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Everything posted by K.B.

  1. Hi sorry I'm late but PUKE
  2. I should have just said something like 'it would be awesome if we could set the max width for forum posts in our control panel' because the thrust of my request was on forum width, not on the sidebar (regardless of how I never once complained about the sidebar, ahem!). I should have posted this in the other thread, sure, but I thought prophet's idea here about a user cp option was excellent and I wanted to echo it. And the only reason I repeated it was because I already had another issue to point out, not to be annoying. So: sidebar option would be cool. Max width function would be awesome.
  3. Please? It's a lot harder to read now with the expanded width and I'd rather not resize my browser every time I come to ocr. The Dreamhost links are dead for the recent Xenogears remixes.
  4. Would someone kindly link a text dump of listening party? Minus the secret squirrel stuff, of course. I'd be curious to read what I missed. Yes, I'm too inept to know how pull up a history.
  5. Well, no, not to try to get a better understanding. For complex games like FF7 I either play them again, youtube videos of sections I want to reassess, or scan over the game's script. And not to get a better understanding of myself, either... introspection works a bit better than a game review in that department. But to help others see the brilliance of or gain awareness over an oft-missed, significant aspect of a game (or what-have-you), yeah, I could see that. I think I overlooked that because, in this case, you're trying to convince the exceedingly dense to completely reverse their opinion, which strikes me as an exercise in futility. But you're right, money wouldn't be the only reason. Not that I meant that in a bad way anyway; I like money.
  6. Spoilers... yes, it's all about audience. But why write a review to those who have already played the game? Vindication? I can't think of a single reason to review a game for someone who's already played the game... aside from money. Otherwise, it's an insult to one's intelligence. Hence my comment. Thank you, voice of reason. And I liked the guy, but if anyone fit such a mold, it was Squall. A pithy review isn't exactly the best avenue to pursue philosophical tangents, now is it? I don't see any reference or allusion to existentialism in your review.
  7. People who label the game 'emo' have too poor a grasp of the English language to level an appropriate insult and too shallow an understanding of either the game's plot or of basic psychology to realize that even giving a better-worded criticism along those same 'emo' lines that, by speaking, they still would have removed all doubt. Quite a few spoilers for a review, though.
  8. Sorry about some of the stupid shit I said in my last post; I came off being far more critical than I meant to. I think I should put something in my sig to the effect of "kindly ignore all posts made by me after 11pm". Or just not be a drunken idiot... or at least not a negative, serious one! The additional effect that starts in at 1:45 makes this a lot more ominous and dynamic. I like it. This still meanders though; the guitar or low-pitched pads could use a new line at some point during the track. 2:00 or 2:40 would be a good place for this. I partially agree with Spakku in that the 'choir' (warm pads?) don't fit. I think the other instruments do though, and that the timbre of the choir doesn't mesh well with the others. Well, the guitar isn't spooky by itself, but I think it works. I suggest a fade-out on the drums at the end; the cut-off doesn't sound right to me. I don't know about the volume levels; they sound good to me on my low-end speakers and subwoofer. Anyway, this is cool. I still think it's missing something and that it wouldn't get yes's as it is right now, but it is a creative take on the original with potential to be even better. And yes, it would go very well in a game, or at least I think I remember you writing something like that in the post you deleted (which, btw, you posted just a half hour before I came back to delete my crap post... I decided to leave it after I saw you had responded).
  9. Thought you all might enjoy this. I decided to search the forum for LoD (something the person who starts a new request should do, mind you!) and found an old LoD thread with a massive discussion. Buried within was a remix of World Map 2 (and possibly other world map themes) by V___. Perhaps it's not polished, but I decided it was good enough to keep. Here's the post with a link to the remix: http://ocremix.org/forums/showpost.php?p=251593&postcount=72 Edit: this remix and Worn Out Shoes are one and the same. As in, don't search the entire thread for another complete remix; that's the only one.
  10. Seconded, if I understand that comment correctly. The dark gray is too dark when compared to the rest of the screen. It blurs the top of the headphone logo and draws my eyes away from the rest of the page. Also, the bold, white arial on that dark gray looks bad because of lack of transition. This isn't as noticeable on the megadropdown text because of the wave in the background, but the location text sticks out (in this thread, this text is "OC ReMix Design Revision Notes & Feedback"). If the current shade of gray is kept, I suggest adding some sort of effect to blend the edges a bit. The front page is unbalanced without the sidebar, so it looks very awkward. Shifting the ads to the left, or even to the bottom or the top, should fix this. This unbalance is only on the front page as far as I can tell. I liked the sidebar a lot better than these megadropdowns (I knew they were there but didn't like using them), and I liked having less text space in the forums (I can't read as quickly now with so much left-to-right space), but as far as navigability the megadropdowns look like they'll work just as well. But yes, grrrr to no sidebar, at least for the time being. And if it wasn't clear, I don't have a bone to pick about the changes. Just giving feedback.
  11. Step aside, Richard Cheese. The execution was perfect; I laughed so hard I cried. A bit long on the scat section, but it was all still delightfully over the top. Oh and the piano - accompaniment and solo - was incredible, duh. How do you top that? I'd as might as well just call it a day and go back to sleep.
  12. This thread is now again about Mickey and how the world of his next game should be dystopian steampunk and not bubblegum two shades darker.
  13. Game needs less of this kiddiness, more of the concept-art scary. If the screenshots don't get darker as they give more promos (assuming they're done chronologically game-wise), I'm calling letdown.
  14. I am not a remixer, as you know, so take this for whatever you deem it worth. Also worth noting is that I usually approach music from a more emotional and less technical standpoint. What is your goal with this remix? What are you trying to convey? What I hear is ambience, which is difficult to do fittingly in a single as opposed to in an album. To my ears, this doesn't go anywhere. It has a start that could go places, but what follows after about 2:00 doesn't seems to tread any new ground or impart any significance; the song seems to last longer than its idea. And even then, I'm not sure what this track had in mind. My critique is most likely not a fair assessment from your perspective. After all, where, exactly, is a brooding, contemplative track supposed to "go"? In the context of an album, I could agree, but not as a standalone track. More than anything else, that is a hardship in trying to write for the genre. Though, to be honest, folks like Gray have managed to do so... and still have some umph behind their music. You have chosen a source devoid of development, which puts the onus entirely on you to develop it. Whether done by incorporating other instruments or by evolving the original melodies (if you'd call them that), or both, this needs further development before (I think) the judges will pass it. Frankly, right now, the original was tighter and had far more impact. And that takes me back to my original question: what, exactly, is your purpose? You have competence in production (or close enough to submit for critique, at least), but a good work requires a singularity of purpose.. or so I suppose as a listener. What you have now comes across, to me at least, as a barren landscape. Perhaps an ominous one as well. But what of it? I'm in this graveyard for four minutes, but am I scared? Am I remorseful? Am I reverent? What, after four minutes, am I supposed to feel or take away from this experience? To put it succinctly: what you have created is great music for a one-time walkthrough of a graveyard, no other emotions attached. If that is your goal, then you have achieved it. In an album, where the context fits: perhaps perfect. As a single: not engaging.
  15. On the main page for each remix, the game picture can be covered by the discussion. This appears to be because the discussion is set to start at the end of the text of djp's writeup without regard to the picture. When the picture is taller than the writeup (which is more prevalent for earlier remixes... even when the picture is already small), the discussion still starts right after the text and therefore right on top of the picture. For example: http://www.ocremix.org/remix/OCR00451/ and http://www.ocremix.org/remix/OCR00385/. I checked these pages in IE as well as Firefox to make sure it wasn't a browser-specific issue, and it wasn't. If there's a web-programming equivalent to image-wrapping, that would fix this. A small thing, of course. Just noticed it and thought I'd point it out. Edit: Since it came to mind, a second issue: there are numerous instances where the title of a song is without spaces (and sometimes without punctuation) on the main remix page but has the correctly spaced (and punctuated) title on the discussion page. Case in point: http://www.ocremix.org/remix/OCR00946/ and its review thread http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=1176. Frankly, I don't think it's worth the time to correct the titles of every single affected remix, and those of us who care to get the absolute correct title have learned (or will learn) to go to the discussion page, but since it's a discrepancy I figured I'd point it out as well.
  16. Not one LoD remix on R:TS, DoD, or RPGamer either. Completely untouched. The video of was pretty cool though.Coincidentally, I had been mulling over requesting a remix of with the suggestion that it be done as a contemporary gospel (with vocals). If you listen to the chorus, you'll know what I'm thinking. A remix in this style would also be a first for vg remixing, I believe (oh pun).I didn't like the vast majority of the music in the game, but and are absolute gems. If for no other reason, you should zophar it for those two. And no, you're not the only one who hears Blue Fields in Queen Fury, but I don't think that detracts too much.So, I'm seconding the remix request by adding my two favorites to the list!
  17. By George, halcgoo, you've done it again! This is another head-bobbingly enjoyable remix from halc. But a simple descriptor of 'fun' wouldn't do this one justice, as the breakdown at 1:30 is highly emotive. In fact, the majority of this remix balances the lighthearted with the profound... and does so successfully. The conflict, sorrow, or contemplativeness that is incorporated is meshed perfectly with the more airy aspects. As to the lattermost, 2:41 was the capper of smilingness. As always, the layering of and creativity in instrumentation of halc's remixes shine. As has been said, the strings were magnificent. Chiptunes, though at the front, are simply a part of the concert. Bravo.
  18. Sounds more to me like a thought process than actual verbal praise. And when you're thinking with your other head that's kinda what happens.
  19. I still want the drink.
  20. Also, if anyone can whistle, and I mean really whistle, doing so would make for a perfect outro on more than one track. For the suggestion box. Because it's appropriate, let's break this down like so... The good: I have retitled, retagged and reordered the existing minipsf library so it conforms to the Complete Tracks listing. I threw in a playlist and a readme addendum explaining the changes. All credit for the ripping belongs to the original ripper, someone42. I e-mailed him as a courtesy to ask if I can submit this revised version to zophar's and other mirrors, but for now the rar can be found here. Saunders, thank you for your offer; please feel free to take and host as you desire. The bad: there are still 15 tracks from CT that are not in the rar. Make that 16 tracks missing from the game once the music to the final movie (NA, possibly PAL as well) is included. They are missing because, as I have come to understand, it is impossible to convert streaming audio into a psf or minipsf format. This is because streamed music is played directly from the CD without being stored in the console's memory and passed through it's audio chip (this might be a crude explanation, but I think it's roughly accurate). Yep, you guessed it, all 16 tracks are streamed, not sequenced. This leaves us with 16 better-sounding tracks, but 16 tracks that cannot be converted into a game-specific audio format. The ugly: these 16 tracks can be ripped from the game as wavs. So far, I haven't been able to convert them to mp3s (or ogg, etc); using the rip utility I have (Cube Media Player) gives poor qual and using FreeConverter to convert to mp3 after-the-fact gives snaps - so we're left with 290mb of music. And that's just super for bandwidth, neverminding the potential copyright issues with distributing game music in a common audio format, which right there is the real show-stopper. One could argue that, since the soundtracks were remastered, that distributing a wav/mp3 of the original game music isn't actually violating the copyright, but I'm fairly certain this wouldn't fly. And I'm fairly certain it's not a risk this site should take, which is why I'm not going to post any links here without explicit permission from site staff. If it were just me... but it's not, and I don't want to risk getting ocr in trouble. Feel free to PM me if you want the link to the music for the final movie; I think it would be ok to post it here since it's not on any soundtrack, but I'd rather be safe. That's not the answer we wanted, but I at least hope that the revised track listing is of some use.
  21. Didn't mean to imply you needed my help - far from it! Any bloke could see the results of your efforts. I'm simply following through with what I said I'd do, as this project has most certainly garnered interest. I'll be around, and offer stands, through fruition. At the very least, it will be a new experience giving the occasional spam to a project thread while tracking it from start to finish!
  22. I do!Know who else does?
  23. Bumping this request in case no one has responded since Siamey's stuff is solid. (I see four claimed on the op with no collabs) Elmina and Zeik? Jack would be piisssssed. Congrats! Jade - I'll re-rar (and re-title, etc as required) the psf in Complete Tracks order over the next few days and find somewhere to host it. By Saturday at the latest. Hardly seems you need it now though; you've filled almost the entire Complete Tracks with remixers! And big names at that! I'm glad to see that your effort is paying off in spades. Three Boomerang tracks, three phenomenal remixers. I'm already ecstatic.
  24. G is for
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