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Everything posted by relyanCe

  1. hahaha people are actually raving about the twins being racist honestly people go find something to do
  2. I've decided that I won't vote for competitions that enter from now on
  3. Unfortunately, fanservice trumps awesomeness on the sliding scale of entertainment popularity...
  4. I was intent upon spending from 9 to 12 tonight adding a diabo II amazon to my entry, but wouldn't luck have it that my parents "need it till 12". Now it has some crappy slipshod background that is fail.
  5. There will be a submission from me, but it won't be in till ike 11:59:59:59:59:59:59
  6. Except Soma Cruz isn't dracula and never will be dracula regardless of his ability to become dracula because he is a white-haired prettyboy and isn't badass in the least bit as opposed to Dracula the guy who lives in Castlevania (and your nightmares).
  7. Some of the scenes in Punisher were filmed in the building where my mother used to work.
  8. kojimavania. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. stop reaching into my mind and posting it blarghfbdhbfjwebfhejw!
  10. Games from team ICO are very thematic, and it spills over into their artistic style. His luminescence must have something to do with some plot element or another. exactly my thoughts
  11. Jeez guys lay off NJ Sorry to interrupt the valve-worship circle-jerk, but from a completely objective viewpoint, what they're doing with L4D is a pretty dick move. The game simply hasn't been around long enough for there to be any player-focused sequel. There can't possibly be too much added on, other than new characters, a few new maps and *OMFG CHAINSAW BRZZZEEEEE*. It will be the same gameplay system, same engine because you simply can't develop a completely new game in a year's time. What we're looking at is a stand-alone expansion with a 2 stamped on it instead of a subtitle. Honestly, in days like this where developers can rework the entire client from patches/hotifxes, and add crazy amounts of stuff via DLC (which they can charge for and no one would care), trying to capitalize off of a full-price release for game everyone's already played is something i have a hard time seeing anyone agree with. Time to go hide under the table.
  12. Check the boss month thread for your sig!

  13. Check the boss month thread for your new sig bro!

    and the video in your sig is hilarious

  14. check the boss month thread for your new sig bro

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