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Everything posted by relyanCe

  1. darkesword is gonna fume when he finds this thread in off topic just warning you now
  2. honestly snowstorm what the hell
  3. maybe I am just jaded, life's been kinda wacky for me this last few months. but yeah I only watch his stuff for the funnies because his actual reviews are usually too overbearing/cons-focused for me. And he likes to review games that were already considered sucky pre-launch and somehow wow us by pointing out how bad they are.
  4. someone list off a few really badass marvel anti-heroes please? Maybe one that uses a sword?
  5. he really needs to just stop for a month. He's just not funny anymore...
  6. pretty sure gundam pilots pretty much stuck to killing humans, humans, and well humans most of the time. they usually had a good reason to but not all the time
  7. I can't really remember FFVIII's sound quality (didn't play it much), but comparing FFVII's soundtrack to, say... Castlevania: SOTN's soundtrack throws Square's laziness regarding sound quality into stark relief.
  8. Now all we need is a MechCommander 3 announcement.
  9. Get FLCL and Gurren Lagann FLCL for the funny Gurren Lagann for the sheer unadulterated awesome
  10. Of all the parts of it that have deteriorated, the soundtrack has fared the worst. The tinny midi sound is horrible even by PSX standards...
  11. otherwise known as "How to make Super Mario RPG reeeeeeeeeeeally boring 101"
  12. It was a show about a bionic women-esqe butt-kicker who posed a male school teacher during the day and pwned an assorted collection of mutant monsters during the night, kinda like batman but weirder. It was weird, but so full of awesome that I didn't sweat the details. Of course, this was something like 7-8 years ago.
  13. Tales of Phantasia after playing PS2 Tales games. Turn-based non-strategy RPGS in general, at this point, seem so dated and slow, but that's completely subjective.
  14. Don't you mean Cyber Six? If you do, that show was EPIC.
  15. try completely removing all tablet drivers, then reinstalling your drivers again. That's how I got mine to start working again. Also, make sure the tablet driver is set as a startup function (it's what makes your tablet work in the first place). Are you using a Mac or a PC? I use an Intuos model, so i don't know for sure if any of what I said will work with a graphire.
  16. it's games like these that make me want a next-gen...
  17. i say everyone enter something so this contest can be awesome again!
  18. your site needs more Gurren Lagann
  19. 3 people just asked the same question and it's not like they ninjad each other either man you guys can't pay attention... incidentally, is this just limited to Marvel Vs Capcom the game or is it more expansive?
  20. just pulled the game out and had my nostalgic memories ruined by just how utterly unbalanced and broken the game is. Thanks ninja-san
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