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Everything posted by SoulinEther

  1. Really? I've beaten it twice with 100% and I don't remember that the stuff behind secret areas were too intense... What I DIDN'T like about the secrets of Symphony (sounds like a great game title) was that to figure out half of them, you needed a real creative imagination or to get real lucky in doing something that coincidentally hit a secret to figure a lot of them out. The one secret I remember most vividly was that one switch that your demon familiar had to hit ... that was just really weird. In that way, I do appreciate that, for the most part, the GBA/DS games aren't heavily secret-dependent, or that there are ways of figuring out those secrets à la Castlevania 2 (though in more correct, less Japanese-Shakespeare English).. especially in Order with the cats. And Sindra, I agree. The pre-castle areas were fairly expansive and added quite a lot to the game. But once you got into the castle, it was just a matter of getting yourself around and finding three (well, 5) glyphs. I'll be honest, I was surprised when the castle appeared in game, sort of, because the beginning part was pretty difficult at times. But the Castle... it was only hard till I found Nitesco. Oh well. I've pretty much nothing left do to in that game, other than take Albus through all of the game at Lvl. 1 (plus max health/mp/heart upgrades... there's no way in hell I can make it when 3 hits kill you everywhere you go lol). And it's not that interesting to me, either, anymore.. (the music, however, is growing on me and my keyboard can attest to that lol) And wifi? What a joke those races are. I'd rather see some serious Shanoa/Albus PvP (though I'd bet it would be laggy...).
  2. Haha, that's fine; there are no real rules about whether or not your writing can be sexual. I just wrote it in the manner of a Viagra commercial, with some "expert" (someone horny, I suppose) sharing information with the audience. "Like to write? It doesn't have to be a sexual thing, you know.." meh lol.
  3. Well, if you sold cheap noodles for poor college students, I'm sure you'd find takers on them 2X hoodies, and raise quite a sum of money for OCR in the process, along with our collective level of sodium intake.
  4. ...lol. wow.
  5. Uhh I think I saw it on thasauce, so it's sort of like... when you have the chance to unlock something mid-game, but if you miss the chance, you can get back to it later? maybe.
  7. Heh, if you're referring to my post on the front page (might not be), Ultima Exodus was an NES game. Though your story reminds me a bit of my brother who is your age.. me being his younger brother meant I've gotten some exposure younger. Hell, all I've had left is a Gamecube and a Dreamcast since he's left, but I sort of became addicted to lineage 2 (+ Diablo 2) on the PC so... console were not needed, heh. Same, but 1994 for me.
  8. I think there's merit behind each. If you draw something, it has to look good when shrunk down to 100x100 pixels, but it will certainly be more original. Unless you suck at drawing. Then you can probably take ready-made (probably well-designed) art/graphics from games and make them work. Comin up next from me: Samus Strut.
  9. Another one, though this is a lot more general. I played Diablo 2 (and expansion) for about 4-5 years, and almost solely in hardcore mode. In hardcore mode, once you die, your character can no longer be used, so the challenge is to never die. In the time that I was still playing it, and even for about a year or so after, if I was anywhere, and I just closed my eyes and imagined the D2 game screen, and imagined my health bar rapidly dropping, my heart would race. Sad. But true.
  10. Sorry, I meant Pentium Dual-Core... I don't believe Pentium D is the same thing. Alternatively, you could probably get a Phenom X4 processor + mobo for around 200, too. Don't know if the four cores will really redeem it; Intel seems to have the upper hand on processors.
  11. I thought it was an OK length. If it was too short, it was because it was so enjoyable that I didn't want it to end, I guess. If anything, I wish the castle itself had more Metroidian elements: areas that you couldn't explore until you unlocked a new skill. The main goal-item-skill-things were Paries, Volaticus, and the three Cerberus glyphs.. hardly challenging. The castle, therefore, could have been a little bigger. Not necessarily the size of Symphony's.. but bigger.
  12. Hehe, it's ok. Now you know about them, lol.
  13. I knew the lewd signature would do this competition justice.
  14. If it wasn't a gaming memory, then yes, because you're going off topic, much like I am right now...lol.
  15. If you remove the drums and slow it down you could just call it ambient, lol.
  16. You know, honestly, I was a little unsure about that too. I googled Kitty Hawk, just to make sure, and the closest thing I could find was that aircraft carrier. I suppose, though, if you could construct such a huge ship, it'll probably take up multiple screens and therefore would serve as a sort of ladder to reach that high area...
  17. My thoughts (and possibly terrible suggestions): This kick needs more boom/low freq. This sounds... close, real, and weak. Perhaps combine it with the old kick for a better sound, EQ this and get rid of some of the highs or summat? It's less noticeable towards 0:54, but at the beginning when it's kind of the only sound, dunno. Perhaps I am biased; I did like the old kick. Again, this might be because I liked the old sound, but this new lead seems to really stick out.. really high, and on these headphones, which are a little mid-rangey/trebly, is rather loud. And because of their presence, at 2:12, when you take it away even for a second, everything seems quiet, and i feel a loss of energy. Sounds a lot drier, too, probably because you took out some reverb or something. I did like how it made things sound...fuller, like around 1:36. Right now at 1:36 the mids strike me as feeling neglected, whereas before it was the highs. I am trying to hear what Rozo commented on earlier about the hi-mids and low-highs... dunno. (I seem to disagree with some of his critiques too, which makes me feel like my opinion is wrong... though I don't believe that's truly possible.) 3:40: sorta feels...overwhelming. The lead and the synth (guitar i guess) seem to be loudly competing in the same/close range. I sort of liked the subtlety and distancing of the old lead because you could either choose to listen to the synth or the guitar, and it always kept the whole listening affair pretty novel and fun. And because they didn't compete so much. I think if you could find a way to push the lead a little bit back (especially when it's competing that synth guitar thing as mentioned above) it would sit better. I do like it, still, though. Now I feel awkward. I wonder what other people think. Basically, I feel the lead doesn't sit so well here (though it can be made to fit), and that the kick could use more bass and less.. uhh, punch?
  18. You still have to kill Death to get to the area passed the Cerberus heads (to eventually go see that n00b dracula). That room you're talking about with the medusa heads, is that in the Clock Tower? You might not be noting the magnet attached to the big gear. Describe the room? There are several rooms with Medusa heads flying in them. Or........ if you have unlocked the Training Hall, you could go through it and get the Redire glyph which lets you create your own flying magnet. It might be a little tough though, depending on your level. Just stock up on that one health recovery item that, with the Emperor Ring, should recover most of your health. Edit: lol, technically, even if you do get up to that section of the library (say, with the Redire glyph), you won't be able to proceed because it's sealed off. You must enter the next area through the Cerberus screen. But if you do make ship replicas or hot air balloons or airplanes, I'd be very interested in seeing a picture of it (and perhaps taking it )
  19. Brought it in with us from the US. I was about 5 when that happened, lol. Oh and, when I think about it, Ultima Exodus for NES taught me how to read and write (at 4)... so I think it has made a profound impact on my life. "Cure" "heal" and "open" have strong NES-related connotations in my mind.
  20. Interesting. For me, so far at least... it was when I was in Egypt playing MM2 in Dr. Wily's area. Every time I would get to the last stage, the power would go out, and I had to restart the whole area from scratch. It happened four times. I don't know why I didn't just wait till the rolling power outages stopped. I think I shared this story before. But an interesting topic.
  21. Alright. Your main problem right now I think is that you can't pass the three cerberus heads. Have you killed Death, Eligor, and completely explored the library? Wait... Medusa heads? Are you not using Magnes on the magnets? (This may be the issue.) just don't want to spoil the game for you without your consent, lol.
  22. So, I burnteded me an mp3 cd for my car once upon a time, and I had this gem stashed away in my music folder that I never use to listen to songs on my computer. Long story short: one day while driving home one late night, I hear this sound on the speakers: it's almost like a vomiting noise. I wondered if something was wrong with my car, or if in general there was something to be worried about, like hungry, angry zombies attacking my car to eat my brain, right? But alas, I was mistaken. It was just an awesome Heatman remix that I hadn't heard in a long time. It's disgustingly and infectiously and zombie-eating-your-brains-delicious-brains good.
  23. just imitate tina fey playing sarah palin. oh God the horror.
  24. Hum. You're better off getting a new motherboard. DDR1 ram has gone out of date, and besides, DDR2 ram is much cheaper. So that means you'll need to buy: -A new mobo. -New CPU. -New RAM. -Probably a new license for Windows, unless you bought Win XP like in a box (in other words, not OEM, which should mean that you can install it on the new system without trouble) once upon a time. Or you have Win2k or older. Or you do some illegal activity (which I absolutely do not condone (anymore)). Or you get Linux, or some other free OS. -New graphics card, though if your new motherboard has an AGP card, or an ok built-in one that you won't mind using, you won't need to. (though that card is really kind of dated... not sure how it compares to say Intel's latest dedicated graphics card) -Possibly a new power supply unit, if your current one will not handle the new motherboard + cpu + other new components. I haven't checked out prices in a few months (was computer shopping for school lately), but... you can probably get a good deal on an Intel CPU+mobo combo at tigerdirect.com or newegg.com. I've read pretty positive reviews about that one cheap dual-core Celeron (i've heard it's pretty overclockable) but you'd probably work best with at least a Pentium D or Core 2 Duo. There's this new CPU thing from Intel coming out... not so sure about it. Expect to spend anywhere from $80-200 for a motherboard + cpu. (even more if you want more high-end leetness) On the issue of ram. 2GB should be plenty (2 sticks; 1GB each), and can be pretty cheap, like $10-$20 ($10 here). If you need 3 or 4 GB... well, that could run you $20-$40. Shop around. Try to get the fastest ram that you can find (like 800 mhz).. although there's this whole CAS timing/latency thing that, while rather confusing, is also important on speed. I doubt you'll be complaining though with whatever build you make in comparison to what you have now. Windows XP Home OEM can be less than or around $100. Vista Basic OEM can run that much too. A new graphics card... well, almost anything now should be faster than what your old computer had. So, you can be looking at anywhere from FREE (Fry's occasional sales comes to mind) to $200 depending on what you get. I just know nvidias: the 7 series kinda sucked (7xxx), and the 8800 was pretty popular, a while ago. If you're using CAD, this ... might be important, so definitely research this a little bit. And then newer Nvidia 2xx series cards can cost more; like 400-500. So.. yeah. PSUs can be pretty cheap. I'd estimate $20-$50. I'll let you do the math, mr. engineer (lol) ps don't forget to put speedholes into the side of your case. it makes the computer go faster!
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