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Everything posted by Halt

  1. Alright, first off. Holy shit. Someone made a football related thread in OCR. O.O and Destillat: Jim Leonhard from the Jets is a local in my Area :]. GO RAVENS!
  2. Please do. I'm Learning Fragment of a Dream/Dream's Creation on guitar, essentially the same song as far as my ear can tell. So like in a couple days bug me about it, I love mitsudas work far too much to drop learning another song of his.
  3. Well, its not time restrictions, I have LOADS of time. Its like this, I'm setting up for OHC and whatnot, 10 mins before. I get a call. "Hey Cody we're going here and here and doing this and that." My friends and I don't plan shit, we just go at a moments notice, sometimes I get a call as they pull into my driveway as well . Things just happen to pop up. So yeah. And JUST now I lost all motivation to work on music, my whole "I'll do it later" is kicking in. Lame. D: Although, I'm going to practice guitar anyways.
  4. I normally don't have time for it, something always gets in the way, sleep, school, or friends usually. But I'll take some of the advice here and start up on the track i started last night :]
  5. I like Mitsuda's Style alot. its not so much classical in ChronoCross, but elegant. Yet, I carry more trance/electronic plugins and instruments in my arsenal, so I seem to be going for the fast paced drums, but also like the smooth melodys of mitsuda. Plus, yeah OHC is good, but I work best when I have more then 1 hour to work.
  6. Well, I just may be interested in collaborating with someone after i send in my sample material to Oinkness and see what his verdict is. If anyone is interested, let me know.
  7. It has finally came to my attention that one of the HUGE reasons why I'm not progressing musically, is distraction. I've noticed I plan to work in FL Studio and Practice guitar, but what happens is, I end up playing a video game/watching a movie. like tonight, i work a little bit in FL and guitar. What are some ways to keep me in the groove of constantly working and practicing? Some people said, schedule a time when you do all this. This doesn't work for me, since I am inconsistent with everything I do. However, I do plan to ease up on the video game playing. I don't watch movies much, but i have a few I could watch at night. So, my plan is to take all this free time I have, and be more productive. Some good ways to keep practicing guitar and working with FL, would be like what? Ideas are what I need here
  8. I've sat in his living room, I have to say myself he has a nice place.
  9. whoa wait. DC13 Jammed with him? I thought he was sleeping the whole god damn time. hahaha. Man, ima have to talk to him. Nice meeting you guys though. Hopefully I will see you next year MAGFest was really everything i didn't think it would be. I had more fun going to concerts and hanging out with people then playing games at all. I had a great time, almost ran out of money and such hahaha. Thanks for the great time everyone, hopefully i can see you all again next year.
  10. Halt


    lmfao, I'm all off to the side. hahaha :3
  11. haha. You're Welcome :3. To Bahamut: Oh, Alright.
  12. Well, Its Christmas eve, and a gift has not arrived, Maybe its late? Not sure! Thought I'd say something cause i heard there was a bit of a mix up or something?
  13. Again, HAPPY BIRTHDAY ;D
  14. Happy Birthday dood!!!!
  15. Why is it so opening and trusting. Well, Good people sharing alot of the same things. Video Games, Music, Hugs(Everyone Likes Hugs, don't deny it).
  16. I have another one! - Get back in shape, and gain more muscle.
  17. Be a better person, was my last years goal. As it turned out, I just quit giving a damn. Had some problems with some people, and yeah. I believe i became a better person. I never used to try to help people very often. Now I do, although I still get called an ass for taking life for what it is, it is what it is, ya know? but for Oh'10 My GOALS are: (yeah i have more then one!) - Learn to play the guitar - Learn song structure - Better Social skills, in the sense of just being able to talk to be and not feel so damn awkward. Its a work in progress. - Get along with my brother Thomas better, Hope this happens someday.
  18. Where has my Slut been? :(

  19. We all know when Brushfire gets involved with things, it turns out hilariously awesome. And by that I mean, its funny AND awesome. Best combo ever. I too like this whole idea of a music video though. And I vote brushfire for videocamera man. hahaha
  20. I like my mouse and keyboard. Faster reaction times imo. Then all my friends like to use a controler for FPS's why I don't know :\
  21. I got a friend who might want that.
  22. Do take into consideration man, Christmas is this month. I think wes said at some point try to get it there before christmas.
  23. Man, Best part of last the live podcast, was when i got myself kicked. I actually listened to it several times over. The reactions from Stevo and brush, priceless. :]
  24. Hey guys. I'd just like to say something. Honestly, this show is a HUGE stress reliever for me. You guys make me laugh, smile, and play kickass music. When Stevo said this is an awesome community. He's right. So, thanks for making my normally shitty weeks awesome. :] Best god damn podcast ever. PICS will be taken at MAG, and even though i hate pictures, i will try to get lots of pics with ocr people :3. Thanks again guys, So stressed out with finals and shit, made my weekend a little bit easier. Don't stop this PodCast!
  25. I agree with Kyle.. None the less. I cannot wait, don't work too hard guys!
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