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Everything posted by WillRock

  1. Little word of advice: Listen to this mix, and Neblix's GRMRB entry for the same week back to back - http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR02478/ Its pretty good one two punch
  2. What? No reviews? Bro this remix is awesome, I'm loving the simplicity of it
  3. Fair enough. I'd still opt for alphabetically personally, but giving the right mixer the right amount of props is thoughtful. Just gotta make sure you don't highlight the wrong artist
  4. I don't actually think thats a good idea because it just confuses what order the they are put in. Its all very pedantic, but if listing the lead arranger is your intention, you've put mixers in the wrong order on a few of my collabs (I believe i've been the main arranger in all my collabs) If you don't know the lead arranger, listing it as such is a bit pointless. I'd stick with doing it alphabetically for everything to keep things more simple. That said, I don't think its worth too much thought over.
  5. Well, the source I used was this one Says it from KOF XIII here. Glad you enjoyed the mix!
  6. I just looked it up, can't find there being a Y anywhere in juunen. according to the virtua fighter wiki, tv tropes and everything else, its spelt Juunen. If I type in jyuunen on google, it suggests a spelling change to juunen even. Obviously I can't really question you on this properly since I don't know the language so you could be right, but if you are i'm surprised the entire internet has got it spelt wrong Spacing seems very subjective, TV Tropes for example spells it Juunen Hayainda da yo. The most common spelling I can find seems to be Juu'nen Hayain da yo, with an apostrophe after the two u's but it doesn't seem to be there in all the spellings of it I can find. Overall, massively subjective stuff here. The u at the end seems to be a genuine mistake on my part doing a bit more research - could be changed I suppose if you want to be pedantic about the spelling, but it could be a mix quirk for you guys
  7. Yeah this is awesome representing. Nice work and congrats on being all famous and stuff now
  8. Yeah I basically owe OCR all my continued success in music, even indirectly. I met some awesome people, improved my craft, and had a shitload of fun. I basically started here. Probably the greatest site in the history of the internet, and no i'm not biased, not at all Here's to many many more years of great music!
  9. hehehehehe... I'm so immature Ok, I'll start with the positives. The arrangement is great! There is some really really awesome melding of the sources here. Creative! So, arrangement is good. Production, is less good. I'm in agreement with vig about the bass lacking subs and the drums sounding too thin. The piano sample doesn't fit in the soundscape either imo. I heard the same piano sample in unbreakable and I didn't like it there, I don't like it here either... it just doesn't sound realistic enough for my liking, not the mention the fact its exposed thanks to a lack of reverb. There is some minor muddiness with the rhythm guitars, and piano and the leads as well. Overall this needs some more clarity to it. Arrangement as I said is great. I luv it. Production brings this one way down for me tho I'd say you don't need to fix much here based on the strength of your arrangement, but it does need some addressing to get my vote. Fix up the piano, the bass, and the muddiness and i'll yes this faster than a bunch of slippery lizards. NO(borderline)
  10. This album is long. DAYM long. I've not even finished it yet lmao. Its great great work tho. Loving the whole thing. Fantastic job to emu, cody and flexy on a fantastic job with this! Sorry, but I found myself laughing at this. Its absurd. You're a music teacher, and you should set a better example to your students. The worst thing about this is that you're horrendously insulting anyone who likes hip-hop or dubstep by calling them troublesome or hooligans. My favourite style of music is rock. Does that make me a troublemaker in your eyes? Would liking dubstep make you call me a bad person? People are allowed to have different opinions on music to you. Yes, you're allowed to not like dubstep. You're also allowed to not like classical music. You should accept that all forms and genres of music are legitimate regardless of your own opinions, and if you can't appreciate or accept that, then you should not be a music teacher, and should be ashamed of yourself.
  11. when you consider that winger got ruined from this song - - imagine what the fuck beavis and butt-head would do to YOU
  12. Over saturation abound! Yeah I ain't going to pull any punches bro, you wanted feedback you GOT feedback ;D Am I right in guessing that you've got a reverb on the whole drum kit? take it off, apply reverb to separate sections of your drum kit as appropriate. For specifics, make sure the kick doesn't have reverb on it when its part of the full soundscape. You can probably get away with it when its solo at the beginning like it is. Also, you need to bring down the delay and reverb on that PWM synth at 0:16. Sounds ok when it comes in, because the soundscape is sparse. However, you need to make sure you don't over compensate for the big picture. Reverb and Delay are POWERFUL, and you need to treat them in moderation, because things start to get a little reverb muddy at 0:33 because of that snare, and of course, when the pads enter, things start to sound washed out. The lead at 1:35 is too wet with reverb. Might have worked better if everything else wasn't so washed out but i'd have still said it was too wet The piano at 2:51 is a tad on the loud side, also hurts my ears a bit, could be my headphones. The main issues persist throughout, since you use much of the same instrumentation, so if you fixed the reverb you'd probably make the whole track sound much cleaner. I get you're going for a washed out sound, but don't overdo it! Keep on working at it bro.
  13. Oh wow I can see why this has so many borderlines. I really have nothing else to add to what the others said below me. Dry piano, shrill lead, slightly muddy mixing, but great arrangement and everything else sounded fine sample wise. Awesome trumpet Overall the pros outweigh the cons imo. Nice work guys, I dig it! YES
  14. Its not every day you see a song of this calibre on OCRemix. 11 artists, DAVID WISE, and yeah... this is epic epic shit. Great performances from everyone, fantastic arrangement, great production, great everything basically. Download it. Not that you didn't already
  15. Yeah i'm digging this. Pretty awesome stuff rexy, even tho the brass as others said is weak, it works in context with the rest of the instruments for the most part. Great arrangement work!
  16. Like vinnie, I'm going to echo the production crits with the muddy low end and the lack of crispness in the kick. You could either find a kick sample to layer it with that has a bit of snap to it, or bring out the high mids/treble in the kick slightly. Maybe a subtle combination of the two for effect. Mostly, this seems solid to me. The production other than that small oversight is clear and powerful. Texturally, this does get a little repetitive, and the bland leads don't really help matters. Your synths are good quality, but you could have gone for some more interesting timbres in your synths at times I reckon. I like the arrangement, even if it does drag on slightly too long at 6 and a half minutes. The source is clear, and variated on well enough, and at 6 minutes, you've done a good job at keeping the source prominent throughout, altho it does have a knack of repeating itself once too often. It does have its minor flaws, but none of these things quite add up to a NO, altho its pretty close imo. Good stuff here! YES
  17. Wow. This hits HARD. I dig it. I really like the base here, its solid. The leads duck under the rhythm a little too much because of the compression but the production otherwise is solid. There is also a lack of bass at points in the mix. There IS a bass present, but it doesn't hit in till 1:42. It sounds much much more full there as a result. My problem was that it feels like you meant for there to be some sort of build up, but I didn't really notice one. As a result, I felt it climaxed at the beginning, felt it needed a bit more, then BAM at 1:42 with the bass, but by then it had started to get stale with the same textures and rhythms. I think something that would make this work better from a structural point of view would be to really play around with the dynamics more. That way, you'll really be able to maximise the potential of your arrangement, because what you've got is a bit too good not to be complimented with the lack of a suspenseful build up. You could of course choose to tackle the arrangement some other way, but I feel it is just borderline on the NO side because of the structural problems. Even so, this is awesome, and if you don't send this back, I will kick you. NO (resub)
  18. Pretty cool, but I have to agree with larry's assessment that there isn't enough source here. My own breakdown of source goes as follows: 0:00-0:08 0:16-1:04 1:27-1:32 1:44-1:55 2;05-2:09 2:41-3:06 That gives me about 100 seconds of source usuage in a 230 second remix. Seems to me that the breakdown in the first post also throws in some parts where there are original solos etc. Yes he uses the 12 bar blues for much of the track, and while I am willing to give him some credit for that, I still think this is pushing the bar into the "too liberal" terriority. Production is decent, I really like the guitar playing, and while I think the piano is a bit better than larry suggests, I don't think it quite works in context. Add on some rather strong overcompression to the table and I think that decides it for me. Its a good base, but it needs some TLC to the production, and a bit more source usage for the pass. Keep working at it bro! NO(resub) Revote above ^^^^
  19. I also endorse this album, only because I have guitar solo on it. ... Ok I kid, I kid, I'd endorse it anyway <3
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