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Everything posted by WillRock

  1. http://ocremix.org/forums/member.php?u=32813 Links in sig
  2. High energy Heavy Metal Gotta love it. Some cool ideas here, altho nothing groundbreaking, pretty much kicks off from the word go, with an assault of distorted guitars, with some synths filling out the soundscape. Pretty hectic and high energy all the way through, altho there are some cool breakdown ideas that give room to breath Personally, i'm not sure the guitar is as tight as it could be (heh, I can talk ) but i've heard worse. I think the rhythm guitars sound a little thin, and at one point about mid way through the track, the soundscape gets cluttered when you have rhythm guitars, and rhythmic synths both going at the same time. Oh, screaming vocals... personally thats a turn off for me, I prefer stuff more melodic, personal preference tho, can't fault it. Altho, how come the vocals are only at the end of the track? I dunno they seem to fit in well enough, even tho 90% of the track is instrumental. Basically, good, high energy, raw METUL. Head-bang as appropriate.
  3. Yep, that was the one I was thinking of for Axels theme and yep straight ahead is fine to do as well
  4. I'm of two minds about this one. I like the arrangement for sure, but the production and soundscape just isn't meshing with me. Distortion going on in the drums, altho I know its a style preference... I don't think the guitar or the piano are amazing in terms of sample quality, but I don't think they bring down the mix as much as people are saying... I wasn't sure the piano sounded quite right to me tho, a little bit too upfront for my liking. Not sure i'm a fan of the mix myself, but for sure its a solid effort that others will like, and I have plenty of Ziwtra in my itunes to keep me happy for now
  5. Not heard the source before, but this is a solid piece of work from a lack of source knowedge perspective at least A really cool fusion of electronic and classical music, with some vocal parts near the end that just seal the deal, and solid production as well. Its a little short tho Awesome work that I would recommend.
  6. Well, this is a nice remix. First of all, I'd recommend reducing the release or delay on your bell lead in the intro, the notes are bleeding into each other. I really like the soundscape you got here, but I feel like you could do more with this, its pretty similar all the way through from a dynamics viewpoint, you need breakdowns like esker has been saying. Also, you need to work on some variation ideas... a change up of the chord sequence would be nice, it does get a little boring hearing it over and over again after a while. The drums also need some messing with. the looped drum beat gets pretty boring pretty quickly... I'd mess with some rhythm change ups with the drums, maybe add a filter to the drums and mess with the frequency of your drums when they are filtered, that could help you come up with a breakdown idea. At least do some velocity changes if you don't do the former suggestions with the drums. I'd also like to hear it reach a climax point near the end, bring in some powerful drums and make it sound that little bit more exciting you know. Finally... the production. I think you have some nice samples, but you need to work more on your mixing. alot of this sounds like the sounds are fighting for the centre of attention, use eq and volume so they all fit into the soundscape better and work off each other. So... recap - Work on: your dynamics, your variation, your drum work, add a climax (dynamics really:P), work on mixing. I think what you have is very good and enjoyable so far, but I think this has some way to go before its sub worthy. Keep at it, this has the spark to do well, you just need to work on some areas to make it even better
  7. Well I've commented on this already - imma comment again basically, guitars sound awesome, I think the production needs a little work to make everything clearer, and you need better synths frankly, they sound kinda cheap imo... however, arrangement sounds cool to me, I think its the production is what needs work, it sounds rough around the edges, just give it that little polish to make it shine As for Jhawk... play no attention to him, anyone that says something is crap with no clear reason shouldn't say anything in the first place. Keep at it man, its not done yet, but its close. sounds awesome tho, keep at it
  8. uh... actually it was you. Bahamut contacted me and said you were going to accept my challenge when I first posted it. so... whats the deal? have I been misinformed?
  9. Congrats DA. May you reject all my subs, everyone elses, and become universally hated by EVERYONE
  10. Wow, these two final round mixes are in a league of their own... I can't decide who to vote for, best tracks of the whole compo tho, by a considerable margin.
  11. Well, I've recently downloaded a genesis soundfont and made these. Hope you guys enjoy
  12. I find it ironic you guys are complaining about having to memorize level designs in sonic games... I mean isn't that the point? You memorize the levels so you can speed through them later. Its almost as if you guys would rather speed through all the levels first time and don't want a challenge from the sonic games at all...
  13. well last I heard, the soundtrack for sonic 4 was genesis sound quality...
  14. Still waiting for someone to accept my challenge (streets of rage axel vs mr x) I was told a certain Bad Dude was going to accept but nothing has happened as of yet... you guys to scared to accept my challenge or something?
  15. Pretty solid remix, Props to zircon and sixto for shreddage, if I didn't know that guitar wasn't real, I wouldn't have guessed. As for the crit about the lead, personally, I don't see what the big issue is, i've heard leads just like it used in all sorts of rock ocr tracks like has been said by zircon. Personally, 80-90% of the time, I haven't been completely comfortable with the leads used in ocr rock mixes for the blandness issue thats been pointed out here, but this is no different to other leads i've heard in them and it does the job well enough.
  16. yeah I know that I'm not looking for crits for this to get posted, this was just an experiment to try out my new soundfont. Basically put here for you guys if you want it. Glad you liked it anyway
  17. So, I recently Grabbed a Genesis/Megadrive Soundfont and took or for a testdrive with one of my fav megaman themes. http://www.mediafire.com/?zjxgmejk2d5 Source:
  18. This is a pretty cool mix. Sound like UFO meets dream theater. Lots of really nice touches here, and a somewhat dreamlike soundscape. Pretty awesome stuff right here... altho i'm not sure the lead guitar tone is quite right, you have a really nice mellow soundscape with lots of room to breath until that lead comes in. It sounds a little too upfront and almost interferes with the lush soundscape you have, particularly when they harmonize... I think the chorus on the guitar might have something to do with it. Anyway, thats a minor gripe on a solid mix that keeps interest for 5 and a half minutes. Nice work
  19. Just like to say that i'm probably not going to get anything in for the deadline - I still will do the track but i've had other remixing commitments that have eaten up my time and some rl issues that have stopped me from getting it done. Sorry :S
  20. who's emunator? sum n00b? jks, happy birthday man, hope you have a great day!
  21. Well, fancy this being posted now.... ironic. Well, this isn't my best mix... I got alot of better stuff on the way imo, still great to see that you guys are enjoying it Also, funny fact. Zircon noted the fact of no filtering or vibrato on the lead synths... this is because I didn't know how to do it on thor, it was the first remix I used that synth in
  22. you'll be getting one from me in a week or so Edit: Chrono! YAY
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