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Everything posted by SoulinEther

  1. Alright. Excellent. Now... to write down the idea without writing it actually down? There's my challenge lol.
  2. If writing music were like slashing wrists, then that would be the equivalent of taking a razor and proceeding to gouge out your eyes with it. You SHOULD be ashamed of yourself..! (wow lame smiley) (so hoping i didn't miss a subtle nuance.)
  3. OMG. Me too. (And to think I just wasted OCR's bandwidth in posting this message.)
  4. Double-posting, but I got a question: what do I do if I have an idea for something I'd like to write (now) for the next round, but we're in between rounds? Can I write it now and still use it in the next round?
  5. I would opt for a mobile version of the website. However, is there a large enough demand for such HTML/CSS coding? And would it be worth it? Maybe a linear theme would work for the main page, something that wouldn't require too much coding or work but will still be accessible across many mobile platforms of varying screen widths. And for the forums... well, I'm certain there's a mobile theme available for vBulletin. oh and btw, i'm pretty sure if you wanted to keep up with the latest remixes, you could just grab the remix RSS feed. edit: here's the link for the page with them feeds. http://www.ocremix.org/info/Feeds
  6. I check this thread every day in an effort to discover some deeper meaning. All in vain edit: there was some mention of viagra... where... could one go about.. er... hm.. never mind.
  7. I thought it conveyed some of the emotions in the story. Only gripe was that I wish it faded out better.. like sustain the last note on the piano and perhaps go w/a longer last note for the flute.
  8. I didn't have the source to go by, but I did play the game like 6 times...... I didn't recognize the music until about 1:44 when the melody was played by strings(?). Then the rest all fell into place. I think it's pretty neat. But I can't say anything production-wise.
  9. For posterity's sake, NO discussion of copyright is complete without including the views of Richard Stallman! http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/reevaluating-copyright.html Boo on copyright111!1 (i haven't read it in a while, not sure what he really says, but just skimming the last paragraph, basically: copyright should be for users, not the creators/publishers... if we don't accept certain copyright powers, then they stop applying hurray!) And this intellectual property? Ho hum! http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/not-ipr.html (well this is a more interesting read). And no, I don't belittle Stallman's views.. and I'm not pushing my anti-copyright views either Just posting it to prove a point that this thread is pretty useless. Mr. JackKeiser, I suggest instead of trying a method of FUD (fear/uncertainty/doubt) with the larger OCR community, you instead approach DJP in private about this matter - I'm sure you'll have your fears assuaged. Or.. you can have a nice discussion with him about what you might do, and things can be handled in a more formal / less chaotic manner.
  10. I question not the execution (I mean it is pretty well designed), however I am not sure if I like the style. i might use it nonetheless lol. /insertniceworkguyhere -->
  11. If someone could speak/rap/sing that story in a remix of ice cap zone, it would be winnar. And if nothing else, it'll be on OLR, regardless of quality.
  12. In 55 years, this site plays you! But... In response to your letter, my favourite color is blue, and yes, we do have french fries in England, but we call them, "chips." Love, Ringo
  13. a drawing for my short story is fairly simple. I described the suns, potentially a darkness of barracks, and lots of marijuana. And the dissolving of a man.? Or you could just throw together a bunch of colors and call it a day. Really. it's your choice.
  14. the problem is... on ocremix.org's main page, all you see is "looking for writers of short stories..." Prophet of mephisto: you might want to change the title of this thread to read "looking for artists for a collaborative effort (non-ocr)" or something of the like.
  15. Essentially what I hypothesized.
  16. I myself (truly) wonder what was the impact of OCR's contribution of a soundtrack to this game on sales. It's obvious some people got the game because of the soundtrack, but really, how many downloads did it push?
  17. Sweet, the badge has come. (i'm all excited)
  18. I think at this point, we need to collect the body of literature available and create a new thread calling for artists. And of course.... I ain't doing it
  19. it's not really a comment on your work but i'm realizing how chapel of dissonance from Harmony is a lot like the stage 1 theme from Rondo/Dracula X...
  20. Oh... there's a piano. I swear I didn't hear it when i was listening to it earlier. that or i just didn't pay attention to it.
  21. Damn this is like, let-the-good-times-roll-2008. Congratulations. Note the paper in his hands conveniently covering her hand. Ah I'm just teasing. really. congrats.
  22. in case someone doesn't know the source... (i mean, come on, I grew up on this game. finding out samus was a chick was part of my childhood!) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pp96K7733qw filled with flashing screwattack thing and all. I am ze worst person to give you ze crticisms, having never remixed in my life (aside from, well, tinkering with a castlevania tune here or there in my spare time with 0 formal musical training) but I do listen to this thing we call "music" and I hope i'll be of some use until Rozovian comes around and does his thing - at least on the creative side. Blah blah I know there should be like... that checklist i follow. This feels like the buildup to a potentially explosive Sixto-like track. But it doesn't go there. ...It doesn't really go anywhere. I say this because you switch to the theme's introduction at 1:20 and the drummage in my mind lends itself to wanting to go somewhere, military-like. If you're going for a more relaxing, mellow feel, I don't know. I think you need start varying up what's playing at 0:47. take it somewhere new. interpret the source, change something about the melody/bassline. bring in a new instrument? change dynamics? i don't know if counterpoint would work so well if you wanna relax to it, it might get distracting, maybe it would if it were quiet or if the roles of the old and new melodies switched? And there's that one bass note that repeats over and over again in the original theme's intro. you can try messing with that maybe. i dunno.
  23. Uhm, this song reminds me of "Gonna Paint a Wagon" from The Simpsons' corny musical show. But it's got less cheesy lyrics (none) and a whole lot more cheer. It kind of comes out of my speakers and tries to draw a smile on my face. I wonder what it'll do to me if I listen to it through headphones - dear God, I might actually smile! Plus: it come from a game that nobody (not even their mothers) has heard of, but quite possibly has one of the most winnar titles out there. (not rly)
  24. I mean, there could be a ghoul behind you and you have to run with it.
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