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Everything posted by relyanCe

  1. As long as the green bar that floats around above my head isn't empty, I am at peak physical condition and will never ever tire or sustain visible injury, even when shot, stabbed, or eaten alive. The moment that bar is empty, I will do one of three things: 1. Fall down/crumple over/spontaneously explode, phase in and out of reality for a few seconds (if I did not explode), then be replaced by someone who looks and acts exactly like me. Note that whether my replica appears in the exact same position of my untimely demise or at the beginning of wherever I was attempting to invade before shrugging off my mortal coil may vary. 2. Fall over and die, usually with some dramatic line or death cry. If I was hit hard enough, I may even fly across whatever room I was in before slamming into a wall, though this idea is just as often ignored. Note that if I am required by some strange metaphysical force to fight again in a sort of "Round 2"-type situation, I will immediately stand back up and the bar above my head will completely refill, which of course restores me to peak physical condition. 3. If I am designated as an "enemy", or only refer to myself by a general type or species name, I will either act according to reaction 1, except without any chance of instantaneous replacement (sometimes averted), or simply disappear without any sign of actually suffering a horribly painful death.
  2. gag reel endings can be very very entertaining at times. it can also fall very very flat.
  3. this was the second thing that came to my mind. the first was that this thread was going to be a "double-nigger" meme thread or something like it.
  4. starting entry late due to fail life schedulling EDIT: i totally entered
  5. hit the tvtropes page or the wikipedia article for CT. the story is very very confusing.
  6. congratulations on landing your dream job, dude. That totally rocks ultimate!
  7. Upon further review, I have found Taokaka, Litchi, and Tsubaki to be some of the most fun to play characters. still dont have Mu, because i'm lazy and haven't finished story mode.
  8. saw it tonight. it was pretty awesome despite michael cera being a horrible scott pilgrim.
  9. i really really REAAAAALLY hate tager i mean a lot
  10. i'm not atmuh but the game youre talking about is shattered horizon
  11. awe man i'm gonna have to do someone else noelle time
  12. more like heihachi vs akuma angry old men with super moves ftw YES PLEASE
  13. got my year subscription along with my edge card for 2$. it's not a half-bad magazine. i've already made back several times that on used game savings. I must say my hatred for gamestop was slightly assuaged by that.
  14. kinda wanna see shanoa and alucard out monster-slaying together makes me wish i had an xbax
  15. Noel is currently my favorite character, behind Ragna. Yeah, i'm basic
  16. I totally went back and bought it, and it is totally AWESOME except for unlimited hazama. he's a big fat bag of douche and I hate him speakin o which, PSN is relyanCe if anyone wants to utterly kick my ass at this game
  17. i saw a used copy for 30 bucks at gamestop, i shoulda bought it...
  18. about damn time you got an excuse to do more of these awesome videos congrats dude you deserve it
  19. Okay, so after playing it, I've decided I'm gonna buy one of these blazblu games soon, and I'd like opinions on which one I should get. Suggestions, plx
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