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Everything posted by relyanCe

  1. Happy birthday, you Valkyrie-Profile remixer, you!
  2. OMFG a bleck post with fricken punctuation. *head asplodes*
  3. Hmmm, Kojima was really quick to announce another MGS game. Someday he'll stop making them and get back on ZOE...
  4. That's usually my general answer for summer action flicks as a whole. I don't normally get into details unless asked, but I'll go ahead and talk more about my view of the movie. Christian Bale plays John Connor very differently than Connor's other actors did mostly because the writers were going for a much different John Connor. In T4 he's a jaded war veteran who has nearly lost hope in the future he has come to expect, as opposed to the more hopeful version of his childhood and adolescent portrayals, and Bale does a good job at this role as far as I'm concerned. Also, nothing in this movie really serves to "humanize" the machines. Marcus Wright is basically the 6 million dollar man and by no means a machine, as referenced in John Connor's wife's little monologue at the end of the movie.
  5. Someone give Sinewav a medal Honestly people it's Terminator it's guns and bad guys and bangs and booms what more do you want?
  6. Actually it was ZOE1 that had the demo. ZOE games are basically giant robo games with really streamlined controls and fast, fluid combat. Loads of fun. Get ZOE2!
  7. um, hi. i need moar chars so i'm writing

  8. Might wanna change the thread title to Zone of the Enders 3. This guy has a pretty convincing argument.
  9. I saw it in IMAX after seeing in a reg theatre, and MAN was it so much more awesome. The difference in price from reg to IMAX is $1.50, so i'm thinking i'm gonna see more stuff at IMAX. what's the price difference between reg and IMAX where you live?
  10. lotd has already said he doesn't believe kirk did anything at all, so he's probably going to say that kirk didn't and it was all spock.
  11. Watched it again at iMAX yesterday (Rent called me a nerd for it ) I think my favorite part of the movie was definitely the orbital jump. anyone else of the same opinion?
  12. you could always, y'know, stop watching JJ Abrams movies...
  13. I have no clue what Star Trek is all about or how any of it works, except that you can set phasers to stun. I went into the the movie expecting lots of laser beams and explosions and crazy effects, with a plot thrown in there somewhere. I left satisfied.
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