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Everything posted by WillRock

  1. Oh, you never know, Gecko might win, or I might be up against zircon... Anything goes atm, the rounds are too close.
  2. Ditto, being a part of this would be probably the coolest thing ever...
  3. Btw, i'm assuming this would be composing new music for the game if this happened right? Or a mix of both remixes and originals? I know you guys can't possibly know yet, but its something to think about I reckon
  4. OCR do the soundtrack to Sonic 4? Fuck yeah. Would be the most epic thing this site has ever done
  5. hem 4 etov tnod u fi yad2 eid lla lliw u kil

  6. hem 4 etov tnod u fi yad2 eid lla lliw u kil

  7. hem 4 etov tnod u fi yad2 eid lla lliw u kil

  8. Ah ok np - Well, since there is no zelda available what about streets of rage? Its cool for me to challenge someone with that right no one has taken that from what I have seen Links awakening was also my favorite zelda, altho i'm biased due to nostalgia
  9. any bad dude willing to take me on as sonic the hedgehog? (let me know if i'm doing this wrong)
  10. http://ocremix.org/forums/member.php?u=32429 Posted Bot threads: http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=27619 http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?p=643197#post643197
  11. Good on you for subbing a track from a game that doesn't have any exposer on the site. That said, the chances of this getting past the judges is pretty much non-existant, sorry to put it so bluntly, but thats how it is, their standards are much higher than some people new to the site expect. Also, don't expect them to be any more forgiving than my man halc here There is alot of ways you can make this better - better samples, more personalized arrangement - what I mean here is add your own twist to it, change the chords under the melody, variate the melody notes and rhythms, add your own backings, do it in a completely different style or tempo, add original sections, breakdowns or solos... a different key is a good idea as well (all you need to do is transpose the whole thing up or down a few semitones when your done as long as its all sequenced) I also think you could do with filling out the soundscape some, make it sound nice and full as for length, its a little short, if you want something to be accepted on the site, it really needs to be over 2 minutes in length. Basically just keep working at this one, and when your mix gets rejected by the judges, which it will, try not to take everything they say to heart, they might be harsh. Hope you find this info helpful.
  12. hahahaha I find it amusing that my michelle is a featured video in the related tabs on the neon tiger video, despite no comments and no tags that would relate to it on the video page
  13. Well, the idea wasn't that you can go at crazy fast speeds at first, you were challenged to learn the level designs so you could zoom through them later. Speed was the trump card, gave the games more replay value when you completed them just to see how fast you could go through them. Making a game "with an emphasis on speed" isn't the idea, because learning where all the hazards were so you could dash through LATER was where the appeal of the games lay for me.
  14. Says the person I have a finished track for Your so not getting your other track now just kidding, <3 you really
  15. Its not usually my style to bump threads that haven't been posted in for 2-3 months but it has to be said that this is some fantastic work man, I downloaded it months ago and I still listen to this, which is all the praise I can really give Nice work
  16. Yeah this is true... I just need to get this compo out the way first (which I should NEVER have entered ) I won't be able to get you a wip for today for that reason but this is at the top of my things to do list after the compo.
  17. lol. Anyway... mix. I love the touch of the lttp string sample in the intro. So... this is basically dark world. I don't think this sounds as clear as some of your other mixes in terms of mixing this time - its a little murky, but so slightly, I think some of the backing strings might be a little loud at times, sometimes I feel the leads get slightly lost. That said, arrangement is tight, and it does sound great despite what I said above. Willrock likey ^-^
  18. thanks man, This round is so close its kinda unbelievable XD Had a good time doing it so far :D

  19. Happy birthday man :P

  20. When I saw the thread title, I thought Drumultima would be involved in this somehow...
  21. This round has some awesome entries, great work to everyone involved
  22. 10 pages of comments including one from djp himself and one with a picture of a unicorn. How....

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