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Everything posted by WillRock

  1. I have to say, I quite enjoyed the take on this. Its a daring direction which works, and I can see alot of people grooving to it. Like Rozo said, the source is used well, maybe its due to unfamiliarity with the source but I had more trouble than Rozo picking out the source. That said, I did hear it and if Rozo says its there, its probably there so i'll leave that side alone for now. With an adaption like this, I think all you've got to do is make sure the track has 50% source at least. The adaption will serve as variation but some lead differences wouldn't go amiss. Now, for the issues, which granted weren't too many imo. I do agree with rozovian about dynamics. The quieter parts could be softer, but you don't need to boost the loudness of any sections. The sequencing is mechanical, most notably the piano. If you fix the piano i'm sure you could get away with the others, could just be me tho. Also, that guitar lead is notably fake. You might want to either change up that instrument or get someone on OCR to record guitar for you. One thing I will say, is that I actually don't find the hihats too loud - granted they are louder than what would be deemed "normal" in terms of general music levels but I've heard jazz tracks with that same sort of leveling and I think you could get away with that as a stylistic choice myself. Structure like rozo said was a little lacking in dynamics. You could throw in a breakdown somewhere, which i'm positive you can pull off. I'm basically inclined to agree with rozo with most of what he said minus over compression issues he pulled out of thin air Fix the mechanical sequencing, that guitar lead, the dynamics and don't be afraid to experiment with the structure of your track to give it a little more variety. Its a cool base, carry on!
  2. MOD REVIEW Ok, so this is pretty good. Production seemed ok to me, altho I found the bass little overpowering overall, particularly on that kick. If anything, fix the kick because its serving to muddy up your soundscape. Also, I couldn't help but feel that the vocals sound slightly tinny overall, could have been the recording, but thats the only production crits I have for you. There is a potential obstacle at 2:24, the vocal melodies seem off somehow, I believe its dissonance but I can't place it. However, there is dissonance in your guitar solo after, which is very jarring, you're playing an Eb over a D major chord during that downward 3 note pattern you play over again, which the judges will pick up on and penalize you for. That could be deal breaking, i've known them to NO otherwise good mixes based on dissonance before. EDIT: Did some critical listening and worked out that you've got the same dissonance in the vocal parts as in the guitar, It sounds like you're singing in F sharp major, when the tonic chord is F sharp minor. You need to fix that if you want to see this posted on OCR. I'd say the boomy slightly over compressed production, coupled with that dissonance at the end will prompt judges to NO this. It needs a bit of work, mostly at the end, but keep at it, cause this is close.
  3. Lol great threat topic. Yeah I'd just take off the vibrato completely, it'll sound more natural without it. Reminded me of this: Steve Vai is pretty good at making his guitar make strange noises.
  4. Making something unique. I'd just end up rewriting some of my favorite tracks without meaning to, which is probably why remixing came so naturally to me. Don't have that issue anymore tho... yes i'm a guitar player, but i'm not sure how that impacts on the question tbh
  5. Seems very much unabandoned to me, we should get the tracks by tomorrow i'd say
  6. Haven't done much in terms of remixes recently but i'd be happy to lend a hand... will there be the possibility of multiple remixes of the same sources accepted for the mod? Not because I want to do more than 1 of the same source, but I don't want to remix any songs that are already claimed if you guys won't use more than one Also, you guys do realize you're going to have to put simon belmont in this mod now right? RIGHT????
  7. This is a sweet mix. Very delicate vibe to it that I can dig. You mad bro? There's only... 7 remixes of aquatic ambience? SOOOOO MANY! I SEE WHAT YOU MEAN NOW! We must stop remixing this song! IT HAS HAD TOO MUCH EXPOSURE! Lock up your daughters, cut off your ears,OR AQUATIC AMBIANCE WILL TAKE OVER THE WORLDDDDD
  8. Just dropping in to say if you want to use any of my remixes, you have my permission. Good job with this and keep it up!
  9. This is a pretty neat concept for sure. I'm surprised it works as well as it does. I feel like everything is fine up until 1 minute in. The samples aren't quite cutting it after the drop, because the wub bass and the drums aren't quite taking up enough of the frequency range. Generally, i'm hearing alot of bass, but not enough crispness to the samples at 1:00 onwards... i'd focus on trying to layer down more samples but focus a little more on treble content. Listen to other music from dubstep producers like shrillex and use them as comparisons with the production of your own music. For the most part, the mixing sounds clear, but there is a bit too much release on that bell like synth at 2:00 which serves to muddy up your soundscape somewhat. I'd either eq that to clear up some space or remove the release. Generally this is pretty strong stuff, keep working at it and you could see a front page mix
  10. You guys are complaining about FLs piano roll? Has christmas come early or am I dreaming?
  11. Omelette du fromage

  12. This is not going by the wayside! Neutral Area is still unclaimed, if anyone wants to claim it, send me a PM!
  13. Get on facebook duude, need talk to you :D

  14. Been too busy for competitions as of late :(

  15. Yep I can dig. Guys this album is awesome and well worth your money... and mine
  16. Mod Review hey this is pretty cool. loving the style adaption as I said before. I'm a little concerned the production would be a deal breaker here tho, the drums sound a little muffled and the things are a little overcompressed, the kick particularly so. Add on minor mixing issues - the drums get lost in busy sections, the lead at 1:00 is too loud and too dry. That guitar is sweet tho (ironically, a little too wet in reverb, but its mildly so) Its not quite there I think, but its close. Keep working at it and you'll get front page i'm sure
  17. Er... why wouldn't it be classed as classical music? Also, listened to this theme this morning, not for any particular reason. As a guy who's never played the games, thats a rare rare occurrence for me.
  18. that needs a bit more personalisation before we'd consider it for the project. Thanks for showing an interest tho! BTW GUYS SEND WIPS BY PM. NOT BY FORUMS
  19. You shouldn't post WIPs on the forums. That stuff should be private This is pretty cool, altho use of fur elise kinda makes me a little unsure overall, depends on damned tho. As far as performance/production goes, this is def cool, I love the take .
  20. Well musics just lost one of the most important people in the business. Sad day. Still, looks like heavens just gone to eleven, and I still play on my marshall on a regular basis RIP.
  21. To build on this point of rozovians further, your limitations with software and hardware, or your lack of experience, can be a blessing in disguise. Confused? Well, sure Rozovian is right, we have ideas, and we do fall short of how they sound in our heads, but that doesn't mean that they sound worse than it sounded in our heads. You might end up making something more unique or interesting due to your own limitations in equipment and sound design. Don't think about what you don't have - think about what you do have and how you can maximize the potential of what you're using. Just listen to this: Now, this was made for the NES as you can see, same sound capabilities, as the music for super mario bros, and the first 2 zelda games, i'm sure you know the soundtracks. Yet here, the composer decided to try and break the limitations of what he was using and it sounds incredible in its own right. Limitations force creativity - use that to your advantage.
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