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Everything posted by Halt

  1. I have minecraft, but im a bit confused when playing. even though reading the wiki and such
  2. Happy birthday!
  3. TOTALLY. lol
  4. Is this confirmed? Because if it isn't and you posted this. Fuck you. I played the shit out of this series.
  5. Love The Way by Five Times August.
  6. Bump. Its game day. GO RAVENS!
  7. Hahahaha. I lol'd I'm sure the lions will win. They should have beat the bears. But we all know how refs can be sometimes. And win by more then 3
  8. A true hero indeed. I do hope his family can move on. This is so sad. :[
  9. I think you can actually get a pin cleaning/replacement kit off of ebay if my memory is serving me correctly/
  10. OCR Made me want to learn how to play the guitar. I just recently started taking it seriously. Video Game music is awesome and I hope to be able to play a lot of my favorites in the future. Thank you OCR <3
  11. Ahh. I keep up with most of the NFL, even if I don't watch the game I still find out who did what and stats and whatnot.
  12. Deven, you know I love you and everything. But in 36.1, you interrupted a lot. hahaha. It's all "I don't care if he's talking" xD.
  13. Don't even tell them its VG music at first. Just say, hey listen to this man "DOOD THIS IS AWESOME!" Then go to www.ocremix.org man, theres lots more of this stuff That's how i got some friends involved.
  14. Happy birthday dood!
  15. What did you just say. ITS TOO COMPLICATED? WHAT. You pick players for a team. and get points based on how they do, so many yards might = 3 points or whatever the commish sets it up to be.. Bye weeks come into play, injuries all that. I don't see what's complicated. I've been in fantasy leagues for like the past 5 years. You don't really do anything but manage your team. It's all luck.
  16. Drunken podcasts? This is going to be so very awesome.
  17. Stay around the forums . Don't leave us! We love you.
  18. Halt

    I'm going to assume you saw my collection of carts. Those are no longer in my possession, I'm just to lazy to remove it. But sorry to say, I don't. I saw one copy in my life, and it was way too much. Try ebay :)

  19. Although I do agree with you. I look at the iphone for example, and the 360s indie game marketplace. The iPhone has all those cool ass apps. Even though its portable they are still fun. And then the XNA stuff, anso eats that shit up like no tomorrow. I wish more consoles were open source to a point where 3rd party devs could implement little things like apps and stuff.
  20. So these past couple weeks I'm just been playing scales and random few songs I know. Should I start with Chords and Chord changes? A month or two ago I started taking guitar seriously. (Even though I've owned one for two years) Maybe someone could give me a run-down of what a fairly beginner guitarist should work on. The important and boring shit. I'd like to get some suggestions from people who can play.
  21. I shall be getting this tomorrow when I wake up :3
  22. Works fine for me. Also, I might sub something this month for the first time ever.
  23. I suck at chess, but I'm in. I like playing so maybe I'll get better.
  24. I know :\ I just don't like iTunes, and I own a zune.
  25. Awesome. I will be an active listener again. I've had a long hiatus... I'll find time maybe listen it up in the coffee shop off campus and get some other people into it.
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