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Everything posted by WillRock

  1. wait, you got a haircut? FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU-
  2. Ah I missed this Not a fan of metroid music really, and I got alot of stuff on my plate atm, so I won't be claiming a track, but I wish you luck with your project
  3. I hope that this project is finished - with a mixer list like this, if k-wix doesn't get this done, or at least hands it over to someone who does, then he doesn't realise just how hard it is to get a mixer list as high caliber as this. k-wix, finish this one off or find someone who will, you owe it to yourself and the mixers who have been putting time into this, and its fricken mega man 9, its not like people won't rise to the challenge

  5. My office door read your lyrics. It says fuck you. Its real rude sometimes, it needs to learn some manners.

  6. This is where ocr standards kinda take the piss imo. If people recogniese it as a video game remix, then I don't see why it shouldn't be on ocr. I understand that it not being video game music originally makes it a no go, but having tetris as an exception to this rule just isn't fair imo, particularly if the reasoning for that is "just because its tetris". If tetris is allowed on ocr, then any other game that uses folk music like this should be.
  7. I vote that you two do a duet. Seriously, would be awesome. Nice remix Zircon, one of the best and most original remixes from the GRMRB.
  8. As a reason user myself, I can say that the methods to sequence are different to FL, which from what people tell me, is mostly mouse orientated, with right click serving to delete any midi data you don't want. Due to its ideal mouse oriented sequencing method, FL is probably the better choice, but Reason has its own methods for quick sequencing, but to take advantage of this, you have to learn keyboard shortcuts which might seem annoying at first. Once you've got them tho it becomes second nature. When in the EDIT window, you can toggle from the mouse to the draw tool using Command (on mac). I'm not sure of the command for this on windows but I'd assume its the ctrl key. Thats the only command I use alot however, and I get around fairly quick. For deleting single notes at a time, I'm afraid you guys are going to just have to get used to that delete or backspace button, if you click your mouse (left click for windows) on midi data while holding down backspace, you'll delete that note. I prefer the click and drag method, which if you do while holding down the backspace or delete key, will delete the data for you when you let go of the mouse. As for quick switching of tools, the Q,W,E,R,T and Y keys are all shortcuts to change them as well, Q is the mouse tool, W is the draw tool, E is the rubber tool (which also deletes various notes) etc. In other words, you need to learn a few commands on your keyboard to get around reasons sequencer efficiently, but once you do, I doubt its any quicker than FL.
  9. I'd like to congratulate txai on his win of the GMRB. However, don't think i'll be so easily beaten in the next compo. Until the next Grand Robot Master Remix Battle!
  10. Pr0t0d0me, ur remix tytalls r longer than teh remixes themselves. Fix tht plz. Ok, seriously, its a sweet remix. Don't know the source, don't know the game, but I do know this is sweet stuff. Short but sweet. Make it longer and sweeter next time. Oh yeah almost forgot - PROTO MUST DIE that is all.
  11. For now I think Kylethedarkn is better off asking someone else for guitar parts than learning himself. Also when it comes down to learning to play an instrument takes a long time, saying it takes two months is naive because it takes alot of work to get to a certain level at the guitar or any instrument, it depends on various factors. It might not take him long to learn how to play his part, but playing it fluently... he might do it in 2 months, he might not, but don't go saying "it'll take you X amount of time to get this good" because it depends on the person. Basically, this is what it comes down to - Kylethedarkn - do you use guitar a lot in your music? If you do then it might be worth investing into a getting a guitar. For now though, you're better off asking someone who is good at guitar to help you out. As for the remix - I like this more than I thought I would when the intro started. The samples are ok, nothing special, and the mixing is off slightly. Sounds like alot of the synths and bells are fighting for the center of the mix and the drums are stuck in the background. The guitar is obviously fake, but thats been covered by others. Arrangement - The intro drags on a little too long for my liking, but once everything kicks in, the arrangement is pretty engaging to me, if not a little repetitive. I'd consider changing up a few things in later section repeats for more variation, be it chords or melody change ups, or maybe I solo section (i'm a sucker for solo sections). Some good stuff here, thread has been derailed slightly, lets see it get back on track!
  12. Reasons Thor. Any kind of sound I want, I can always make it with Thor, and it doesn't take a genius to use it either.
  13. I've wished you happy birthday twice, you aren't getting it again. ... ... Oh what am I saying. Happy birthday darke
  14. Blah. For all the mix names I came up for this, I called this Cold Metal? Jeezzzzzzzzzzzz. Anyway, crappy name aside, this was an attempt to get myself out of a dreaded writers block that stopped me doing anything music related for 2 months. 2 MONTHS! As a result, you can call it stale, you can call it not stale, you can call it bland (or not)... ;P - but without this mix, I probably wouldn't have made some of the mixes that came after it. Also, this was the first mix I made Reason 4 in, which meant a host of new sounds, which gave this a more techno vibe than my other mixes do to the sound choices. This was a rather interesting mix as far as style goes, but I was still learning the ropes with reason 4 and thus this was lacking in some minor polish BUT DON'T WORRY IT DIDN'T AFFECT THE END PROJECT. much. Anyways, this was one of my more ambitious mixes style wise that was a first for me mixing mega man (which is now common practice) using Reason 4 (which is now common practice) and starting remixing again (which is now common practice). Pretty important stuff mix wise. And the judges were just asking me to do something left field. Next time I'll do a mix, consisting, of one triangle. And get it passed the panel. somehow
  15. This is easily the most overlooked of my remixes posted on ocr, which is a shame to me. Is it the game choice? Is it the remix name? Or were people turned off by the vocal sample in the intro? Who knows, but some of you downloaded and liked it, which puts a smile on my face Anyway, this was another mix showcasing my synth/rock style I started with my "Mountain Of Dreams" mix. The rough draft of inspiration for this mix was listening to A-ha. Not going to say the song, otherwise you'll all cry out that i'm a plagiarizer. Probably That said, as far as this mix goes, I started to recycle old ideas from passed remixes and throwing them together, and didn't really expand here, which was a personal choice - I was happy with were I was at for the moment, but the judges started pushing me for more development - just check the decision thread SOOOOOOOOO - nothing new and exciting here, but that really wasn't the point. I wasn't trying to expand, I was just doing what I enjoyed here, and I'm glad you guys enjoyed it all the same
  16. This mix was my first take on trance music a.k.a. bLiNd style. As you can hear, I didn't quite get the sound right, but something a little different seemed to come out here, which still worked. As far as the source goes, its a classic, and I took it in a VERY risky direction (my sister said I'd ruined ballad of the windfish when she first heard it) I was experimenting with alot of cool phasor effects and other backing effects at this point to enhance my soundscapes, and I also wanted to make a synth solo that rivaled Daft Punk's Digital Love. The solo synth was crafted by me from a preset to mimick that sound, and it turned into my standard GuitarSynth patch I use for many of my later remixes and beyond. Considering that this was more of a failed experiment than a successful one for what I wanted to achieve this has seemed to become a favorite. This mix for me basically says that sometimes, good things can come from something not coming out quite the way you intended
  17. Ah, Door Into Summer. Ah Knuckles Chaotix. I don't remember where on earth I heard the music for this game, or where I heard of the game even. All I remember was hearing Door into Summer, and wanting to remix it. As far as my remixes go, I wanted to return to my more simple sound design of my earlier mixes that got popular on Youtube before OCR corrupted my mind and ate my soul. What came out was simple sound design, but it wasn't quite what I was expecting - it was a bit of an accident, more chiptune/genesis like in sound design than my older stuff. However the sound really gelled for me and I ran with it. I did alot of experimentation with gating and frequency changing in this mix, as well as seeing the birth of my typical drum solo which I used later in "Transient Shadows" This mix isn't the most popular of my OC Remixes, probably due to the lesser known game source tune, but its probably one of my most fun remixes.
  18. Out of all my posted OC Remixes, this is chronologically the oldest of them all from the date I started it. I'm not entirely sure where the style for this mix came from - All I know is that when I joined ocr and got a very decidedly negative critique on my first subbed remix to the site, I set out get a mix posted to prove to myself I could do it, and this was the first mix that I attempted this with. Originally, I wasn't successful - The original mix is here However, if you fail, you should try again, and try again I did. Inspiration musically wasn't really important to me here I don't think, I was driven by a different desire, which was to be posted on OCR. Thankfully I succeeded, and altho this mix quite rightly hasn't been without its share of criticisms, i'm happy that I was able to make a remix that people have enjoyed regardless.
  19. Ok, its story time Damn its been along time since I did this mix. A little over 2 years old now, I made this when I was trying desperately to get passed the panel by any means possible. Basically, this remix came to me when I "purchased" the 1986 Transformers Movie Soundtrack, you know... the one with stan bush's "The Touch" Anyways, I found myself particularly inspired by the works of Vince Dicola, who did the backing score for the movie, and this remix was largely inspired by his works. This was also the mix where my core synth/rock sound started to come together, thanks to various tweaking of presets I was doing to try and make the samples sound better. Its showing its age but this mix was really the start of where my core sound started to come together, and it was my best work for a very long time. I'm glad you guys have enjoyed it over the years.
  20. And yet I didn't... somehow. I got a 10 vote lead and then gecko made the holy mother of all comebacks. Dunno how he did it
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