends exactly like what you described
  3. replace instruction manuals with art-of-the-game booklets and I'd be satisfied that's all I ever read em for anyway
  4. yeah. the combat system was actually pretty fun. but as stated here, the core issue is conceptual and narrative in nature. The absolute best thing about FFX is that the ending (and most of the entire game) isn't happy, and the game was much better for it. Then OH I KNOW LETS MAKE A SEQUEL WHERE ITS SUPER HAPPY AND ANY LOSSES MADE IN THE FIRST GAME ARE COMPLETELY REVERSED AND ALL THE EMOTIONAL INVESTMENTS MADE BY THE PLAYERS OF THAT GAME ARE DESTROYED so yeah, ff x-2. worst sequel ever
  5. I go to a community college, where the collective maturity level/sense of humor is somewhere similar to that of 6-7th graders, and I can't go 3 feet in any direction on that campus without walking past a set of retarded manchildren/stupid ditz women singing this song and laughing like hyenas. And it's only thursday. I go to campus TOMORROW TOO. I may end up killing myself
  6. arek is probably right on this one there's a lot of tech in this game that, when used effectively, supremely outclasses spamtastic crap like sentinel force online support still sucks ass though
  7. i really really really REALLY wish i had the free time away from my classes to do stuff for this compo, but it just isn't happening...
  8. that's because she-hulk is ridiculously broken
  9. i find all of what transpired in that video dubious
  10. watched this last night and had to change my jammies
  11. absolutely my favorite character forever L - L - forward - M - H ALL DAY ON YOU BITCHES or just catch them in a tatsumaki in the corner and cancel to air superhadoken death spam then cancel to a team hyper or some craziness
  12. that's weird. I seem to be able to pull it off just fine
  13. after trying online play i'm seriously considering returning this game. at least on the ps3, the online interface is atrocious, inputs are ignored, the delay is sickening, and by and large its a big fat kick to the dick to the player base.
  14. PSN ID: relyanCe marvel characters voice actors make me want to throw up.
  15. got my preorder today. dante and morrigan are my current mainstays. i've been cycling through other people for the 3rd spot and have had a genuinely fun time playing most everyone. galactus beat me once on normal before i trashed him. his moves have really small windows to evade or reposition to yknow NOT DIE HORRIBLY, and i haven't quite figured out if there is even a way to avoid his big ball or death move that full kills you. not gonna try any online stuff till this weekend probably. very fun game though.
  16. anyone else gonna be getting this on ps3?
  17. gonna second Valkyrie Profile: Covenant of the Plume. Great srpg. the meta-plot will kind of confuse you if you haven't played the original Valkyrie Profile (PS1), but otherwise it's some crazy fun.
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