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Nabeel Ansari

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Everything posted by Nabeel Ansari

  1. Unmod is the stupidest idea I've ever heard of. You don't think DJP just opened up his laptop and deleted it for a reason?
  2. I agree. I died in this game. FROM LESS THAN 48 HUNDRED BULLET SHOTS. Let's go burn down the houses of all the people involved in the making of this game, and then sack them. (No, we are not sacking the burnt houses, we are sacking the people involved with the game. But sacking the burnt houses is a good idea, too.) Bring forth the giant arrow! Shoot it through that conveniently placed bonfire over there as if you were the Hero Of Time! Even though you are not, and you could never hope to be and if you think you are, you are a sad pathetic weakling who has no life and needs to get help from a local rehab center, or www.abovetheinfluence.com! BACK TO REALITY: I like this game, though I didn't get very far because Shariq's been playing all day.
  3. Just to get back on topic: My CPU overloads whenever I have more than two instances of KORE, or like one instance of Autogun. Is it just because my processor ( intel celeron m 1.6 GHz 520 single core) can't handle them? Is there a way I can fix this?
  4. The mascots are all redone already, if you haven't noticed.
  5. It's great, man! But you might wanna take out some repeating notes.
  6. Oh I see... so it's not a bug or something. I was worried DJP did something horribly wrong with the site programming or vBulletin was messed up or something.
  7. Why are the forums not like they were? It says vBulletin at the top and everything is all... NOT OCR forums.
  8. Well, I just wanted to throw the idea out there in case you've forgotten or you never thought about it before. Thanks for the answer.
  9. You guys should hold a voting session every weekend or something... I mean not every one of you is out every saturday/sunday so just maybe a half hour to an hour voting session, can get voting done a lot faster.
  10. This has been said earlier by BGC that it took him an hour and a half. But why does it take so much time to judge? No, I don't mean how they have lives and stuff, but when they are actually listening to a remix, BGC said it took him such a long time to cast a vote. Why? When I ask Shariq for advice on MY music he immediately tells me if it's subworthy or not. In, like, less than a minute.
  11. Tech-noir does not exist as a MUSICAL genre so it's Garionica. xD
  12. Pretty much everything has been said. I never formally learned music theory or even FL itself, I just kinda toyed around with it (and i have an older brother that's a real good composer). Pretty much what I would do is find a really good remixer/composer on this site or somewhere and ask them for updates on something they're working on. Question EVERY CHANGE AND EVERY ADDITION. Why did you do "dadadadada"? How come "this and that"? How do I do "blah blah blah"? That's how I learned; Shariq never taught me, it was mostly just me coming into his room uninvited while he was doing something with Fruityloops and askin him what the hell he was doing. (Well maybe not that bluntly, but the meaning is all the same) That's how I learned theory; by watching what the composer did and asking why he did it. Everything he showed (not taught) me I've tried applying into my own music (most of them successful attempts) and it worked, and I built from that. I just try something myself and master it.
  13. Congrats on teh marry.

    Wait... I used a verb as a noun...


    I ended that question with a preposition... damn...

  14. http://neblixsaber.googlepages.com/mapletreesunderthestars.mp3 This has already been subbed, but you can have it here if you like it.
  15. Meh... then I just have bad taste in stories. xD
  16. You know I'm really glad I got punished for plagiarism I never actually did (I just used a lot of similar words and my teacher though I was plagiarizing because I'm smart enough to sound epic when I write summaries about books) I never told her that I didn't plagiarize, I was too shocked to say anything and I was already in detention anyway. (This happened 3 years ago) Oh, and if she even looked at the back of the book I was reading she would know in an instant I didn't steal any of it. Even though I got punished for something I didn't do, at least I get bragging rights to "I've never plagiarized in my entire life." Because if I get punished for NOT plagiarizing, I'm def not gonna plagiarize. We should pray this happens to everyone when they're in 6th grade, so they'll learn to not plagiarize and they won't even have to learn it the hard way (by hard I mean the flamed-by-guys-twice-your-age expelled from college way)
  17. The story may seem cliche, but it's actually good. I'd read that text if I were you.
  18. Great to hear some more Garionica! Kudos to you, mang. I hope it gets past the judges!
  19. See the main problem here is you're using a rhythm guitar for a really fast arpeggiated single note melody. It's actually okay in the beginning, but when other stuff is playing it's just a plain annoying screeching noise in the background. around when 1:12 hits, why don't you just make the electric guitar mimc the main piano in the main melody? Try using a solo guitar instead; otherwise keep your old guitar sound and use this electric guitar sound for chords. But yes take out the echo.
  20. Haha, I love Episode 8 (which just came out on New Grounds) I love Fire Sonic. It just doesn't feel the same with the hand drawn close ups... it really defeats the purpose of a sprite show. And the story... well... there's no point in critiquing the story, guys. It's supposed to be a DBZ parody. And the sprite animations are top notch in this episode. So fluid and quick, I was practically laughing with excitement. When Stuffwell said "Do a barrel roll!!!" I practically screamed "AWESOME!!!" (you can ask Shariq as an ear witness)
  21. Rhythm, rhythm, rhythm! It's still not clear. What program are you using? You need to know when measures start and stop, because I can't even tell. Your program should have lines indicting where a measure starts and stops, and I don't think you're paying much attention to them. In this version, I can only see four patterns. The first pattern over and over, it ends. Then the second pattern over and over, it ends. Then the third pattern over and over, it ends. Then the fourth pattern over and over, it ends. Develop a lot of patterns, fit them together (RHYTHMICALLY) and create an ARRANGEMENT, not random stuff. Please don't take this harshly but I think you need to learn some music theory. Try talking to some of the higher ups here, or find some essays composers write about how to create rhythmically sound music.
  22. This is just project I'm doing. For some reason, my CPU overloads on all of my projects now... upgrading to FL 9 controlled it a little, but I have to work under very limited, tough conditions to use FL. So I'm just gonna start up a bunch of cool ideas and actually finish them once I can find awesome free synth samples that are not intensive on my processor, or, in four years, get a new computer. So here's what ya came for: http://neblixsaber.darkesword.com/bucketofBolts.mp3
  23. Yeah, the cymbal is fine now. It was horrible before, but it's okay now. I do say that the horns sound fake-ish, you might want better samples.
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