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Everything posted by WillRock

  1. the intro makes me imagine you playing a piano whilst being attacked by crickets
  2. Your remixes kick some serious ass dude, keep up the good work!

  3. Neutral Area is now an open track. Demonstray, if you have a wip, then get it to me or john or post on the forums ASAP before someone claims your track.
  4. what were you smoking when you made this? I want some of it. In the meantime i'm going to hold on to this, i'm sure there are some companies I can give this too and get myself a profit
  5. http://tindeck.com/listen/nyeg Oh so very rough version. Will update over time. Feel free to crit as appropriate Source:
  6. What I find interesting is that generally, if you don't like a mix, you don't mix it, so technically, the fact there are no remixes of this song on ocr means that no one on the site likes it. Probably
  7. You'll fast track you say... I might just send you a remix of this at some point then
  8. This is probably one of the most original remixes I have ever come across on ocr, and seeing as we so close to 2000 remixes at this point, thats as higher praise I can give you guys. At first I wasn't sure about this, and this could have been a mix that failed miserably due to an ambitious arrangement but this works, and works VERY well. I can certainly hear the monstrous turtles! influence, it has that dreamy almost nightmarish quality to it that makes that remix so good. For sure the production isn't perfect, but its pretty good and seriously, when you have an arrangement this good it really doesn't bother me. Highly recommended - one of the most interesting pieces of music on the site and I look forward to hearing more you guys.
  9. Soooo.... revenge tracks being put up any time soon?
  10. I just heard your not going to be on OCAD... sorry to hear it man, was looking forward to one crazy podcast with you :(

  11. Happy birthday to two of the most awesome users on ocremix
  12. Yeah, I think sonic is a little too popular for its own good, when I found out about it all the tracks were taken
  13. Ok, I admit, that last message was fail, I can't keep up with your awesomeness.

    Also, proto must die

  14. Oh.... lots to like here... very polished stuff from rozo, and imo one of his more rewarding tracks, thanks to all the awesome textures, and touches... it goes seemlessly from one thing to the next, and the percussion really adds an element to his ambient music that I think has been lacking in his earlier ambient tracks (beyond velocity) Nice work man, one of your best, not sure why I didn't pay more attention to this one before actually
  15. If proto doesn't wish to die, he must try, to bake me a pie, made with newts eye, and thumb of some random guy, wing of bird from up high, and powder you must buy, mixed with onions that make you cry, and all of this you must fry, and make sure its a nice pie...

    Do this not, and you will die, I will throw you from up high, in the sky, and watch you fly, downwards, as you cry, and why must you ask, because PROTO MUST DIE.

  16. Willrock mustn't lie, He is a nice guy, but Proto must die, Proto asks why, But the fact must still apply, that PROTO MUST DIE, because willrock SAYS SO.

    Also, willrock likes pie.

  17. Because you are proto, and PROTO MUST DIE

  18. heh its all good, its just if I was him and i'd gone from ocremix without telling anyone, I would have had good reason for it, and probably wouldn't want people from the internet trying to find me if i've moved on from it.
  19. Well if the guy has gone, he's gone. He obviously doesn't want to be found, so leave him be, if he wants to come back then he will, in his own time.
  20. How come my match up with zyko isn't included? Is it because of the unsure hero theme? I thought Mustin had cleared that up in his earlier post
  21. Well neblix, you can take revenge on me then... good luck
  22. Congrats to zircon Well from what neblix has told me, the winner of revenge goes up against zircon, but he will still be the winner of the compo no matter who wins the round, however, whoever goes up against him gets third place and maybe some sort of prize if he wins... I'm not actually sure what the rules are concerning this tho, since there hasn't been any clarification from darkesword yet as far as I know.
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