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Nabeel Ansari

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Everything posted by Nabeel Ansari

  1. Nice, and chilled too. I would change the lead sound though... And it doesn't decay at all. Good for the intro, but when everything else comes in it should have some decay. On your reverb plugin should be a knob for decay, just raise that knob a bit.
  2. We can't do this song if you guys are not good with working out of 4/4 because this song is in 5/4.
  3. Wow a four man collaboration? Dang I'm honored! well not really four man... 2 boy 2 man is more like it. I was thinking we could do a rock remix of Star Fox Boss B theme. I'm working on it in my head as we speak. If we all can use Instant messenger I'd like to speak out about it in a chatroom of some sort. As for roles: Dudemanscott can handle the sequencing and effects since I'm not much more than dumb in that field, I could handle writing the parts (in terms of where everything goes) and Jabond and Epitaph could handle guitars. that is of course if Jabond and Epitaph are willing to help, I'll get started on a WIP right away to show you guys what I have in mind. Dudemanscott if you're a bit unclear about what I said you should do than what I meant was when all the guitar tracks were recorded, you could handle putting the low quality WIP of mine into better sounds and handle the audio production aspect of the WIP. However, we can all contribute to another role so we don't really have to follow what I said above.
  4. Hi, Dudemanscott! It's a scary coincidence that you and I are one of the only few on this site that are thirteen... wow I finally have someone my own age! I can collab if you want, I've got some nice arrangement skills too. Kinda busy with my own remix, but if you need some help or are just bored of writer's block, send me a PM and we can whip something up. Of course, I SERIOUSLY lack production skills, so I'll have to rely on you for that..
  5. OutSpoken what is that mind boggling illusion that is your signature? Makes me dizzy. :/
  6. I remember hearing Just A Little More (Metroid Prime Remix) in Nintendo World. Edit: Pretty scary I didn't notice you posted that... There are OCR Meets?
  7. My issue is not that it's too long, it's that there's not enough variety in that length. Select 1:00. Now, select 2:00. Next, select 3:00. Do that for every minute. You'll notice that it's pretty much minor differences at every milestone (or, in this case, minutestone) Sure there's lots of new stuff in between, but the fact that it always comes back to that relaxing interpretation of the melody, well, it gets a little more boring and a little less relaxing. That's just my opinion, you don't have to take my advice.
  8. At 7 minutes he kind of overdid it; it does sound repetitive at some parts. There's nothing wrong with stretching a short source... but it's not good to stretch it too much.
  9. Well no what I was referring to is that your bongo sound is low quality and sounds fake.
  10. Well the song is a little repetitive if not a little too repetitive.
  11. That's much better, but still: Those bongos: Gotta get replaced.
  12. He can't, it'll get automatically rejected. Why? Because it's 16.6 MB large. And I quote: "2. Submissions must be 6.00MB (6,291,456 bytes) or less." From submission rules. 1. Ergo, (trying to be Edgeworth here xD) *slams desk* *close up with speedy lines* THAT'S ALMOST THREE TIMES OF WHAT'S ALLOWED! :tomatoface: Phoenix: OBJECTION... THAT WAS... OBJECTIONABLE. Judge: *shakes head* Overruled. *penalty asplodes* One of the problems is his bitrate is 320, when max is 192. Not trying to be a jerk here, I'm just telling you what submission rules say.
  13. Whoooops. Haven't been working much on it; I hope I fixed some issues that were there earlier: The transition is supposed to sound bad, in fact when you hear it it's supposed to sound like an amateur ending that you would think it's over and you would give it a "NO (resub)" Then when you go to type in your judge decision you're immediately thrown into a quicker, more festive party. xD Hopefully I can persuade the Megaman 9 Remix Project director into letting this track onto his album when it's OCR Material, I mean I don't think there's much wrong with more than one track for each WIP. If not I can always ask him for one of the untaken tracks on the album (been getting a vibe for the Stage Select theme but I lack the synths to put what's up here *points to head* down there *points to FL*
  14. This is a great example of an arrangement where you take such a small source, and stretch it out by playing around with it and making it flow like slow moving currents with 150 year old turtles.
  15. They should slap a warning label in the submission rules: "Warning: Be sure to not confuse source with other source from other games." xDD The trumpets not so off key as it is kinda quiet and dry. Just overall fake sounding trumpet. Also those conga drums are fake sounding too, vary the velocities on those. Also, the variation is fine, just doesn't sound like something recurring; maybe the variation for the intro and the rest is the same as the source.
  16. First of all your bitrate is too high. 192 is the highest bitrate. Also do something about the file size, highest file size is 6 MB, turning down the bitrate would help, if you don't mind a little quality degrading. The metal sounds are a bit off rhythm sometimes, try putting them in rhythm. Your intro is a bit long but I don't think the judges would take issue. Don't go so quick xD You still need to fix your sounds. I know you're eager and if you want to submit no one' stopping you. If it gets rejected, you'll have to work on it more and resubmit. You should focus more on getting it the first time. :tomatoface: A 'nother line worthy of my sig.
  17. The beginning sounds like Zelda's lullaby... I never noticed that one when I listened to the source, I don't think you have the right notes. Edit: I just checked and you indeed have the wrong notes. xD It's not A D G It's A E B (if you started on a different note just translate the others notes down or up) Perhaps I should give you the whole song: G A E B G A E B B C C# D A E C D A E B G A F E D C B The last few notes were probably your own variation; But the beginning sounds like Zelda's lullably when it shouldn't. I'm surprised this hasn't been said yet. Shame to you all. :tomatoface:
  18. Thanks to you all for helping me along the track! I'm following your suggestion about the silence transition but I'll render it tomorrow. xDDD I also toned down the reverb way down because Shariq said it was too much. I'm also gonna try to add a full drumset to the slower section. (Just minor, won't drown the shaker dominance too much)
  19. Thanks. And no it was not inspired by Crisis Core music xD It's latin, so it's not entirely unnatural to find it in games.
  20. Nice, the drums in the opening are nice... The vocals are nice, a great touch. Who is that singin?
  21. xD Little Big Planet's actually pretty fun once you play it a little while. It's a great game for multiplayer, too.
  22. Well I'm not gonna sub just yet, there's something else I want to do with this arrangement to make it less flat. UPDATE: I think you guys will like this next update: BIG TIME. Time to party! Get out those sunglasses and rainbow attire! I do believe I solved Bigmowthp's flat dynamics problem. xD Wait until after the solo. http://ocrwip.fireslash.net/?fid=354 The bass is a bit too "OOMPH"-ish, I'm gonna turn it down in Ver. 3.3, which is rendering as we speak. Still working on percussion and reverb problems and I have to think of a nice transition into the fast section.
  23. Okay so just up number 4? (BTW the picture I gave you isn't the EQ on my song the was from the Image Line Website) And I'm pretty sure HQ means "High Quality" (as in better sharper display of the frequencies of the song, when I play something through the EQ the stronger/louder a frequency is the more yellow that area gets)
  24. Pretty sure that's either fake or the Japanese version. (probably the latter because that takes a lot of skill to fake something like that and you can see non english characters if you look closely) English version has a different cover (no samus on front) and the games are on one disc.
  25. That beginning bass synth is kinda scratchy and a bit annoying, trying using a more clear synth, like a pad or something.
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